My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1112: Equality
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Chapter 1112: Equality

Chapter 1112: Equality

"Of course!" Brody answered without hesitation, adding, "It's not that I disagree, but this proposal isn't a

good idea. Both our families have already attracted too much attention. Right now, I just want things to

be calm and low-key. If there's anything, we can discuss it quietly. There's no need to draw attention

this way. I don't want to be the subject of gossip. What do you think, Ayan?"

"You make a valid point. Too much gossip isn't good. However, facts are facts, no matter how much we

try to conceal them. Don't you agree?" Ayan smiled lightly, his eyes piercing as if trying to see through


Brody paused momentarily, his eyes freezing. Eventually, under Ayan's unwavering gaze, he nodded

reluctantly, saying, "That's true."

"If you think there's no need for such verification, then I hope you can treat Camille better."

"Yeah, I understand." Brody nodded without hesitation.

Ayan, with a meaningful smile, left Brody feeling uneasy. Brody had no idea what Ayan was thinking,

and this uncertainty left him with an unsettling feeling.

Ayan didn't linger in the Armstrong family home. After saying what he needed to, he left promptly.

Brody watched him leave, and once Ayan was gone, Brody stood in the garden for a long time without

any movement or reaction, lost in the words Ayan had spoken.

He fell into silence and confusion, eventually picking up his phone to make a call.novelbin

The call was answered quickly, but the tone was unpleasant. "Why are you calling me? Do you think

making a call will make me forgive you? I'm telling you, you're getting more and more out of line. Just

because you're with Preston, do you think you can do whatever you want? Don't think you're the most

powerful, you..."

"Shut up!" Brody ordered in a harsh tone, silencing the other end. "Come back immediately. Don't make

me repeat myself. I have some questions to ask you."

Without waiting for Page's response, Brody abruptly ended the call.

Due to Ayan's visit, Brody's mind was in disarray, forcing him to reach out to Page proactively.

Similarly, Ayan, who also originated from the Armstrong family, directly called Kian. He inquired, "Any

updates from Flento City? The Bill family is aware that our people are investigating. As per your

instructions, we divided our forces into two groups, but the covert team is hesitant to act, fearing the Bill

family might find out. So, there's no significant progress at the moment."

"Try to contact the older staff from the Bill family; they usually spill information. Also, apart from my

grandfather, were there any other associates of the old Armstrong that you're aware of?"

Kian hesitated, "I'm not entirely sure, but Elijah might know. He has been working for the Armstrong

family for many years, so he should have some insights into the old Armstrong's connections. Would

you like me to inquire through Elijah?"

Since most of the old Armstrong's caretakers had retired, finding these individuals was proving

challenging. After the passing of the old Armstrong, generous retirement funds led the caretakers to

leave their positions one after another.

Elijah used to work directly under Brody, handling not only Armstrong Corp matters but also many

miscellaneous tasks for the Armstrong family. During that time, Brody placed unconditional trust in

Elijah, which led to no inquiries into Elijah's responsibilities after he encountered trouble. This remains

a lingering question.

Kian's suggestion momentarily silenced Ayan. Currently, Elijah seemed to be the person most familiar

with the Armstrong family. So, Ayan agreed to Kian's proposal and went alone to the prison. Having

informed them in advance, Elijah was already waiting in the visitation room when Ayan arrived.

Elijah had aged significantly, his face pale and weary, his eyes unusually vacant.

Seeing Ayan, his emotions seemed a bit stirred, but he maintained a calm demeanor and asked, "Mr.

Simpson, what brings you here?"

Ayan, looking at Elijah calmly, suddenly had an idea.

He asked, "How about we make a deal?"

Perplexed, Elijah looked at Ayan and asked, "Mr. Simpson, what do you mean by that?"

Ayan didn't directly answer Elijah's question but stated his intention, saying, "Your current physical

condition doesn't look good. How long do you think you can endure staying in here? Or perhaps, you

don't care about your life? While your son is currently safe, he's idle. Do you think Preston will bother

with him? Certainly not. Currently, Preston has initiated a new collaboration with the Armstrong family,

and based on my understanding of him, it might be another self-destructive move. So, would you like to

make a deal with me and leave this place?"

Elijah's face showed a momentary surprise; he found it hard to believe Ayan's words. He questioned,

"Preston is collaborating with the Armstrong family?"

Ayan offered no response, just a faint gaze at Elijah.

This lack of response increased Elijah's trust in the authenticity of Ayan's words. Frowning deeply, his

expression turned exceedingly gloomy. He looked at Ayan and asked, "What deal does Mr. Simpson

want to make with me?"

"In our deal, we are equals. So, I won't force you into anything. It's entirely up to you if you're willing or

not," Ayan informed Elijah with understanding.

Elijah said, "Since it's equal, can I make a request?"

"Yes, go ahead."

"If I leave this place, I don't want anyone to know, including Sean."

"Agreed." Ayan readily accepted, not knowing Elijah's intentions but having little interest in them. At the

moment, he only sought information from Elijah.

Elijah then asked what Ayan wanted.

Ayan inquired, "Do you understand the Armstrong family?"

Confused, Elijah asked, "I've worked for the Armstrong family for many years, so naturally, I


"Did you know the residences of the caretakers who looked after the old Armstrong when he was


Elijah, becoming more perplexed, asked, "Mr. Simpson, why do you want to know this?"

"It's my business. I said our deal is equal. I won't question why you don't want anyone to know you're

leaving here, and you don't need to know why I want this information."

Ayan looked indifferent as he spoke to Elijah. He had prepared himself for Elijah's curiosity and

potential attempts to mislead him. Whether Elijah would deceive him or not, only time would tell, and

Ayan was not concerned about being manipulated.

Ayan looked at Elijah and asked, "Do you understand what I mean?"

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