My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1101: Flaunt
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Chapter 1101: Flaunt

Chapter 1101: Flaunt

Camille was momentarily stunned upon hearing the old Simpson's words. Her expression became

unusually solemn. She quickly said, "Grandpa, what are you talking about? You're not allowed to talk

nonsense like this. You promised me that you would come back safely. You still have to teach Timmy,

and look at how well you've educated Ayan, shaping his values so positively. So, I want Timmy to

receive your guidance too. Moreover, you have to support me. What if Ayan bullies me?!"

Camille's words made the old Simpson uncomfortable, but he immediately put on a faint smile and

said, "He wouldn't dare. No one would dare to bully you."

Listening to the old Simpson, Camille felt a deep sense of gratitude. She looked at the old Simpson and

said, "Because you are here, no one dares to bully me. So, you have to stay here and be well. Only

when you are well can we be happy."

The old Simpson also looked at Camille. How could he not understand the meaning behind her words?

He looked at Camille, and with a faint smile in his cloudy eyes, he said, "Good child, I understand your

thoughts. I'm not talking negatively. I'm just worried. After all, accidents can happen anytime. There are

some things I've wanted to tell you for a long time, but the timing wasn't right."

The old Simpson's words plunged Camille into silence. This feeling was something she didn't like. It

made her feel like they were about to part ways.

Camille pursed her lips and lowered her head slightly.

The old Simpson looked at her and said, "Cami, open my cabinet and take out the small box in the


Camille hesitated for a moment, then followed the old Simpson's instructions. It was a delicate wooden

box, and it looked quite old.

Camille handed the box to the old Simpson, who took it but didn't open it. Instead, he gently touched it,

saying, "Cami, there are some things in this box for you. I'm handing it to you now. If... if something

happens, you can open it then."

Camille shook her head, "I don't want it, Grandpa. I won't accept it. If you want to give me something,

wait until Ayan and I remarry. Give it to me then. I won't accept it now."

Camille knew that the old Simpson must have prepared a substantial amount of money that she could

spend for a lifetime. She didn't need it. She had enough money. What she wanted was for the old

Simpson to be healthy.

Camille's response made the old Simpson's face exceptionally somber. He stared at her, and his voice

became a bit hoarse. He said, "Cami, listen to me."

"Grandpa, please don't say such things. I don't want to hear them. So, please don't say anything more,

okay?" Camille's voice was slightly hoarse.

Seeing her like this, the old Simpson showed a relieved smile. He spoke softly, "Cami, I told you, these

are just possibilities. I haven't really cursed myself, right? So, don't be afraid. It's okay. Everyone will

experience parting and death. So, don't have any worries or fears."novelbin

Camille remained silent.

The old Simpson continued, "The things in this box were originally meant for you. Even if you don't

want them, keep them for me. If, unfortunately, the situation turns bad, you can open it. If everything

goes smoothly, then return it to me as it is. This way, I can rest assured with you holding onto it. You

can also choose what to do with what's inside. It's good for everyone, right?"

the old Simpson's words left Camille feeling perplexed because she sensed a hint of implication.

This feeling made Camille quite uneasy, but due to her current preoccupation with the old Simpson's

impending hospitalization, she didn't dwell on it too deeply.

After numerous reassurances and persuasions from the old Simpson, Camille finally reached out and

took the box.

Holding the box, Camille said to the old Simpson, "Grandpa, I won't accept it anyway. I'm just holding

onto it temporarily for you. After you're discharged, you should keep it yourself."

"Alright, you're just holding onto it temporarily."


Satisfied with the response, Camille nodded contentedly.

After chatting with the old Simpson for a while, Camille offered words of comfort and encouragement.

She also told him to inform the doctors if anything felt off, emphasizing that they were family, and there

was no need for formality or hesitation.

In the past, these were the things the old Simpson used to say to Camille. Now that the roles were

reversed, the old Simpson felt immensely gratified.

After a long chat, the old Simpson grew tired. The butler brought his medicine, and Camille took care of

him before leaving the room with the wooden box.

Back in the living room, everyone looked at Camille holding the wooden box. Ayan asked, "What's


"It's from Grandpa, but I told him I'm just holding onto it temporarily. I'll give it back to him after he's

discharged," Camille replied with a low-spirited tone. Her eyes were slightly red, catching Ayan's deep

gaze. He instinctively reached out, pulled her to sit beside him, and whispered, "Grandpa trusts you.

Just hold onto it for him."

"Yeah," Camille nodded gently.

No one in the Simpsons family found anything strange about the old Simpson's actions. They didn't

harbor jealousy or calculate intricate schemes. Camille and Ayan stayed at the Simpson's mansion for

a while, discussing the arrangements for the old Simpson's admission to the hospital the next day.

Ayan, Camille, and Fletcher would accompany the old Simpson to the hospital, while Talia stayed to

watch over Timmy. Aria would go to work and visit the old Simpson when she had the time.

Because too many people would attract attention, it wasn't about keeping secrets from each other but

avoiding unnecessary disturbances for the old Simpson. Though the old Simpson had retired from the

business scene, he still commanded immense respect. If news spread that he was hospitalized, many

would rush to visit him.

To prevent such disruptions, they decided to keep the news of the old Simpson's hospitalization


With the plans in place, Camille and Ayan left the Simpson's mansion.

Back in Franklin Bay, after taking a shower, the two lay on the bed. Camille held the wooden box given

by her grandpa, lost in thought.

Seeing her like this, Ayan couldn't help but ask, "What are you thinking?"

"What do you think is inside?"

"Why don't you open it and find out?"

"No." Camille immediately refused, saying, "I promised Grandpa I would give it back to him later."

"Don't you want to know what's inside?" Ayan teased with a smile.

Camille pouted and said lightly, "Thinking about it is one thing, but being honest is another, right? Since

I've promised my grandfather to wait until he comes back to open it, I definitely can't open it now."

With that, Camille left the bedroom with the box in hand, and as for where she hid it, Ayan had no clue.

After about ten minutes, Camille returned to the bedroom. Ayan, seeing her looking mysteriously

secretive, couldn't help but smile and say, "Are you really guarding against me? Worried I might

secretly open it behind your back?"

"This is a secret between Grandpa and me. I'm doing this for your own good. After all, it's Grandpa's

secret. If you accidentally find out, he won't be pleased. You know how scary he can get when he's

angry. He might not get mad at me, but he might at you. So, it's better if you don't know."

Camille pursed her lips, a mischievous glint in her eyes, prompting a faint smile from Ayan. He said,

"So, are you showing off how well Grandpa treats you compared to me?"

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