My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1096: Losing Face
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Chapter 1096: Losing Face

Chapter 1096: Losing Face

Brody looked at Preston with a serious expression, his demeanor indifferent, and his eyes devoid of

any warmth or emotion. He questioned, "So, you're telling me you're cooperating with me because of


Preston's face revealed no emotional cues or thoughts. He smirked lightly, and the subtle smile in his

eyes made it difficult to discern what he was thinking.

He casually curved his lips into a smile and said, "What does Mr. Armstrong think?"

Brody replied, "I don't care if you're cooperating with me because of Camille. Since we're working

together, I hope both of us can take it seriously. Don't ruin your career because of a woman."

"Yeah, don't ruin your career over a woman. So, Mr. Armstrong, rest assured. I know what I'm doing."

Preston's words made Brody feel something was off, but he couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was.

Brody looked at Preston, his suspicions growing stronger. He asked, "Did you and Camille have a

falling out?"

"Not really a falling out. I just wanted her to leave Ayan, but she refused to agree. I just think she's a

girl. Since she's divorced from Ayan, why continue to suffer with him? This only makes Ayan more

ruthless. After all, a girl shouldn't be too submissive, right?"

Preston's words resonated with Brody, and suddenly he felt that his thoughts aligned with Preston's.

Following Preston's lead, Brody responded, "You're right. A girl should strive for independence and not

rely too much on a man. If she's divorced and still with that man, it's not only embarrassing for herself

but also tarnishing our Armstrong family's reputation. But no matter what I say, she doesn't listen. In her

mind, everything related to the Simpson family is more important."

"Could it be because the Simpson family treats her better, so she acts this way?"

"How is that possible? The Simpson family isn't her family. How could they unconditionally treat her

well? It's a joke. The Simpson family is nice to her because she's part of our Armstrong family, and my

father has a good relationship with the Simpson family. It's not solely because of Camille. She's just

overthinking and deluding herself."

Brody launched into a new round of criticism against Camille, attributing all the negative thoughts to

her. He continued speaking without realizing that Preston's expression had become less pleasant.

Brody talked about many faults of Camille, even bringing up the marriage alliance with the Simpson

family. He said, "Originally, we didn't agree to let Camille marry Ayan. Our plan was for our eldest

daughter, Grace, to marry Ayan. They often met, and there was a certain rapport between them.

Getting along would undoubtedly be much better. But my old man in the Armstrong family had different

ideas. He insisted on having Camille marry Ayan. Now, although they have children, the current

situation is not good."

Preston said lightly, "I think you should be grateful that the old Armstrong arranged for Camille to marrynovelbin


"Don't you also think they're not suitable for each other?"

"It seems like your Armstrong family has never truly understood her. You've never asked her what she

really wants. So, do you think you're a responsible father?" Preston looked at Brody indifferently, his

gaze revealing a clear chill. His tone sounded like he was questioning Brody, causing Brody's

expression to instantly become solemn.

Brody looked at him and asked, "What do you mean by all these words?"

"No special meaning, just casual remarks. Mr. Armstrong, don't be too nervous. I was just speaking

casually." Preston smiled faintly, and his eyes made it uneasy to maintain eye contact.

Their gazes met for a moment, and Preston smoothly changed the subject, saying, "Mr. Armstrong,

don't overthink it. I was just making casual remarks. Well, I need to go to the company. Horace has

arranged some work for me, and I have to do my best to ensure that Mr. Armstrong doesn't lose face in

Armstrong Corp."

After finishing his words, Preston didn't wait for Brody to respond; he had already walked away.

Exiting the Armstrong family, Preston's face became extremely unpleasant, especially when he thought

about what Camille had said to him just now. He genuinely felt an inexplicable anger.

Why would Camille treat him like this?

Why does she always feel that whatever he does is wrong?

In her eyes, is everything he does considered a mistake?

The more Preston thought about it, the more uncontrollable his emotions became. His face turned cold,

and his expression constantly reflected silence.

This incident significantly affected Preston's mood.

However, today, he still had to go to the museum to meet with Jenson, the project manager and his

former partner. Jenson's company, Wind Construction Company, was the main contractor for the

museum project, responsible for both external design and interior decoration. Preston had questioned

Jenson's identity and how he could have the capability to secure such a large project, but despite

numerous inquiries and investigations, no useful information was found.

Preston had many doubts, but without any breakthrough, it all seemed futile.

Arriving at the museum, a considerable amount of time had passed since his last visit. This time, the

experience was completely different due to the significant change in his status.

After getting out of the car, he walked directly to the museum entrance, but the security stopped him.

The security guard was the same as before and recognized Preston. He was aware of the recent

events surrounding Preston, so he insisted, "I'm sorry, please register."

The security guard was firm, not allowing Preston to enter the gate without registration.

Quintus, standing beside Preston, suggested, "Mr. Walker, maybe we should just register?"

Preston remained motionless, and Quintus had to sign on his behalf, leaving behind Preston's identity


After checking the details, the security guard finally allowed them to pass, but Preston's face was

extremely unpleasant, cold to the extreme.

Quintus spoke cautiously, "Mr. Walker, don't bother with these small-minded people. Our main purpose

for coming today is to secure this project."

Preston's expression eased slightly at Quintus's words, but a hint of coldness still lingered in his eyes.

He felt it was a lack of respect.

The two took the elevator to the third floor of the museum, where the bidding site was located.

Entering the bidding area with their invitation cards, Preston was arranged to sit towards the back. After

sitting down, nobody paid him any attention. Many well-known companies in the front were eager to

boast about their company's strengths, some even presented well-prepared design drafts.

The results were not immediately announced, causing the companies and studios that had worked

hard to leave one by one.

Since Preston sat down, he hadn't moved the entire time. Quintus, noticing this, seemed somewhat

concerned and asked, "Mr. Walker, shouldn't we try to assert ourselves?"

Preston crossed his arms and said, "At this point, how do you think we should assert ourselves? There

are so many people, all considered more qualified than Armstrong Corp. No matter what I say, they'll

still think Armstrong Corp is not qualified enough."

"What should we do then?"


Preston said calmly.

They waited for about an hour, and most people in the room had left.

Preston stood up and walked towards the front. He stopped in front of a person, his voice warm and

light, "Mr. Evans, long time no see!"

Jenson, who was reading through the compiled information of various companies, instinctively raised

his head upon hearing the voice. His eyes flickered with a hint of surprise as he looked at Preston. He

said, "Mr. Walker?"

Preston gave a faint smile and looked at Jenson. "It's me. I'm honored that Mr. Evans still remembers


"Mr. Walker is joking. Of course, I remember. It's been a long time since our last business dealings!"

Jenson stood up, extending his hand for a handshake.

Then Jenson asked, "Is there something specific, Mr. Walker, or did you come to check on the project,

which is nearing completion?"

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