My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1078: Silent Agreement
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Chapter 1078: Silent Agreement

Chapter 1078: Silent Agreement

In addition, Ayan also mentioned the Armstrong family's situation. He didn't explicitly say that Page's

words were nonsense, but he made it clear that there were no conflicts between him and the

Armstrong family. As for the videos circulating online, he believed they were intentionally misleading

everyone and stirring up discord between them.

Ayan gave a brief response, and Brody immediately accepted media interviews.

When asked if Page was in the hospital, Brody replied, "Her recent mental state hasn't been great due

to a heated argument with our eldest daughter, who left home. She's been overly suspicious and it has

strained her relationship not only with our younger daughter and the Simpson family but also with me.

However, as a husband, it's my responsibility to be understanding. I just hope she doesn't harm

innocent people due to personal emotions. Regarding her hospitalization, it was a personal choice

because it wasn't the result of an accident. She had a minor collision while driving, and I immediately

contacted our family doctor, who confirmed there were no health issues."

Brody's response effectively communicated that Page's current situation was a result of her mental

health issues. He made it clear that he had no part in her actions and even tried to manage her

emotions, but Page remained unresponsive.

Brody's actions led to many initially sympathetic netizens, who leaned towards Page, deleting their

videos. Although a small portion of them questioned if Brody was threatened by Ayan, most believed

his explanation.

After Ayan's clarification and Brody's explanation, many people started silently apologizing to Camille.

Although they didn't directly mention her in their tweets, their comments displayed remorse. Many of

the previous apologies were still pinned on their personal accounts.

Most people lost interest in the issue because they didn't want to antagonize the Simpson family overnovelbin

one person's mental health problems.

Page saw these messages and was absolutely furious. She immediately called Brody and confronted

him: "What's the meaning of this? Are you trying to betray me? I've worked so hard to manipulate

public opinion, and you want to oppose me like this? Wasn't it you who told me to get close to Camille

and have her on our side?"

Brody's voice was low and intense as he responded, "I told you to get close to Camille, but I didn't tell

you to manipulate public opinion and harm Camille. Do you realize that the public opinion you're

generating now could bring trouble to us as well? If I didn't do this, both you and I, along with the entire

Armstrong family, would be ruined."

Brody was also very angry, especially when he thought about how Page knew his secrets but

pretended to be oblivious, even reaching out to work with Camille. This gave Camille and Ayan reasons

to threaten him, and his entire mood was incredibly sour.

The couple continued to argue over the phone, each believing they were in the right.

Page said to Brody, "You need to clarify immediately that everything you said earlier was because Ayan

threatened you."

Brody responded sternly, "I don't need your threats. If you don't want this situation to escalate, you

better check out of the hospital now. Otherwise, you won't be welcome at the Armstrong family's doors


Without waiting for Page's response, Brody hung up the phone.

Page was seething with anger. She felt like smashing her phone to pieces. Her current demeanor was

worlds apart from the elegant and composed lady she used to be. She never imagined she would come

across as aggressive.

But what could she do now?

She couldn't afford to have a full-blown confrontation with Brody, especially when he still held many

things she desired. The most crucial issue for her was that Brody hadn't transferred the money into her

name yet. What she possessed now was a mere drop in the ocean.

So, as angry as Page was, she had to follow Brody's instructions.

As Page checked out of the hospital, the Armstrong villa welcomed an unexpected "guest."

Lately, the Wesley family's members had been showing up frequently. To avoid this, Brody instructed

his staff not to open the door for them. When the butler encountered a man outside the gate and

inquired about his last name and purpose, he reported back to Brody.

Upon hearing the butler's report, Brody's expression stiffened slightly. He had a cold look in his eyes as

he asked, "What does he want?"

The butler replied in a hushed tone, "He mentioned wanting to discuss a partnership with you regarding

recent matters. He claims he can help you resolve the current difficulties."

Recent events had indeed been quite overwhelming, and Brody was feeling exhausted.

Because he recognized the man and was aware of his previous actions, combined with the recent

events, Brody held a slight admiration for this individual. The fact that this man had the courage to

challenge Ayan face to face indicated a certain level of audacity.

After a few moments of contemplation, Brody said, "Please, let him in."

The butler nodded and went to invite the man inside. Brody was already seated in the living room,


The tall man entered the room, and Brody gestured for him to take a seat. The man sat across from

Brody, maintaining a gentle and composed smile. He said, "It's not easy to meet Master Armstrong


Brody, who showed no false humility, responded, "I've been quite busy recently and don't wish to meet

with people I'm not familiar with, especially when there's no business."

The man nodded, still smiling gently. He said, "Since Master Armstrong should have some knowledge

of our connection, we should have become friends a long time ago."

As soon as the man mentioned their connection, Brody's expression changed subtly. His eyes

narrowed, and a hint of coldness appeared in his gaze. He said, "Get to the point. As for the past, I

don't want to bring it up now. You know very well what kind of price and loss I've suffered because of

the person you alluded to."

The man chuckled and said, "The losses and costs Master Armstrong mentioned, aren't they

something you tacitly accepted, knowing well what would happen?"

Brody remained silent but his expression soured further.

The man didn't press the topic and continued, "I'm not here to discuss Armstrong Corp with Master

Armstrong today. I've come to propose a partnership."

Brody inquired, "What kind of partnership?"

"I can help Master Armstrong resolve the current troubles, ensuring that the Wesley family members

return to Chesen City and no longer bother you or the entire Armstrong family."

Brody asked, "What do you want in return?"

The man replied with a smile, "I don't want anything."

But Brody wasn't convinced. He said, "You expect me to believe that you're helping me without wanting

anything in return? I'm not a naive child. I don't think there are truly selfless people in this world."

The man remained unfazed and continued to speak with the same tone and gaze. He said, "I genuinely

don't have any conditions. If you insist on a condition, it's that I hope to stay by your side. You want to

reclaim Armstrong Corp, don't you? I can help you with that. After all, you've witnessed my capabilities.

I have my own aspirations as well, and one of them is establishing myself in Hance City."

The man's words were candid, with no hidden agenda. He shared all of his thoughts and intentions with

Brody. He understood that Brody was naturally distrustful, and without full disclosure, Brody wouldn't

believe him.

Even though he was forthright, there was still a lack of trust in Brody's eyes. Brody glanced at him

indifferently and spoke in a distant tone, "You're ambitious, wanting to establish yourself in Hance City.

Do you realize how much money it takes to establish a foothold there? You want to gain substantial

benefits and profits from me with minor concessions. Your scheme is quite grand."

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