My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1113: Damn
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Chapter 1113: Damn

Chapter 1113: Damn

Elijah nodded slightly and said, "I understand Mr. Simpson's meaning." Elijah fell into a brief silence,

then recalled and mentioned several locations around Hance City, some farther away and others

closer. Elijah said, "These are all major addresses because they were all people of the old Simpson.

After the old Simpson left, their connection was cut off, so I don't know the specific contact information."

"Alright, I understand," Ayan continued, "Do you know about the Armstrong family? Do you know the

relationship between the Armstrong family couple?"

Elijah hesitated for a moment, his eyes showing a faint hesitation. Before he could speak, Ayan asked

again, "I want to know why they sent Camille to Flento City to be cared for by a grandmother who has

no blood relation. Whose idea was this?"

Upon hearing the name Camille, Elijah understood that everything was related to her.

His earlier speculations seemed plausible, considering Ayan's relationship with Camille, even if it was a

political alliance. Elijah thought this as he looked at Ayan, who did so much for Camille; it was probably

a case of affection growing over time.

Elijah thought so, and his expression became more natural than before. This change did not escape

Ayan's notice.

However, Ayan did not directly point out Elijah's anomaly. He looked at him with a faint gaze and said,

"I just want to know about Camille. As for other things, I won't inquire, and I won't trouble you. Your

relationship with the Armstrong family doesn't matter to me at all. So, you only need to answer my


Ayan's words made Elijah lose his reservations. Elijah said, "I don't know much about the Armstrong

family. As for why Camille was sent to Flento City to be cared for by a non-blood-related grandmother,

it was because Mrs. Armstrong found it troublesome. But she didn't want to upset the old Simpson, so

they came up with this solution. I remember the old Simpson was a hundred percent against it at the

time, but Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong insisted, and in the end, there was no other choice."

"Is that all?" Ayan asked somewhat incredulously.

Elijah nodded and said, "Indeed, that's all I know. So, I'm not very sure about the truth of the matter. If

you want to know, instead of asking me, it's more practical to ask Mr. Armstrong directly."

Ayan glanced at Elijah indifferently, not paying attention to his last sentence. However, Ayan had

obtained enough information from Elijah. Elijah knew all that needed to be known. Ayan gave Elijah a

brief look and said, "After verifying what you said, I will have my assistant come to take you out of here.

However, once you leave this place, you can only stay in Hance City."

Elijah nodded to show his understanding and watched as Ayan left.

Once out of prison, Ayan immediately ordered an investigation into what Elijah had just said. Although

there were no specific contact details and addresses, after a large-scale search, they found elderly

people who had worked for the Armstrong family and had been with the old Armstrong for many years.

Ayan's people conveyed their intentions clearly, but the other party was very cautious. It was evident

that the old Armstrong had given specific instructions while he was still around, making it challenging to

get any information.

This also meant that Ayan's speculation was correct; there was indeed something the Armstrong family

was keeping from Camille and the Simpson family.

As for whether the old Armstrong has talked to the old Simpson, it's still unknown because the old

Simpson is currently in the hospital. Ayan can't push too hard, so for now, he can only gather

information from people around those old folks.

Ayan has been busy with this matter these past two days.

Since she didn't need to go to the hospital these days, Camille returned to Franklin Bay alone and

waited for Ayan to come back for dinner. However, he hadn't shown up around nine in the evening for

two consecutive nights, and there were no calls either. It was completely unusual.

This continued for two nights, and Camille was feeling displeased.

Ayan arrived home around ten, finding Camille sitting on the sofa with a pillow in her arms. Ayan didn't

notice anything unusual and casually asked, "Why aren't you upstairs? Are you waiting for me?"

Camille didn't respond; her face showed her emotions, and Ayan, upon not hearing a reply, looked

over. Seeing Camille's expression wasn't right, he walked over to her in big strides, sat beside her, and

asked, "Why are you ignoring me?"

Camille glanced at Ayan indifferently, her voice cold, "I'm not."

Alright, when a girl says 'I'm not,' it means she is. Ayan was well aware of this, especially when dealing

with Camille. If she wasn't ignoring him or upset, she would immediately show a lively smile upon

seeing him. Even during busy times, she would at least give him a proper look. But now, she didn't

even want to look at him.

If Ayan still hadn't noticed her anomaly, then he would be truly damn.

After Camille's indifferent response, Ayan reached out and gently held her hand, but Camille

instinctively pulled away. Her face showed unwillingness to let him touch her.

In a hoarse voice, he asked, "Am I making you unhappy by coming back late?"

Camille responded indifferently, "Why would I?"

She showed no expression on her face, her eyes particularly cold and indifferent, looking at Ayan with

a disdainful gaze.

Ayan said, "Are you mad at me for coming back late? I've been busy these two days, so I returned late.

I didn't send you a message because I thought you should know. Kian is not in Hance City, so I need to

handle many things personally. I didn't have time for you, and I apologize. So, give me a chance to

make it up to you, okay?"

Camille looked at him indifferently, and the coldness in her eyes was less obvious than before. Perhaps

after hearing his explanation, she didn't feel as uncomfortable. In a low voice, she said, "No need to

make it up. I don't have any issues; I'll digest it myself."

Ayan whispered, "Really, nothing wrong? If there's anything that makes you unhappy, tell me directly.

Otherwise, I might overlook your feelings. So, please be a bit more proactive with me, okay?"

Camille didn't answer. She didn't say yes or no but continued to look at Ayan indifferently. She asked,

"So, what were you busy with today? I called your office, and your assistant said you weren't there, andnovelbin

you didn't have any business appointments today. So, where did you go?"

Camille's eyes stared straight at Ayan, carrying a sense of probing. Her series of actions made Ayan

couldn't help but smile.

Ayan said, "Are you checking on me?"

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