My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1064: Undercover
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Chapter 1064: Undercover

Chapter 1064: Undercover

This way, they wouldn't attract attention to Grace, especially since she had arrived in Dane City a night


With their plan set, the two of them didn't linger in Ayan's apartment. Grace simply packed a few sets of

clothes, and once Kian arrived, they left directly.

Horace didn't personally accompany her since that would risk drawing attention.

Kian drove Grace to the Simpson Group himself, and Ayan had arranged for a driver and one of his

assistants to escort her out of Hance City.

After Grace left Hance City, Camille let out a heavy sigh of relief. Everything had gone smoothly, and it

had avoided many potential problems.

They didn't return to Franklin Bay either, planning to stay where they were for the night. It was getting

late, and they didn't want to go through more trouble.

After both of them had freshened up and lay down, Camille finally brought up the recent events. She

said, "So much has happened in just a few hours; it feels like I'm in a dream."

Ayan turned to face Camille, his eyes locked onto her without blinking. His voice was particularly gentle

as he asked, "Do you feel there's been too much happening, or do you feel reluctant to see Grace


Camille gently shook her head and said, "I don't feel reluctant. I'm just worried about how she'll cope on

her own out there."

"It's okay. There are people in Dane City looking out for her, and I've also arranged for an assistant to

go with her. This assistant has worked for me for a long time and is trustworthy."

Ayan comforted her in a low voice.

Camille nodded without saying much, but her underlying worries remained largely unchanged.

It was only when Grace was safely out of Dane City that she would truly feel at ease.

Since Ayan had to depart for Dane City early the next morning, Camille didn't keep him awake with

more discussion and decided to rest.

That night, Camille had a dream in which the Armstrong family couldn't find Grace and came after her.

In order to force her to cooperate unconditionally, they began to track Talia and took Timmy away while

he was out with her.

This dream startled Camille awake, and she found herself unable to fall asleep again. She stared

blankly at the ceiling with a serious expression. It was still early, just past six in the morning.

Camille didn't disturb Ayan, opting to quietly wait for the morning. As it approached seven o'clock, Ayan

was awakened by his internal clock, and he noticed that Camille's eyes were open. His voice was

somewhat hoarse as he asked, "Did I wake you?"

Camille shook her head and replied, "I woke up early."

"Why are you up so early? Get more sleep. It's still early, isn't it?"

"I had a dream, and now I can't sleep."

"What was your dream about?"

Camille faced Ayan, her voice somewhat hoarse as she said, "I dreamt that because they couldn't find

Grace, they couldn't do anything to me, so they used Timmy to threaten me."

Ayan immediately knew who "they" referred to.

His face looked somewhat dark, probably because he had just woken up. His voice was huskier than

usual as he said, "It's just a dream, don't put any psychological pressure on yourself or carry any

burden. Don't keep overthinking things. Rest assured, I will arrange everything. The past won't repeat

itself, and no one, absolutely no one, can harm Timmy or you, your grandparents, your parents, or

anyone else, okay?"

Ayan's assurance and promise made Camille nod lightly, but her expression remained far from


She pursed her lips, her face showing concern.

Ayan gently pulled her into his arms, softly comforting, "Don't overthink it. Close your eyes and get

some more sleep now. I'll have the driver pick you up for the office later. I'm going to the airport straight

from here, alright?"

"Are you going on this business trip by yourself, or is Kian coming with you?"

"Kian will be coming with me."

"In that case, why don't you leave Kian here and take me with you? I could be your secretary."

Camille's voice was very soft, with a hint of playfulness, which brought a smile to Ayan's face.

He asked in a low, hoarse voice, "Why so clingy today?"

"Don't you like it when I'm clinging to you?"

"I love it. How about being even more clingy?"

Camille didn't answer directly but repeated her question, "So, are you taking me with you or not?"

He asked, "Do you really want to go?"

"Yes, I do. So, are you going to say yes?"

Camille was acting different than usual, and Ayan suspected it might be because of her recent dream,

which had left her anxious. He said, "Alright, I'll have Kian book your ticket. You can come to Dane City

with me, alright?"

Camille fell silent this time.novelbin

She didn't say anything, prompting Ayan to ask, "Why aren't you speaking?"

"You agreed just like that?" Camille couldn't help but laugh.

Ayan responded in his usual calm manner, "So, were you just teasing me?"

Camille smiled and pursed her lips, saying, "I was just testing the waters."

"Did you test the waters only to realize you couldn't handle it?"

Camille laughed playfully, and Ayan lightly pinched her cheek before saying, "I'm getting up. Get some

more sleep, alright?"

Ayan got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. Camille didn't go back to sleep since she was truly

awake now. She figured she might head to the office for a nap if she got too tired later.

Camille quickly got up, went to the bathroom to freshen up, and changed into a new set of clothes.

After completing this routine, Ayan had finished preparing to leave.

Noticing that Camille had chosen not to go back to sleep, Ayan asked, "Why are you awake now?"

"I'll drive you to the airport, and then I'll have the driver bring me back later." Camille had even put her

shoes on, showing she was quite serious about it.

Seeing her like this, Ayan couldn't refuse and accepted her offer warmly.

The two of them left holding hands.

Because Ayan was going on a business trip, he had a lot of Simpson Group work to attend to on the

way to the airport. He planned to let the driver take care of it when they arrived at the company.

Throughout the journey, Ayan was busy signing and reviewing documents, while Kian reported on the

company's major projects. Ayan pointed out issues and suggested improvements as he went through

the reports on a tablet.

This left little room for conversation with Camille, but she didn't mind. She sat quietly, observing his


Ayan had always been quite occupied, and Camille was well aware of that.

It wasn't until they were approaching the airport that Ayan finally finished his work. He took a sip of

water and then turned his gaze to Camille, who had been looking out the window in thought.

He reached for Camille's hand and asked gently, "Are you finding this boring?"

Camille turned to look at him, and their eyes met. She shook her head lightly and replied, "It's fine."

Then she asked, "Are you done with your work?"

"Yes, I'm done. Simpson Group has been quite busy lately, so even when I'm on a business trip, I have

to handle Simpson Group matters. I'll be back from Dane City in a maximum of two days."

Camille nodded and said, "Well, no matter how busy you are, you have to remember to have meals.

You can't skip meals, okay?"

Ayan agreed, "Of course, I'll make sure to eat. How could I forget when my dear wife tells me?"

Camille responded with a soft huff and said, "Kian, please keep an eye on him. If he says one thing but

can't follow through, quietly let me know. I need to be aware if he's all talk and no action."

Kian involuntarily glanced at Ayan, unsure of how to respond. Ayan seemed to be enjoying Camille's

supervision, and he quietly replied, "Mrs. Simpson, don't worry. I'll keep an eye on Mr. Simpson for


"Alright, thank you, Kian." Camille smiled and then turned to Ayan, saying, "I have an undercover agent

now, so be careful!"

"Undercover agent? Someone who's getting others to do their work while I'm right here is an

undercover agent?"

"Well, I don't care. If you can't do as what I told you, I won't believe you." Camille huffed, her eyes

carrying a hint of a threat that silenced Ayan immediately.

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