My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1090: Correction
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Chapter 1090: Correction

Chapter 1090: Correction

Horace stared at Preston without any expression, his eyes seemed to reveal a cold and skeptical

attitude. His tone was like an interrogation, which made Preston's face feel as if it had been slapped


So for a moment, Preston fell silent. While he was quiet, Horace spoke again: "Is this what Manager

Walker meant? If Manager Walker thinks that I am deliberately making things difficult for you by

arranging work for you, then I think Manager Walker should talk to Mr. Armstrong and let her give you

the position of chairman directly. This way, you won't need any work and can still receive regular

dividends. How does Manager Walker feel about that?"

If the previous words were just a slap in the face for Preston, then Horace's words now were like

slapping him hard in the face.

Preston kept his cool and stared at Horace with unblinking eyes. He asked in a low voice: "What do

you mean by that?"

"Is it because my expression wasn't clear enough or because Manager Walker has poor understanding

ability?" Horace remained indifferent without any extra expressions on his face as he looked at Preston

coldly. He said: "If even Manager Walker can't understand what I'm saying, then I think he should learn

more from Mr. Armstrong since he arranged for you to come to the company on behalf of him. You

know how much Mr. Armstrong values his reputation."

Horace didn't give an inch of respect to Preston; however luckily there were only two people present in

the office right now - Horace and Preston - otherwise if this happened during a meeting where other

people are present too... well let's just say that tomorrow would be very embarrassing day for Preston.

Preston must have been furious inside but couldn't do anything about it except stare back at Horace

with resentment.

Taking a deep breath silently, Preston said:"Mr. Burris, you know very well that I am working under Mr.

Armstrong's supervision. So when speaking these words, didn't they also disrespect him? Besides, did

Mr. Burris hear me say anything negative about this project? I just wanted clarification. What makes Mr.

Burris think someone who has only recently joined Armstrong Corp is suitable enough to handle such

an important project? Are we really thinking about what's best for Armstrong Corp?"

Horace laughed out loud after hearing all of this from Preston.

He stood up from his office chair, his deep eyes staring down at Preston. His voice was cold as he

asked, "So you aren't trustworthy? Then why did Mr. Armstrong arrange for you to come here? I only

trust Manager Walker because I respect Mr. Armstrong's decision. Are you telling me not to trust you?"

Preston had no response.

Horace continued, "Instead of questioning me here, why don't you learn about the museum project? It's

the first project since you entered Armstrong Corp. We hope that Manager Walker will succeed and not

disappoint Mr. Armstrong and all of us who trust and expect great things from you!"

Preston didn't know how he left Horace's office. He only knew that every word Horace said was meant

to hurt him.

Naturally, Preston couldn't swallow this insult. After leaving Armstrong Corp., he drove alone to the

apartment arranged by Brody for him. Although it wasn't in a bustling area and the facilities were simple

compared to his previous hotel accommodations, it was much better overall.

After returning to the apartment, Preston immediately made a phone call: "Come over right away."

He gave the address and reminded to bring dinner when came over.

During their wait time, Preston had enough free time to make another phone call - this time it was

Eileen on the other end of the line.

He explained his current situation and said: "I need your help."

Eileen didn't understand what he wanted her help with: "What do you want me to do?"

Preston replied calmly: "You know who Horace is right? He now runs Armstrong Corp., but he's really

annoying. If it weren't for his potential against Ayan, I wouldn't have any contact with someone like


Eileen still didn't understand what she could do: "What are you planning?"

"You go approach Horace," Preston said flatly without hesitation or explanation as if everything should

be clear already; "No matter how you do it or what method you use - just get close enough so that he

listens only your words… Make him fall in love with you - that's all we need."

Eileen's face stiffened as she asked, "You want me to approach Horace at this time? Didn't you

promise to let me accept Ayan's help? What if Ayan finds out about this and doesn't help me prepare

the studio?"

"If he promised you, then he will definitely do it. Besides, doing this is also to let him know that you are

not just with him alone. And didn't Ayan tell you that he has no feelings for you? So aren't you

overthinking things?"

Preston showed no mercy in his words and directly stated the fact that Ayan had no interest in Eileen.

This made Eileen feel embarrassed and her cheeks flushed. She tightly pursed her lips where Preston

couldn't see them, feeling a lot of dissatisfaction inside her heart. She even had a thought: If it weren't

for Preston, would she have ended up like this now? At least Ayan wouldn't be so indifferent towards

her or let her fall into such a situation.

The more Eileen thought about it, the deeper the dissatisfaction in her heart became. Her vacant gaze

stared blankly without any expression on her face as she said to Preston: "I'm not overthinking things. I

also know that Ayan has no interest in me now. As for why he suddenly proposed opening a studio for

me, there must be his reasons and choices behind it too; so there is no need for you to remind me so


This made Preston slightly stunned too as he spoke lightly: "What do you mean?"

"Nothing much; just wanted to tell you that we are both equal partners here; therefore don't order me

around like I'm your subordinate because I don't like it." Eileen was finally tough ths time. Instead of

waiting for Preston's response, she asked: "Is there anything else? If not then we're done here!" After

waiting several seconds without hearing any response from Preston, Eileen bid farewell.

It was at this moment when Preston quickly added: "What I told you earlier wasn't an order, but doing

so would benefit us later on. Horace must be used by us! Even if we can't use him ourselves, then we

can't leave him to Ayan either! Do You understand?"

"So what identity should I use to get close to him?"

"Isn't Ayan going to get you a studio? Why don't you choose Armstrong Corp to do your interiors?"

"Do you think I can choose though?"

"How will you know if you don't try?" Preston's tone was firm. "Eileen, we've already lost so much.

We've come this far and every step we take needs to be cautious. Ayan is too cunning, too scheming.

We need to be careful and rely on others' cooperation and help to achieve our goal."

Eileen pursed her lips, her voice overly cold as she replied, "I understand."

With that said, Eileen ended the call first.

Preston didn't pay much attention to Eileen's actions because he didn't have time to guess what she

was thinking. After all, his dinner had arrived at this moment.

The person he called was Quintus. After Cora's incident, Quintus disappeared for a while because

Ayan's people were watching him closely and it wasn't easy for him to find work. In the end, he could

only return home until Preston called him after finalizing his cooperation with Brody.

As Preston ate his meal, he said to Quintus: "You'll start working with me at Armstrong Corp tomorrownovelbin

as my secretary."

Quintus immediately had an expression on his face and asked: "Mr. Walker? Can I really work with you

at Armstrong Corp?"

"Of course," replied Preston but added: "But your job isn't just being my secretary; you'll also keep an

eye on Horace and those around him."

"Don't worry Mr. Walker," assured Quintus.

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