My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1095: Sad
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Chapter 1095: Sad

Chapter 1095: Sad

Camille said, "No, there's no need to be so nervous and sensitive. I haven't said anything, and I haven't

thought about anything. If my words made you uncomfortable, I apologize. However, I need to say what

needs to be said because I don't want to be used as a pawn, and I won't take the blame for anyone."

She glanced at Preston and then at Brody. "Since everyone is here, I'll say it again. Your cooperation

has nothing to do with me. Whatever you do between yourselves has no relation to me. I don't care

about your cooperation, and if any unforeseen events occur in the future, it has nothing to do with me."

After Camille spoke, both Preston and Brody remained silent.

Brody completely ignored Camille. As for Preston, he stared at Camille without saying a word for quite

some time before saying, "Cami, what do you think I would do to the Armstrong family? Everything I do

is for your benefit. I won't do anything you don't like. So, what are you worried about?"

Camille squinted at Preston, seeing that he refused to give a direct answer. Her mind started forming

various speculations and precautions.

Having been exposed to Ayan's world for a long time, she had gained clear insights into many things.

She was confident in her ability to understand people. Camille was convinced that there might be

issues in the cooperation between Preston and Brody.

However, she couldn't pinpoint the root cause because Brody wouldn't say, and Preston certainly

wouldn't either. Especially after Preston's recent remarks, Camille felt uncomfortable and had a

suspicion. Was Preston deliberately cooperating with the Armstrong family because of her?

When they were close friends, Preston had a clear understanding of how the Armstrong family treated

Camille. He had even expressed his desire to confront them for Camille's sake. Still, Camille refused

every time, not wanting to cause unnecessary trouble. However, Preston's recent words fueled

Camille's suspicion. If her guess was correct, she would feel that Preston had no good intentions. Even

if it was for her, she believed Preston's actions would make the Armstrong family regret their decision.

Camille pursed her lips, her expression stiffening. She squinted at Preston, her tone cool and

detached. "We're only friends, so I don't need you to do anything for me. If you're cooperating with the

Armstrong family because you think they've treated me poorly and you want to teach them a lesson, I

think it's unnecessary. I don't care about those who treat me poorly. Ignoring them is the best


Preston let out a bitter laugh. He asked, "So, I'm just a friend who doesn't matter to you, right? After all,

you said I'm just an ordinary friend. Cami, why treat me with such excess and indifference? If I really

wanted to hurt you, shouldn't I have done it a long time ago? But I haven't because I consider you my

best friend. Can't we have a bit of trust between us, even if it's just a little?"

Preston stared at Camille, his eyes holding a questioning look. Unusually, Camille thought she detected

a hint of hurt in his gaze, something she had never seen before, especially considering she had

expressed similar sentiments many times before.

Camille's heart skipped a beat, and her speculative thoughts grew. Her emotions, however, were

calmer than before. She looked at Preston with a calm gaze, a small voice in her mind reminding her,

"Some things shouldn't be said too harshly, leaving basic dignity and respect for both retaliation and


With this thought, her tone softened compared to before as she spoke again. "Preston, I didn't mean

that. I just think we all need to live for ourselves, not do things we don't want to do for anyone."

"How do you know it's something you don't want to do? Isn't there such a thing as volunteering?"

"I didn't think of it that way. I just believe that, regardless of whether it's voluntary or forced, we should

think twice before acting. If my words earlier made you uncomfortable, I apologize. I was too excited.

Sorry, Preston!"

Camille apologized sincerely, maintaining eye contact with Preston, showing no hint of evasion. Her

genuine honesty left Preston momentarily at a loss for words.

His expression became somewhat rigid, and his eyes held a certain seriousness. He said, "Cami, I

didn't want you to apologize. I just hope you can genuinely understand and support me."

"I know you didn't want me to apologize. I apologized voluntarily because, upon reflection, I realized

some of my words were indeed problematic. I'm sorry if they made you uncomfortable." Camille didn't

want to continue this topic. Facing Preston, she felt mentally drained. She pursed her lips and, before

Preston could respond, spoke again. "I've said what I needed to say. You came here for something,

right? I won't disturb you any longer. We'll take our leave."

With that, Camille reached for Sienna and headed for the exit. Preston tried to stop her, extending his

hand, but Camille took a step back, creating distance. She said, "Is there anything else?"

"Are you upset?" Preston asked.

Camille flashed a faint smile and replied, "Why would I be? I'm not angry at all. Don't overthink it. I have

no anger because I spoke my mind. If I don't want to say something, even if someone forces me, I

won't speak. After all these years of knowing each other, you should understand that!"

After finishing her words, a smile lingered on Camille's lips. Now, it was Preston who was left


Seeing Preston's reaction, Camille bid farewell once again. Then, with Sienna, she left the living room

and headed outside.

Camille and Sienna quickly exited the villa. The driver was waiting by the car, and as soon as they

emerged, he approached to open the car doors for them.

After everyone got into the car, the driver spoke, "Mrs. Simpson, I saw Preston go in, so I planned to

follow in a few minutes. However, the servants at the entrance refused to open the door. I contacted the

bodyguards who are here to protect you, and they are nearby, ready to go in at any time."

"No need. There's nothing to worry about. Just take us back to the company!" Camille said calmly.

The car started moving. Camille took a silent deep breath, leaning her head gently against Sienna's

shoulder. She whispered, "I just did that to avoid making things too tense with Preston. He can be quite

impulsive, and I was worried he might do something extreme."

"I understand. I figured that out when you changed your tone. He's a bit cunning. Even though he's nice

to you, I still can't bring myself to like him. I feel like there's too much depth and calculation in his heart,

making it impossible to control him or understand him."novelbin

"Yeah, even after all these years, I still don't really know him."

Camille forced a bitter smile, but she was used to it by now. So, Preston's actions didn't affect her


After Camille and Sienna left the Armstrong's villa, Preston's face revealed an unusually cold

expression. He walked toward Brody and took a seat on the single sofa across from him. This move

made Brody furrow his brow slightly because Preston did it without Brody initiating the conversation.

This made Brody feel like he wasn't being taken seriously. However, Preston didn't show any concern.

He just squinted at Brody and said, "Cami doesn't want us to cooperate, right?"

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