My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1153: Concern
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Chapter 1153: Concern

Chapter 1153: Concern

Camille subconsciously furrowed her brows, looking at Sienna with some displeasure. Her expression

seemed to convey, "Do you even know what you're saying? What kind of thoughtless words are


Sienna bit her lip slightly, her facial expression turning slightly subdued. She said, "Oh, don't look at me

like that. I'll feel a bit embarrassed."

Camille sighed silently, then got up from the bed. Her mood seemed a bit off. Sienna cautiously asked,

"What's wrong with you?"

Camille's face still carried a hint of coldness. She asked Sienna in a low voice, "I want to ask you a


Camille looked serious, making Sienna instantly nervous. Sienna quickly asked, "What's the matter?

About whom? Can you give me a hint? You look serious, and it scares me a little."

Sienna also entered the bedroom, walked to the bedside, pulled over a chair, and sat down. Her eyes

had not left Camille's face since Camille mentioned she had something to talk about.

Sienna's strong curiosity was something Camille was well aware of. So, seeing Sienna in this state,

Camille wanted to tease her a bit.

Camille sighed lightly and said, "It's just a small matter, not really someone's business. I just don't know

how to make a choice. I'm afraid my choice might be too harsh and unfair to the other party. But the

things the other party did are truly unreasonable, and it's a bit hard for me to accept."

After Camille finished speaking, Sienna's curiosity intensified.

Looking at Camille's current expression, Sienna became even more surprised. She asked in a low

voice, "What exactly happened?"

Camille said, "If I tell you, can you help me figure out what to do? And, please keep it a secret?"

Sienna nodded eagerly, but her expression showed extreme unease. She was afraid that the matter

Camille was about to reveal was something she didn't dare to guess. So, she displayed a mix of

wanting to know and being afraid to know.

Camille pretended not to notice her state, controlled the urge to laugh, and then calmly spoke, "The

recent events seem to be related to Preston. Last night, I saw Kian messaging Ayan. He probably

suspected early on, so he had Kian investigate. He probably didn't want me to know, fearing it would

put me in a difficult position!"

With Camille's words, Sienna's eyes widened. She stared at Camille, somewhat incredulous, and

asked, "So, the thing you want to talk about is related to Preston?"


"That's not a big deal. You've got me all nervous for nothing."

"What did you think it was about?" Camille chuckled lightly, her smile suggesting, "Did you miss the

juicy gossip?"

Rolling her eyes, Sienna's expression turned somewhat melancholic. She said, "I thought you were

going to talk about something between you and Ayan."

"What could there be between him and me?"

"No, nothing. That's why I was worried and nervous."

Camille, mimicking Sienna's tone and demeanor, asked, "Did Rex say something to you?"

"What did he say?" Sienna looked puzzled. Camille casually said, "Didn't he tell you anything about


"Of course not. We never discuss anything related to him privately." Perhaps worried that Camille

wouldn't believe her, Sienna hurriedly added, "I promise you, absolutely not. If there's anything, I would

definitely be the first to tell you."

Camille smiled and said, "Don't be nervous. Really, I was just asking casually. Your reaction makes me

wonder if you're hiding something from me."

Camille winked playfully, prompting Sienna to quickly change the subject, saying, "Let's talk about

something else. Honestly, if we continue like this, we might end up going our separate ways today."

Sienna laughed and continued, "Why are you worried about Preston's matter? It has nothing to do with

you. Whatever he decides to do is his personal problem. As for you, although you and he are friends,

it's just friendship. After all this time and everything that has happened, do you still feel guilty? Cami,

we are indeed kind people, but our kindness shouldn't be squandered by others, right?"

Sienna's patient analysis and consolation made Camille nod gently. Camille squinted slightly, silently

took a deep breath, and then said calmly, "You're right. I shouldn't have any worries. I shouldn't let his

actions stress me because it's not something I caused. It's all his personal behavior, isn't it?"

"Yes, so why worry?"

"Right, you're correct."

"Did you instantly feel better? No discomfort at all in your heart?"

Camille nodded lightly and said, "Yes."

"See, see? I guess I'm the one you love more, right? Am I the one who holds more weight in yournovelbin

heart? If I dare say I'm second, no one would dare claim to be first."

"Well, you're right. What you say is always right. So, second, can we go out now?"

"Sure, get up."

Camille got up, washed up, changed her clothes, and then went out with Sienna.

The two had the driver take them to their usual mall. Sienna had already arranged everything in

advance. When they arrived at the brand store they were visiting today, the store manager had already

brought out the new products to the VIP room, waiting for them. Even though the gifts were for the

company's employees, with the sponsorship money from Rex, Sienna didn't mind spending it. She

wasn't even the least bit reluctant.

Sienna gave handbags to the women and wallets to the men. Though there was a price difference,

women often needed handbags for various occasions, and sometimes a woman's war against others

could be won with just one bag.

After shopping, the driver helped carry their things to the car, and then the two went to another store to

buy gifts for themselves. Camille bought a matching long skirt. When she saw the dress, she couldn't

help mentioning the events of Talia coming over last night. She told Sienna all the details, who burst

into laughter, completely oblivious to the fact they were still in public.

Camille almost wanted to escape and pretend not to know her.

After she finished laughing, Sienna slowly said, "Sorry, I couldn't help it. It's just too funny. Who is this

fairy godmother? She's practically a goddess from heaven. Think about it. If Ayan really abused you,

wouldn't she have chopped him on the spot?"

Camille looked at Sienna with an expression of speechlessness. Her eyes were a bit too cold, lacking

any trace of emotion. She asked calmly, "So, should I ask him to beat me?"

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