My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1054: Argument
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Chapter 1054: Argument

Chapter 1054: Argument

Her message had just been sent, and Sienna emerged from the lounge seconds later, considering

Camille's words as her green light to come out.

Sienna walked directly to the dining table and took Camille's seat. She waved at Page, her expression

friendly, "Welcome, Mrs. Armstrong. Is the food to your liking?"

Sienna intentionally addressed her as Mrs. Armstrong. She had previously tried calling her Aunt many

times, but Page never responded positively. Instead, she openly discouraged Camille from associating

with Sienna. Page believed that Sienna was just an ordinary person and had no connection to the King

family in Flento . She couldn't even fathom the idea that Sienna might marry Rex.

Sienna was well aware of Page's coldness. All of this had stemmed from Page's shallow nature and

her distaste for Camille. Therefore, Sienna didn't feel inclined to be polite and made no effort to greet

Page when they met. Each encounter ended with Page offering no greeting, and Sienna had no

intention of changing that. It wasn't worth the effort to initiate contact.

Sienna took a seat beside Camille, propped her chin on her hand, and stared at Page with a faint

smile. The way she examined Page made her expression slightly uncomfortable, although Page didn't

outwardly react. She kept her gaze on Sienna and replied with a gentle tone, "Sienna, you don't need

to be so polite. You can call me Aunt. I didn't expect you to be so capable. The restaurant is well-

maintained, and the food is delicious. It's really nice. Next time, I'll bring some friends to dine at your


"That's nice of you, Mrs. Armstrong." Sienna deliberately emphasized Mrs. Armstrong, and then she

added, "It's better if you keep calling me Mrs. Armstrong. Calling me Aunt would be too familiar. After

all, we aren't that close, don't you think?"

Page's expression stiffened briefly, but she quickly managed a smile. She commented, "Sienna, you're

as playful as ever."

Sienna blinked playfully, and her expression became warmer. She said, "I'm not joking, you know.

Everything I said is true. Mrs. Armstrong, your visit to my restaurant today is an honor. I heard you're

treating Camille today, right? So, I have to give Mrs. Armstrong a discount later."

Sienna, as always, didn't consider Page's feelings. She freely expressed herself and acted without

regard for Page's emotions.

Page was left unsure of how to respond to this situation.

The atmosphere gradually quieted down, but Camille continued to eat in silence, her head down,

showing no signs of trying to defuse the tension.

Page, seeing this, forced a smile and tried to ease the awkwardness. After nearly half a minute of

silence, Page finally spoke in a calm tone, "Sienna, it's your restaurant, and you're such good friends

with Cami. Whether you offer a discount or not doesn't really matter. After all, we're all family, and it

doesn't matter whether we make more or less money. What matters is that we're all happy."

Page's words left no room for argument. On one hand, she emphasized the strong friendship between

Camille and Sienna, implying that it would be unreasonable for Sienna not to offer a discount or charge

them. On the other hand, she made it clear that Camille could afford to pay full price. This comparison

made it clear that Sienna should be considerate of their relationship.

However, it was also a message to Sienna that she didn't need to offer a discount; she had the means

to pay the full amount. In this contrast, Sienna would appear unreasonable if she didn't make the

gesture of goodwill.

Sienna loved engaging in conversations where words were chosen carefully. She raised an eyebrow,

looking as though she couldn't understand. She continued, "Thank you for your support, Mrs.

Armstrong. I'll be honest with you. I never offer discounts when Camille dines here. But today, just for

the words you just said, I'll make sure to give you a discount."novelbin

With this, Sienna gestured for a server to come over and directly told them to ensure that Mrs.

Armstrong received a discount later.

Page's expression remained unyielding, showing little emotion. She looked back at Camille and

suggested, "Cami, how about we go shopping at a nearby mall after our meal? I noticed there's a nice

children's clothing store nearby, and I thought of buying a few outfits for Timmy. How does that sound?"

Page was speaking with a friendly tone, clearly trying to appease Camille. The mention of Timmy

caught Camille's attention, and they locked eyes for a moment. Camille spoke in an indifferent tone,

"It's not necessary. He already has plenty of clothes, and there's a good chance he won't even wear


"We don't have to buy clothes then. How about toys? As a grandmother, I'd like to show my love for

Timmy a little. You can't possibly refuse, can you? Children love playing with toys, especially boys. No

matter how many toys they have, they never feel like it's enough, especially at this stage. They have

great curiosity, wanting to learn about everything. I've noticed some educational toys I think he'd enjoy.

What do you say?"

Page replied quickly, as if she had an answer prepared. Her response made Camille's mind wander


Camille's gaze became more guarded as she looked at Page. She spoke indifferently, "I'll buy those

things for him. So, you don't need to worry. The reason I came to have dinner with you today is to make

some things clear. Our relationship as mother and daughter has always been shallow, and I don't

believe it can change overnight. So, let's not waste each other's time and emotions. I don't know what

you expect to gain from this meeting, but I want to make it clear that I have nothing to offer you, and I

won't give anything. So, I suggest you drop any expectations early."

Camille's words left Page's face frozen.

She stared at Camille without blinking, her eyes filled with disbelief, as if she never expected Camille to

say such things.

In a low voice, Page said, "Cami, can't you give me one chance?"

"In less than a day, you've asked me many times if I can give you another chance. The fact is, I'm not

against giving you a chance, but I don't know what chance you're looking for. I've already given you

countless chances a long time ago, but you never reached out to take them. Even if you didn't reach

out, you didn't need to kick me away with your foot and make me lose trust in you. After all that's

happened, I feel I can manage on my own, and so I think our relationship, the way it is now-cold and

distant-is good for both of us. What do you expect to get from me? I don't know, but whatever it is, I

don't have it to give, and I won't give it to you. So, it's better for you to let go of this hope."

Camille's words left Page emotional, but she continued to ask Camille why she wouldn't give her

another chance.

She also wanted to know what Camille expected her to do to rebuild their mother-daughter relationship.

Camille had only one response, "I think the way things are now is good for both of us. So, let's not force

anything, and don't push yourself into doing things you don't like."

Page shook her head, her meal untouched for a while. She spoke with increasing excitement, and

tears streamed down her face. Her expression was filled with profound sadness as she said, "I'm not

forcing anything; I'm doing this willingly. Why won't you trust me for once?"

Page kept asking questions, and Sienna, who had been silent, couldn't help but speak up. She spoke

in a calm tone, "Mrs. Armstrong, if you genuinely want what's best for Cami, then maybe it's best to

respect her wishes. By pushing her so hard, you make it seem like you have ulterior motives. What do

you think?"

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