My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1140: Voluntary
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Chapter 1140: Voluntary

Chapter 1140: Voluntary

"Stop it, don't say more. I'm telling you, this matter is not to be mentioned again."

"Okay, I promise!"

Camille didn't say much anymore, just sighed silently and said, "Honestly, I was so embarrassed at that

time. I didn't know what to do. I really wished the journalist could find a hole to hide in and never come


"I understand. I totally get what you were feeling. I feel sorry for you. It's all my fault. If I had been there,

I could have shared the burden with you," Sienna expressed sincerely, saying, "To make it up to you, I'll

treat you next time."

"Sure," Camille replied casually.

Sienna asked again, "So, how about now? Mr. Simpson isn't angry anymore, right?"

"Yeah, not angry anymore. He's in the study, probably dealing with this matter," Camille replied.

"I wonder what he plans to do."

"I have no idea."

Neither of them was sure.

In the study, Ayan dialed Kian's number the moment he entered.

Receiving Ayan's call, Kian was caught off guard. Ayan's first words were a questioning, "Your courage

is getting bigger. You didn't give me any indication about such a significant matter?"

Understanding his meaning, Kian didn't offer any explanation or excuses, straightforwardly saying, "I'm

sorry, Mr. Simpson. It's my fault."

"How is the situation progressing now?"

Kian truthfully reported the situation, similar to what he told Camille.

Ayan calmly stated, "There's no need to respond to this matter for now. Keep an eye on it and find out

who is behind this account."

Kian acknowledged each instruction. The call ended.

Ayan didn't press him further, which made Kian secretly relieved. Yessica noticed and asked, "What's

going on with you?"

"The plot has been exposed," Kian answered Ayan's earlier questioning. He sighed and added, "It's

really tough for me!"

Yessica laughed, "Honestly, if I were you, I would stand on Cami's side. After all, having inside

information is the most useful. Mr. Simpson won't really do anything to you, will he?"

After Yessica finished speaking, Kian sighed helplessly. He looked at Yessica with a hint of indulgence

and said, "I did it for you. I know you like Mrs. Simpson, and she's good to you. So, I would choose to

stand by her even if there's a risk. It's just that Mr. Simpson has his bottom line, so I can't always stand

by Mrs. Simpson every time. If there's a situation that's really difficult to choose, you won't be mad,


"I won't. Don't worry, Cami won't make things difficult for you, and neither will I," Yessica said earnestly.

Kian felt a little relieved. He was worried that Yessica might have conflicts with Camille, and if that

happened, he would have to put a lot of effort into soothing the situation. Kian wasn't good at

comforting people, so it would be a bit difficult for him.

The two held hands, and they didn't continue the topic. Kian asked Yessica, "When will you come home

to meet my parents? They really want to see you."

Yessica's expression changed, and there was a slow nervousness and concern in her eyes. She said,

"Can you give me a little time to prepare mentally? I'm a bit nervous right now, and I'm not ready yet!"

Kian chuckled softly, "Nervous about what? How about you learn from Mrs. Simpson? My parents are

very nice. They won't make things difficult for you, okay?"

Although Yessica said that, her inner nervousness and worries were still considerable. However, she

could ask Camille about it tomorrow.

Camille was unaware that Ayan had already called Kian. So, when Ayan returned to the bedroom after

dealing with his affairs, Camille gently said to him, "Ayan, there's something I want to ask you for."

Using the word "ask for" indicated that it had nothing to do with him.

Ayan walked over and sat beside her, his voice unusually gentle as he asked, "What do you want to

ask for?"

"Can you not punish Kian after you go to the company tomorrow? Because I asked him for help with

this matter, and I instructed him to do it. You know, if he didn't follow my arrangement, I would probably

speak ill of him in front of you. So, can you agree?" Camille requested.

"Have you considered that if you speak up for him in front of me, I won't be happy? I might develop

some displeasure toward him. The consequences of that are not easy to predict," Ayan hinted with a

tone full of implications. His deep gaze remained fixed on Camille, staring at her unblinkingly. The two

locked eyes in this way.

Camille bit her lip slightly. She said, "I think you will agree. After all, in my heart, you are not only

handsome but also kind. In my heart, you are the best, Ayan. So, you will agree, won't you?"

She was being coaxed by him like a child. Not a single word in her statement was sincere.novelbin

Ayan couldn't help but smile. He said, "If I don't agree, does that mean I'm not kind in your heart?"

"Not exactly. I won't think like that. After all, agreeing to such a thing depends on a person's sincerity. It

can't be forced. Moreover, for such trivial matters, you certainly won't refute me, will you? And, of

course, you wouldn't want to see me truly disappointed, right? If I'm upset, won't you feel distressed?"

Camille was setting a trap for Ayan with every word. Each word was a maneuver, making it impossible

for Ayan to say no.

If he refused, Camille would probably say next that he didn't love her anymore. Because if he didn't

love her, he would be willing to let her feel guilty and upset.

Ayan had already imagined how she would say these words. A faint smile appeared at the corner of his

mouth. He reached out, directly embracing her gently, and said in a low, hoarse voice, "I guess I have

no choice but to agree today, right?"

Camille smiled faintly. She said, "I didn't force you. I'm not holding a knife to your neck!"

"But the way you are now clearly tells me that I must agree without hesitation, or else the

consequences will be a bit serious, right?"

He imitated Camille's tone as he said this, especially when he called his own name. Camille couldn't

help but laugh.

Camille said, "You're not allowed to imitate me."

He said, "Is it too domineering? You even control the way I speak?"

"Yes, I have to control. So, are you going to listen or not?"

"Do I dare not to listen?"

Camille said, "I didn't force you. All of this is voluntary on your part."

"Yes, it's all voluntary on my part. You didn't force me. You just subtly told me it's better to be sensible."

He held Camille's hand and began to act unrestrainedly, but there was no change in his expression. It

wasn't until Camille sensed something was wrong and tried to push him away that Ayan, who wasn't

willing to let go, said, "I've followed your instructions. Shouldn't you give me some praise?"

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