My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1139: Beg
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Chapter 1139: Beg

Chapter 1139: Beg

Ayan said, "I want to see when you'll tell the truth."

Camille fell silent this time, lightly pursing her lips without any response for quite a while. However, theirnovelbin

gazes remained locked, and they continued this way without much reaction.

It lasted for who knew how many minutes until Camille finally yielded to Ayan's intense gaze. She

confessed about the online incident. The more Ayan listened, the darker his expression became. He

asked, "Does Kian know about this?"

Camille was slightly startled, then explained, "Yes, I told Kian not to tell you. I thought I could handle it.

As you can see, now that I've proven my innocence, the other party dares not make a sound."

"So now you're also bribing people around me? It seems I have no say at all!"

His words were full of jokes, but there was a hint of displeasure in his eyes.

Camille asked, "Are you dissatisfied with my actions? I'm sorry; I never thought of influencing Kian's

decision. I just asked Kian not to tell you temporarily. I didn't want to disturb your work or let these trivial

matters affect your mood."

Camille explained each word clearly, but Ayan retorted, "Do you think I care about that?!"

Camille pursed her lips, silent, watching Ayan's displeased expression. She didn't know what to say.

The two locked eyes, each hiding their own guesses and thoughts beneath their gaze.

After an unknown amount of time passed, Ayan spoke again, "You may think these are insignificant

matters, not important at all. But everything related to you is important to me. Do you understand?"

Camille understood Ayan's words, nodded slightly, and said, "I know what you mean. I just..."

"Do you think the other side has no action now because they really can't provide enough evidence

against your self-proclaimed innocence? This is just a kind of public relations tactic. Right now, you've

exposed all the evidence you should. So, no matter what the other side brings out next, you won't be

able to refute it because you've already shown all your cards, haven't you?"

Ayan seriously analyzed the importance of this matter to them. Even though it seemed advantageous

at the moment, the reality might be different.

Everything had a turning point. Since the other party dared to spread rumors and distort their

relationship in this suggestive way, they must have come prepared.

After hearing Ayan's analysis, Camille, who initially felt very confident, suddenly became uneasy.

She looked at Ayan and asked, "What should we do now?"

"Don't do anything."

"Do nothing?"

"Yes, do nothing. Keep those photos for now. See if the other party has anything else to reveal!"

Camille nodded slightly, and this topic was temporarily put on hold.

Although the appearance of this incident made the atmosphere a bit tense, it wasn't an inherent conflict

between them, so the emotions were only temporary. After the waiter served the dishes, their

relationship returned to normal.

Ayan attentively took care of Camille while they ate. They chatted, touching on the design competition

and Camille mentioned the incident with Crystal earlier that day.

Ayan, with an unchanged expression, asked, "Do you have any opinions about her, compared to


"No specific opinions, just feel she's too enthusiastic. We're probably getting old and find it hard to

accept," Camille said lightly.

Ayan disagreed, saying, "In my eyes, you're forever the youngest. Besides, you're not much older than

her, so why feel anxious?"

"I'm not anxious; I'm just reflecting."

"No need for such reflections. As long as she doesn't affect you, it's enough. Regarding interaction, if

you don't like someone, minimize contact. If they seem okay, try to understand and treat them like


Ayan's words prompted a question from Camille, "Are you teaching me how to make friends? Initially, I

thought Crystal had some ulterior motives. Have you dispelled your suspicions about her?"

"I checked; there shouldn't be any issues."


Camille didn't dwell on it. Whatever Ayan said, she responded accordingly.

It was already 8 p. m. when they finished dinner. Despite arriving early, the meal took over two hours.

Exiting the restaurant, Ayan still held her hand as they walked toward the parking lot. The bodyguards

were not in the same car, but as the journalist who took photos was still with them, they followed Ayan

and Camille's car towards Franklin Bay.

Back at Franklin Bay, Camille whispered to Ayan, "The journalist from earlier, did you let him go? Kian

arranged him; he should be reliable. Your actions might scare others."

"I don't like hearing you speak up for others," he said indifferently.

Now it was Camille's turn to be speechless. She naturally closed her mouth and didn't say anything.

But their gazes remained locked, persisting for almost half a minute. Camille didn't compromise, and

Ayan finally said, "Okay, I understand. I didn't intend to do anything to him in the first place. It's just that

the photos from the album can't be released for now, so the camera won't be given to him temporarily."

"Okay," Camille nodded slightly, agreeing.

Back at the villa, Camille went upstairs to change clothes and also informed Sienna about the incident,

making Sienna burst into laughter for a minute.

Sienna said, "Isn't it awkward? Oh my, I can imagine that scene. You can probably build a four-

bedroom house with a living room using your big toe."

Camille remained silent. Sienna could laugh as much as she wanted.

After the laughter, Sienna didn't stop there; she continued to ask, "So, what happened later? Did Ayan

do anything to you? At this point, given his status, he should've used his special CEO way to educate

you. Why can you still chat with me now?"

Camille squinted her eyes, indifferent, and said, "Do you want me to tell him this idea came from you?"

"I'm sorry, I was wrong. My apologies. It was my mistake, and I shouldn't have laughed at you. I'm

really sorry. Please don't take it to heart!" Sienna immediately apologized sincerely, without any tact or

reservation. She truly feared that Camille might tell Ayan because, given Ayan's vengeful nature, her

days wouldn't be easy.

So, it was essential to be wise in these situations.

Camille gave a soft snort, well aware of Sienna's temperament. She said indifferently, "I won't accept

your apology for now. It depends on how you behave. If you don't behave well, I won't let you off."

"Mrs. Simpson, I really know I was wrong. If you, as an adult, can overlook a small person's mistake,

can we just move on? Please?" Sienna pleaded with a smile.

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