My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1068: Too Fierce
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Chapter 1068: Too Fierce

Chapter 1068: Too Fierce

Then Talia quickly invited Page to take a seat and engaged in polite conversation with her. In reality,

there wasn't much to discuss, but given Talia's position, she was skilled in handling such topics and

diffusing tension.

Camille remained silent, seated on the side, until the servant reminded them it was time for dinner.

Talia invited Page to the dining room, and Camille and Sienna followed suit.

Once seated, there were only the four women present.

Unable to hold back her curiosity, Page asked, "Where are Mr. Simpson and the old Mr. Simpson?"

Talia replied in a warm tone, "They've gone out. Besides, today is a gathering for us ladies, and it's not

convenient for them to be here."

Page's face slightly stiffened. It was evident that this wasn't a welcoming gesture to her as a family

member but rather an intentional separation.

However, Page refrained from commenting. Instead, Sienna continued the conversation, saying, "Aunt,

this is quite nice. Having men around makes our conversations less comfortable."

"Yes, I think so too. They have their own dinner, and this works out perfectly," Talia added with a smile.

She then turned her gaze to Page and said, "I'm not sure what your preferences are, so we've

prepared a variety of dishes. If any of them don't suit your taste, please don't hesitate to let us know.

Since it's your first time dining at the Simpson's mansion, there might be some areas where our

preparations fall short. We appreciate your understanding."

Talia's words were filled with courtesy and politeness, but Page sensed the underlying message.

This was her first visit to the Simpson's mansion after such a long time. Clearly, the somewhat distant

relationship with Camille was the reason behind this treatment. In a close-knit mother-daughter

relationship, such measures wouldn't be necessary.

Page couldn't say anything, so she replied with a smile, "This is more than suitable. You're being too

kind. We're just four people, and you've prepared such an abundant feast. It's really not necessary."

"Don't mention it," Talia said with a soft smile.

Camille remained mostly silent and, at one point, picked up a soup bowl, ladling a bowl of soup for Talia

and then for Sienna, and finally for herself.

After serving three bowls of soup, she set down the ladle and picked up a spoon to sip her own soup.

This scene made Page's face turn stiff. Still, since Talia hadn't requested that Camille serve her, Page

couldn't directly accuse Camille. She quickly tried to cover the situation by saying, "I'm not a fan of

soup. I didn't expect Cami to remember."

Talia looked at Camille with a doting expression and said, "Cami is very considerate."

"Indeed, she's very considerate," Page echoed, though her expression remained icy.

With no further incidents, everyone continued to eat in silence. When the meal was almost over, Page

inquired, "Where's Timmy? Why haven't I seen him?"

Talia explained, "This time is Timmy's naptime, and he's currently asleep."

Page suggested, "I haven't seen him at all. Isn't it time for him to wake up? Why don't we wake him? I

haven't seen him in a while and would like to play with him today."

As soon as Page made this request, Camille's voice chimed in.

Camille responded indifferently, "Waking up a child can make him very irritable, causing him to cry and

fuss. It's been a long time since you took care of a child, so you might not understand how difficult and

tedious it can be. If you genuinely want what's best for Timmy, you shouldn't make such a suggestion.

You claim you haven't seen him in a long time and want to spend time with him, but have you ever

played with him? Have you even held him? I don't think so. Since you haven't in the past, there's no

need to put on a pretense now. He doesn't need it, and neither do I."

Camille spoke with a detached tone, and once she finished, she set down her bowl and utensils and

left the dining table without paying any attention to Page's expression.

Page's face turned quite ugly in response. She wanted to explain herself, but Camille's attitude left her

no room to do so. She turned to Talia, seated next to her, and said, "I didn't mean that. I'm just very

eager to see Timmy. I haven't seen him in a long time, and I thought it would be nice to spend some

time with him. If my suggestion isn't appropriate, she can reject it. How can she say that about me?

Although I haven't taken care of a child for a long time, I'm still a mother of two daughters. I just wanted

to spend time with Timmy, that's all."

Page felt wronged and increasingly emotional.

Talia remained expressionless, her emotions concealed. She replied, "Cami is just too anxious about

Timmy. After all, mothers unconditionally protect their children. So, please don't feel uncomfortable."

"I'm not uncomfortable. I'm just..."

Talia interrupted Page, saying, "you can finish our meal. I'll go check on her." She then stood up from

the dining table and left.

With Camille and Talia both gone, the dining room was now empty, except for Page and Sienna.

Sienna also put down her chopsticks, crossed her arms, and leaned back in her chair. Her tone was

cold and mocking as she said, "Mrs. Armstrong, it's clear you don't like Camille and, by extension, you

probably don't like Timmy either. So why do you persistently hover around her like a fly? Don't you think

you're being quite annoying?"

Sienna held nothing back, and she didn't care about being polite. She had been silent until now out of

consideration for Talia's presence, but with both Camille and Talia gone, she had no reason to hold


Her words were sharp and direct, lacking any courtesy, and they made Page's face darken.

Page looked at Sienna in disbelief and said in a subdued tone, "Miss King, do you even know what

you're saying? While I may not have any relationship with you, you are, at the very least, Camille's

friend. Camille is my daughter. Speaking to your friend's mother like this, don't you think it's rather


Camille let out a faint, mocking hum and spoke indifferently, "I don't see it as impolite at all. After all,

you can act thick-skinned and unreasonable, so why should I show you any courtesy?"

Page's face turned even darker, her expression contorted with displeasure. However, Sienna remained


Sienna continued, "As a mother like you, you're already expendable to Camille. After all, you never

loved her. At such a young age, you were willing to send her away. You should've thought about it then.

Besides, Camille wasn't always this cold. Your indifference came first. She was warm to you even after

marrying Ayan. But what about your family?"

Sienna had the audacity to accuse Camille of being cold, and Page couldn't believe what she was


Sienna grew angrier the more she spoke, and she was determined to make Page's attitude as

unpleasant as possible.

Page, with a cold expression, lowered her voice and said, "You're just Camille's friend, and this is a

family matter. It's none of your business."

"I'm sorry, but Camille and you aren't family. Even though we don't share any blood relations, I'm still anovelbin

better choice compared to you, her so-called blood-related mother."

Page's face remained stern, her tone cold. "You don't know anything. You know nothing at all. You're

just an onlooker. If you were in my position, you might have done the same, or maybe even worse.

Furthermore, even if you consider yourself a friend of Camille's but unrelated to me, by age, I am your

elder. Don't think that just because you married into the Ward family, you're superior. If I tell the Wards

about your attitude, do you think you'll have any right to stay in the Ward family?"

Sienna chuckled, her eyes filled with unmistakable amusement. She asked in a low voice, "So, you're

trying to threaten me into being polite to you, or else you'll tell the Wards that I'm too rude?"

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