My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1152: Slow Reaction
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Chapter 1152: Slow Reaction

Chapter 1152: Slow Reaction

Camille nodded slightly, responding in a low voice, "I understand what you mean. It's not that I blame

myself, I just can't comprehend why he's always like this. Does he only find satisfaction and happiness

when everyone around him is miserable?"

Ayan chuckled lightly, then calmly said, "Probably. His actions are driven by his selfish and narrow-

minded nature. It has nothing to do with anyone else; it's his personal problem."

Ayan had investigated this person extensively, but he still didn't feel like he truly understood him.

However, he didn't have the leisure to delve deeply into understanding someone who was ultimately


Letting out a heavy sigh, Camille's expression turned somewhat indifferent. She asked Ayan, "What are

you planning to do this time?"

He said, "Right now, I don't plan to do anything. All the evidence we have is not enough to prove it was

him. The information we found is just related to him, and it's not sufficient to conclude that he

orchestrated everything."

"So, we can't do anything to him?"

"Of course not. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Besides, he hasn't shown up yet, right?

When he does, there are many ways to deal with him. So, why rush now?"

Camille nodded gently, "Yeah, I understand what you mean. I'm just a bit worried."

"Worried about what? Worried he'll bully me?" Ayan smiled lightly, not inquiring if Camille was worried if

this matter was related to Preston and what would happen to him. He would not tolerate any harm

coming to Preston.

After Ayan's words, Camille did not refute at all. Instead, she nodded in agreement. She said, "I don'tnovelbin

know what he's up to. He hasn't made any moves for so long. Do you think he's just a figurehead,

doing all this to strengthen his position and visibility? Maybe he won't actually do anything, just using

this method to assert his dominance?"

Ayan thought carefully in response to Camille's serious tone, then said calmly, "What you said is not

entirely unreasonable. Some things might be just like that. Whether he has a purpose or not is still

unclear. We'll have to wait until he reveals his true intentions. What do you think?"

Camille nodded again, a soft acknowledgment without further comments.

The two didn't continue the conversation on this topic. Due to a message from Kian, Ayan had to make

a call. Concerned that Camille might overthink, he didn't avoid the conversation but dialed Kian's

number in front of her.

Camille proactively suggested, "Shouldn't you make the call in the study?"

Ayan countered, "Why?"

"The less I know about this matter, the better, right?"

"Aren't we a team?"

Camille couldn't help but chuckle at this. She said, "Your words make it sound like we're bullying

someone, don't they?"

"In the eyes of others, we might very well be seen as bullies," Ayan said casually, gently holding

Camille's hand. This gesture naturally implied that he wasn't going to the study to make the call.

After the call connected, Ayan briefly chatted with Kian, inquiring about the authenticity of the matter.

Kian said, "Mr. Simpson, I've personally investigated it. Preston did meet that gossip reporter. Although

there isn't enough evidence at the moment, my investigation won't go wrong. Based on Preston's past

actions and behavior, it's him who did this."

Ayan remained silent, his gaze turning slightly towards Camille. Camille's eyes seemed fixed on

something, lost in her thoughts, completely unaware of Ayan's scrutiny.

After a brief silence, Ayan spoke in a calm tone, "Since you suspect him, keep a close eye on him. Find

concrete evidence. Also, any updates from the police?"

"Not yet," Camille responded.

"Then lead the police towards him!"

Ayan's words were cold, devoid of any emotion or ripple.

Kian quickly acknowledged with a low voice, and the call ended.

Ayan, too, couldn't put down his phone. He gently embraced Camille, saying in a low voice, "It's getting

late, let's rest, okay?"

Camille came back to her senses, nodded gently, and the two went to rest.

However, Camille didn't sleep particularly well that night. Her mind was preoccupied with thoughts of

Preston's actions. His repeated provocations seemed like he was stirring up trouble for no reason, akin

to a rebellious child seeking attention from his parents by behaving obnoxiously.

In Camille's eyes, Preston seemed to fit this description perfectly.

Besides this, she couldn't think of any other possibilities. So, she spent the entire night thinking about

how to make Preston leave her and Ayan alone, to stop him from causing trouble repeatedly. His

intentional provocations were truly vexing.

Camille barely fell asleep near dawn, and Ayan didn't disturb her. After getting up and freshening up,

he headed to the company.

Camille usually didn't have breakfast, and Ayan only ate at home when accompanying her. This

morning, Ayan left without eating, as Sienna came over to wake Camille up.

Sienna had messaged Camille early, suggesting they go out to buy gifts for the company's staff and

design assistants. After passing the preliminary round, it was time to reward everyone for their hard

work and lift their spirits. Sienna understood that Ayan and Camille enjoyed their private time, so she

considerately gave Camille an extra hour of sleep.

However, even though it was past 8 AM, approaching 9 AM, Camille hadn't responded. This was

something Sienna understood. After all, Ayan was youthful and passionate, and the two were

immersed in their world, indulging in affectionate moments. So, Sienna, being understanding, allowed

Camille to sleep an extra hour.

But by now, it was getting late, and there was still no response from Camille. This was something

Sienna couldn't bear.

After all, she had also been tired the previous night, so why drag her heavy body out of bed so early?

Sienna couldn't resist and went to find Camille. She had sent a message to express her gratitude to the

housekeeper, knowing that Camille was still resting. As for Ayan, he had left for the company early in

the morning.

Sienna thanked the housekeeper and then went to knock on Camille's door. With no response, she

gently pushed it open, muttering to herself, "I'm not trying to disturb you, and I'm not trying to intrude on

your personal space. It's just that you're sleeping like a log, and I couldn't wake you up!!"

She walked into the bedroom, and as soon as one foot touched the ground, the room suddenly lit up.

Camille, lying in bed, looked towards the door with a sleepy expression. She had heard Sienna's voice

when she knocked on the door, waking her up, but she was still a bit dazed, causing a delayed


Camille heard Sienna muttering to herself and couldn't help but turn on the light to see what Sienna

was doing.

Their eyes met, and Sienna asked, "Are you awake?"

Camille made a sound of acknowledgment and asked, "What's up?"

"Looking for you. Didn't you see the message I sent?"

Camille reached for her phone and said, "Didn't see it. I slept late last night."

"Is Mr. Simpson that impressive?" Sienna said lightly. "You two already have a child. Take it easy. If you

end up having a second one, Mr. Simpson should be very happy, right?"

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