My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1053: Suspicious
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Chapter 1053: Suspicious

Chapter 1053: Suspicious

"I won't give in. I want him to think I'm with you every moment and curse you in her heart."

"Oh my, why is your heart so wicked?" Sienna playfully shook her head. "With you acting like this, I

might think you have ulterior motives for me."

Camille couldn't help but laugh. Sienna's acting was really on point, and it was clear she didn't mean it

seriously. She said, "I'm sending her a message now, asking her to come. Would you like to join us for


Sienna replied, "Maybe it's better if I don't. I'm afraid Mrs. Armstrong won't be able to eat with me

around. And even if she manages to eat, she might get indigestion. So, don't worry about me; I can

have dinner on my own. It's not necessary for you to accompany me. Go and have dinner with her. It's

fine, really."

Camille knew Sienna was just teasing her, and she couldn't help but smile. She understood Sienna's

desire not to interfere with Camille's dinner with Page.

It was indeed their first dinner alone. Camille had invited Page to dine several times before, but Page

had always declined with various excuses, mostly urging Camille to focus on her work and avoid

distractions. A smaller part of the excuses was about the quality of food at home-why go out when they

had a good meal at home? Camille stopped inviting Page after a while because she didn't want to

embarrass herself.

Looking back, it seemed quite ridiculous. Even for their own parents, they had to have a reason to visit.

Initially, Camille didn't find this strange. Now, she couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity.

Camille sent Page a message, and she quickly received a reply. Page said, "I'm nearby right now. I'll

come over. Why don't you go ahead and order something? You decide what you want to eat."

Camille had no reason to decline. She had to wait for Page.

Camille and Sienna entered the restaurant, and Camille chose a table by the window with a view of the

entrance. There weren't many people in the restaurant at the moment, so Sienna didn't need to help

and headed to the kitchen to find some food for herself. Then, she planned to go to the lounge to relax

while Camille had dinner.

Sitting at her table, Camille placed her order, but Page hadn't arrived yet. She picked up her phone and

sent a message to Talia: "Mom, can I see Timmy?"

Talia replied quickly, saying, "Of course, we'll take a video of him and send it to you right away."

Camille smiled and replied, "That sounds perfect. Just send me a video. I'm currently outside, so it's

not convenient for me to take a video call."

Talia sent an OK hand gesture emoji and quickly sent a video of Timmy playing with his toy cars.

In the video, Timmy was sitting on the floor, engrossed in playing with toy cars. He had recently taken a

liking to them, and Fletcher had bought him a lot of toy cars. They were overflowing from the toy box. It

was as if they wanted to shower all the love they had for Ayan on Timmy, their one and only grandson.

Talia didn't oppose this approach, and Camille and Ayan's protests were in vain. As Talia put it, "He's

our only grandson. If we don't dote on him, who should we dote on? You two are never home anyway.

If you were, you could share the affection with him. But since you're not home, we have to make up for


With things at this stage, Camille and Ayan could only accept the situation. Watching Timmy in the

video, fully immersed in playing with his toy cars, not even paying attention to his mother, Camille

couldn't help but smile. Talia kept calling him, "Timmy, say hi to mommy! Give mommy a wave."

He waved his hand indifferently and said, "Mom, I'm playing with my cars. Do you want to join me?"

Throughout the conversation, he didn't even lift his head.

Camille couldn't help but think, with his mind filled with toys, would he be the same when he grew up

and got married? Would he focus on his wife, or would he remain equally devoted to her, just as Ayan

was to Talia?

These thoughts brought a bittersweet smile to Camille's face. However, when she remembered how

dedicated Ayan remained to his mother even after their marriage, her worries seemed less concerning.

She believed that Timmy would likely be the same.

Camille pursed her lips and relaxed her expression. She chatted with Talia about Timmy for a while.

After a moment, her peripheral vision caught sight of a black car parking outside. Page got out of the

car. She had driven herself, and there was no driver. Camille's gaze automatically scanned the

surroundings but didn't spot anyone suspicious.

Camille narrowed her eyes slightly, and her expression became somewhat distant. She put her phone

away, and her smile vanished. Page had entered the restaurant by now, and as their eyes met, she

could see Camille.

Page immediately walked over to Camille. She had a slight smile on her face, though it seemed

somewhat forced. It wasn't because she didn't want to be genuine; it was more about the sincerity

itself, which didn't seem appropriate on her face. A mother shouldn't display such a smile to her


Camille, however, didn't dwell on it. She knew that the purpose of this dinner was simply to address

Page's concerns.

As she drifted off for a moment, Page had already taken a seat at the table. Page's gaze roamed the

surroundings briefly, and her smile remained. She said, "This restaurant looks pretty nice! Is it a recentnovelbin

opening? I haven't heard about it before."

Camille calmly replied, "It's Sienna's restaurant."

Page was briefly taken aback. She hadn't expected the restaurant to belong to Sienna, which was

somewhat surprising.

But that was all. After a brief moment of surprise, Page regained her composure and continued. She

said, "Sienna is quite impressive. The restaurant's decor is nice. I just wonder about the taste of the


Camille questioned her with a straightforward gaze, "Do you really dislike Sienna that much? Is it

because of me that you also dislike her?"

Page was somewhat at a loss.

How could she answer such a direct question?

Camille didn't seem to find it awkward at all and continued to stare at her without any signs of

discomfort or emotion. She waited for Page's response.

Page, however, seemed a bit embarrassed. She said quietly, "Cami, can't you give your mother a

chance? I know I made mistakes in the past. Can't we move past that? If you think I've wronged

Sienna, I can apologize to her. Can we?"

Camille chuckled, "You've sacrificed a lot for me."

Page responded, "You're my daughter, no matter what. Isn't there a saying about no grudges overnight

between a mother and her child?"

Camille simply smiled without replying. Page couldn't quite read Camille's thoughts and was left

wondering what was on her mind.

Just then, the waiter brought the dishes to the table, and their conversation came to a temporary


Camille ordered a few dishes she liked, some spicy and some not. She looked at the three or four

dishes on the table and, with a somewhat detached expression, said to Page, "You can add whatever

you like. These are all dishes I enjoy."

Page shook her head, saying, "I don't have any particular preferences, and I'm not a picky eater. I'll eat

whatever you eat."

Camille responded with a simple "suit yourself." She didn't want to pressure Page; what she ate was

her own choice.

They quietly ate their meal. During the meal, Camille's phone beeped, indicating a message from

Sienna. Sienna asked, "Can I go out now? I'm so bored!?"

Camille replied with a short message, "Am I locking you there?"

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