My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1089: Loss
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Chapter 1089: Loss

Chapter 1089: Loss

Preston smiled friendly and looked at everyone present, saying: "Look at our Mr. Burris, he's easy to

talk to. It's a blessing for all of us to work under such an agreeable executive!"

Preston's words sounded somewhat sarcastic and nobody dared to agree with him; they all lowered

their heads and held their breaths.

On the other hand, Horace didn't seem bothered by it at all. He calmly glanced over at Preston before

saying: "Manager Walker cares about my attitude and mood. I understand his concern but since we're

in a meeting right now, can we discuss this later when it doesn't take up everyone else's time?"

Horace's words were undoubtedly a slap in the face for Preston who didn't even look back after Horace

finished speaking before moving on with the main topic of the meeting.

The purpose of this meeting was mainly to address recent events that had occurred due to Armstrong

family issues. Many projects related to Armstrong Corp were put on hold temporarily. Some companies

which had been collaborating with them suspended the contract.

Therefore, Armstrong Corp was currently facing some difficulties. Brody made it worse by bringing

Preston into the picture intentionally.

Since there is nothing that can be done about Preston being brought within Armstrong Corp now;

Horace could not continue fighting Mr. Armstrong over this issue as it would only waste more time.

Horace stated the current situation of Armstrong Corp then looked towards Preston, asking: "Manager

Walker, do you have anything else they'd like to add?"

Preston wasn't prepared for being called out suddenly, so he took two seconds before responding

slowly: "Mr. Burris, I'm new here, so I don't know much about what has happened within Armstrong

Corp yet. Therefore I'll follow Mr. Burris' arrangements, since these problems arose before my arrival


"Whatever you decide will have our full cooperation," added Preston while looking around at everyone

present in an attempt not wanting anyone feeling left out or ignored during his response.

Preston intentionally said that everyone present should cooperate fully, just to make Horace sick. He

wanted to tell Horace that his lack of ability had led to the current situation at Armstrong Corp.

The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became heavy, and everyone looked at each other

without any response.

But Preston's attitude always conveyed a provocative meaning, especially his eyes seemed to say to

Horace, "What can you do?"

Preston thought he had won because Horace didn't dare say anything more.

Horace's voice slowly sounded again in the next second, and Horace said, "Since Manager Walker also

asked me to arrange, then Manager Walker will lead our company's project team to buy the interior

decoration materials of the new Hance City Museum!"

He glanced at Preston with a plain expression without any extra emotion. He continued: "Manager

Walker works for Mr. Simpson, so I think he is capable of handling this important task. I believe that

after managing so many companies under the Walker Family and being responsible for projects related

to museums before, Armstrong Corp will definitely be able to complete this project perfectly."

After Horace finished speaking, he did not give Preston a chance to speak but directly let his secretary

announce the members of Project Team and pushed the list in front of Preston after taking attendance.

Horace said: "Manager Walker, thank you for your hard work."

Preston's face was gloomy; he did not speak but just looked at Horace indifferently. The two men

stared at each other like this; naturally Horace was not afraid of him.

Instead, because he didn't speak up again when given an opportunity by Horrace , Horrace asked:

"Manager Walker, do you have anything else they want to say? If not, then we can adjourn now. Later

on please get familiar with your team members if needed or talk directly with my secretary if there are

any needs."

After saying this, he stood up first . He looked towards everyone and said:"The meeting ends here

today. Although Armstrong Corp has encountered some difficulties, it will never be defeated. Everyone

should take responsibility for their own projects. If there are any problems, I will directly turn to your

project leader."

Naturally, the last sentence was also spoken specifically for Preston. He could enter Armstrong Corp

using whatever means necessary, but once inside, Armstrong Corp would have follow his

arrangements as well .

Horace glanced at Preston, who didn't respond, and left the conference room without delay.

He returned to his office, and his secretary closed the door behind him.

The secretary was puzzled by Horace's recent arrangement and asked, "Mr. Burris, won't it be

disadvantageous for us if you let him compete for the museum project? Even if he wins it?"

"Whether he wins or not is beneficial to us. Winning the museum project will undoubtedly benefit

Armstrong Corp's development and make those companies that terminated their contracts with us

reconsider continuing to work with us. In addition, Ayan has already talked to me about recruiting

Armstrong Corp into Simpson Group's real estate project next quarter. Everything we are doing now is

naturally aimed at keeping Preston busy, so that he doesn't have time to participate in Simpson

Group's projects."

The secretary was one of Horace's trusted employees.

After hearing what Horace said, she understood his intentions. If Preston could win the interior

decoration project of the museum, it would also be good for Armstrong Corp. If Preston tried to do

something detrimental to Armstrong Corp through this project, it probably wouldn't work out anyway

because he didn't have that opportunity.

Instead, if Preston couldn't win this project, then everyone in Armstrong Corp would know that his

abilities were limited.

So neither outcome would result in any loss for either Preston or Armstrong Corp.

Horace reminded his secretary: "Preston probably won't keep using his current secretary forever; if he

wants to hire someone new. no matter who they are. remind him of HR procedures before bringing

them into Armstrong Corp; furthermore don't let anyone break our internal rules."

The secretary nodded her head: "Mr. Burris, rest assured, I've arranged our people on this matter; as

for Mr. Simpson's previous secretary, he mentioned wanting a transfer from working under Preston.

Because Preston just came to the company today, I was worried about transferring someone at this

time, and Preston would blamed you, so I refused for the time being, and I can only appease him and

ask him to wait."

Horace had a calm expression on his face and he approved of the way his secretary handled things.

"Just pacify him, and if Preston brings in his own people, we can assign him to another department," he


"I understand," the secretary replied softly.

After Horace finished speaking, he let the secretary leave. He sat alone in his office staring blankly out

of the floor-to-ceiling window at the sky outside. At that moment, he missed someone very much and

without hesitation picked up his phone to send a message.

"Wake up and call me back. I miss you." Because of time differences, it was likely that the other person

was still asleep at this hour so Horace put down his phone after sending the message.

At that moment there was a knock on Horace's office door.

He didn't seem surprised but instead adjusted himself slightly before saying calmly, "Come in!"

The door opened from outside and Preston walked in with a cold expression on his face. He wentnovelbin

straight to sit down on one of the chairs by Horace's desk and looked directly into Horace's eyes as he

asked: "What did Mr. Burris mean by just now? Did you intentionally try to push me out of Armstrong


Preston's words made Horace pause for a moment too. His expression turned cold. He furrowed his

eyebrows slightly before saying indifferently: "I'm sorry Manager Walker, but I'm having trouble

understanding what you're trying to say here. Could you please clarify? Are you suggesting that my job

assignment is making things difficult for you or are you accusing me of deliberately trying to force your


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