My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1076: Clarification
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Chapter 1076: Clarification

Chapter 1076: Clarification

However, Camille wasn't the first to find out because she and Sienna had returned directly to the

company after leaving the Armstrong's villa.

They had already settled on the theme for the design competition they were preparing for. They

gathered a few of the team members involved in the competition for a discussion in the conference


Yessica, though not involved in the design competition, was asked to follow along to learn in case her

expertise was needed for future projects.

So, they were busy discussing the design competition. Other employees had their own work to attend

to, and nobody was watching videos during office hours.

As a result, Camille had no way of knowing right away.

Kian was actually the first to hear about it.

Kian's assistant had informed him when they were coordinating Simpson Group's work. Kian

immediately checked the short video app and was shocked by what he saw. He knew how rapidly

content spread on the platform.

He didn't dare to delay and immediately went to find Ayan.

Ayan was in the middle of listening to a project manager's report on the project's progress and the

issues that had arisen.

Kian had no choice but to knock on the door of the conference room. He apologized to everyone and

then approached Ayan, leaning in close to Ayan's ear to quietly relay the information he had just


Ayan's expression instantly turned serious, and his voice was low as he said, "Handle it immediately.

Contact Horace and have him reach out to the Armstrong family. We need to clarify things now before

the situation escalates any further."

Kian nodded in understanding. "I got it."

Following Ayan's instructions, Kian acted swiftly. Although the incident had just come to light, some

people had already recognized Page and thus knew she was Camille's mother.

Camille's relationship with Ayan wasn't a secret, and most people in Hance City's social circles were

aware of the connection between the Armstrong family and the Simpson family.

Once the news broke, discussions began to circulate widely, and it even brought Grace's situation into

the mix.

Some started to claim that Grace's sudden departure was Camille's fault. Page asserted that Grace

had always been obedient and well-behaved, and only Camille could influence her to act so rebellious.

This laid blame on Camille, saying she was sowing discord within the family.

Comments from online users followed:

"Camille is truly malicious. I heard there were issues between her and her family, but it seems she

brought it upon herself. Such people deserve their family's disapproval."

"Yes, I've heard Ayan divorced her because of her malicious intentions, not wanting her to corrupt their

child. Isn't that why they divorced?"

"The Simpson family is still treating her well. I guess it's all just a self-created persona for her public

image, right? The Simpson family hasn't come forward to say how much they appreciate Camille."

"I agree with what the previous commenter said."

"Guys, now that Camille's biological mother is revealing her true nature, how will she excuse herself

this time? I doubt she can explain anything away."

"Her biological mother wouldn't just casually slander her daughter. Her daughter must have done

something to break her heart; otherwise, how could it be possible?"

The discussions kept growing, and the content became more and more extreme.

This matter had spread throughout Hance City, and it had also caught the attention of the Simpson

family. They contacted Ayan immediately to inquire about what was going on. The incident mentioned

Page's accident after leaving the Simpson's mansion, which further implicated the Simpson family, so

they couldn't pretend to be unaware.

Ayan assured the Simpson family not to worry and told them he would handle it. He temporarily setnovelbin

aside all work to focus on resolving this issue.

Kian initially tried to control the situation, but since the short video app users were individuals, and any

content with popularity would gain more traction, it was nearly impossible to control each comment.

Kian was frustrated because of this, and he informed Ayan of the current situation. Ayan had a serious

expression and a cold, calculating look in his deep eyes. He asked, "What's the situation with Horace?"

"Mr. Burris has already contacted Master Armstrong, but Master Armstrong remains silent about the

matter. He claims he's unaware of it, and he has had no contact with Mrs. Armstrong during this cold

war period. Therefore, he doesn't know the specifics of the situation."

These were Brody's exact words, and Kian relayed them to Ayan.

Ayan simply gave a disdainful hum as his expression turned even darker. He narrowed his eyes slightly

and said, "It's unrelated to him, is it? Since it's unrelated, let's find something that connects to him and

force him to make a choice."

Kian immediately understood Ayan's intention and sent the collected information to Brody.

In less than a minute, Brody called Kian.

After answering the call, Brody's voice was trembling as he said, "I need to speak with Ayan."

Kian, who was sitting across from Ayan, glanced at him and noticed his lack of response. Kian

understood what Ayan wanted, so he calmly spoke to Brody on the phone, "Master Armstrong, if you

have something to say, please do."

Brody was extremely agitated and could barely catch his breath. But Ayan didn't wait for Brody to

speak. His voice chimed in, "Do you want to approach Mrs. Armstrong and ask her what she means by

this? Does she think that by smearing Camille without regard for the consequences, she can't be dealt

with using public opinion?"

Brody was exasperated, and he said, "Ayan, this has nothing to do with me. If you genuinely want to

support Camille, you should approach her directly, shouldn't you?"

Ayan responded with a light snort and an icy tone, "You two are a married couple. If I don't approach

you, who should I approach?"

Brody felt helpless. This matter truly had nothing to do with him. Everything was the result of Page's

actions, and he had been completely unaware.

He said, "Ayan, this matter has nothing to do with me. If you genuinely want to stand up for Camille,

you should approach her directly!"

Ayan, in a cold tone, responded, "Within half an hour, get her to release a clarification video."

Ayan's words delivered, Kian promptly disconnected the call, giving Brody no chance to respond.

Kian looked at Ayan and said, "Mr. Simpson, even if Mrs. Armstrong releases a video, I'm afraid it won't

resolve this matter. I'm concerned the public won't believe it and may think she's being threatened."

"Let's release the video first, and we'll deal with the rest later," Ayan said indifferently, his brows slightly

furrowed. He asked, "What is she doing now?"

Kian shook his head and replied, "No news yet. I also tried to contact Yessica, but she hasn't

responded. I think she's still unaware, probably occupied with something."

"Contact people at her company directly, inform them about the situation, and advise her to stay safe.

Public opinion is already against her, and I suspect there will be onlookers and troublemakers," Ayan

said, his expression full of concern. His eyes darkened with worry.

After Kian nodded in agreement, Ayan instructed him to ensure the security of Camille, including the

private security personnel who guarded her. He emphasized the need to be vigilant and prevent any

harm from coming to her.

Despite everything being well-arranged, Ayan couldn't be in Hance City and couldn't be there to

accompany and care for Camille at this critical time, which left him feeling frustrated.

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