My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1049: Quarrel
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Chapter 1049: Quarrel

Chapter 1049: Quarrel

Ayan's speculation was indeed correct. Even though Preston had accepted the money, he wasn't

feeling great about it. Especially with Kian's words, he could already imagine the expression on Ayan's

face when he handed over the money.

The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt. His expression grew increasingly


And then there was Camille. Why did she tell Ayan about this? Weren't they getting divorced? Weren't

they supposed to stay away from Ayan? Why the sudden change of heart?

Is it all a deception?

Liars, all of them!

Preston's emotions became highly unstable, and this naturally upset the employees at the boba tea

shop. One of the employees stepped out and politely said to Preston, "Sir, could you keep your voice


Preston had already suffered at Kian's hands and wasn't going to tolerate another employee acting

freely toward him. He reacted instinctively and shouted, "Get lost! Who do you think you are? Do you

think you can boss me around?"

Preston's voice was loud, and his face was extremely unpleasant. This brusque response left the

employee too frightened to speak.

Other employees who had come over were also silenced by Preston's intimidating presence. He looked

at them indifferently, his tone cold but composed as he said, "Stay away from me, or don't blame me for

being impolite."

With that, he picked up the bag on the table and headed toward the employee who had tried to stop

him earlier. He struck the employee with force, and the employee had no chance to resist.

Other employees murmured, "Isn't this bullying?"

However, they were all a bit scared of the man before them. The coldness in his eyes was too

malevolent, making them reluctant to make any moves because they genuinely believed that they

couldn't afford to provoke this man.

Preston left the boba tea shop without further incident. The employees breathed a sigh of relief. They

quickly went to inquire about the condition of the employee who had been hit.

Everyone despised Preston's attitude and felt that he was too arrogant. At that moment, a man's voice

came from somewhere, "Don't you have surveillance cameras in your shop? His behavior has been

recorded; it's the internet age, so just upload it online!"

The employees exchanged glances and immediately realized that it was a good idea. After all, bullies

should face consequences.

The man's voice chimed in again, "But it's better not to expose too much. Just screenshot his conflict

with you, so it doesn't affect others."

The employees nodded in agreement, saying, "Sure, you can trust us. We won't expose others. Even if

we have to quit this job, this guy was just too despicable."

They were filled with resentment, and the more they talked, the angrier they felt towards Preston.

Several of them left their work to check the surveillance footage on the computer.

While they were busy with this, the man who had given the suggestion earlier left the boba tea shop.

He was wearing a cap, concealing his true identity. No one had noticed him entering while all the

attention was focused on the dispute between Kian and Preston.


Yesterday evening, Brody and Page from the Armstrong family had a rough time at the Simpson family.

Whether it was the old Simpson, Fletcher, Talia, or even Ayan, their attitudes were very cold.

Naturally, this left Brody and Page in a bad mood.

Even though they left the Simpson family quite late last night, it didn't prevent them from arguing from

the moment they got into the car.

There was only one topic of their argument. Page, as a woman and a mother, had failed to maintain a

good relationship with Camille. This had resulted in many things becoming difficult to accomplish.

Brody sternly accused Page without any regard for the driver who was present. Every word was an

accusation, and in the end, he shouted coldly, "If we can't complete this task, it will be the end for both

of us and the entire Armstrong family. You've been living a comfortable life in the Armstrong family for

so many years; it's time for you to give something back. No matter what method you use, you must

convince Camille."

Page clenched her fists tightly, her face frozen without any reaction or expression.

Not getting a response only fueled Brody's emotions further. He raised his hand and pushed Page

aggressively, questioning her, "Can you hear me when I talk to you?"

Page bit her lip, feeling extremely frustrated but unwilling to stay silent. She nodded gently, saying, "I

heard you. I'll go see her tomorrow, and I'll do whatever it takes to make her marry into the Wesley


"Do you really think she can marry into the Wesley family now? I'm afraid even the Wesley family

wouldn't want her. Haven't you seen Ayan's attitude? The entire Simpson family is protecting her. Is it

really just blind protection without any ulterior motives?"

Brody sneered and didn't believe it.

Page looked puzzled and asked, "So what should I do? How should I convince Camille?"

"You just need to build a good relationship with Camille. Remember, you're mother and daughter, and

there's no lasting grudge between a mother and daughter. Past unpleasantness should be replaced

with new happiness. You just need to show the right attitude, and Camille won't ignore you," Brody said

with a pointed look, emphasizing that she shouldn't mess things up.

Page could only nod gently, but she was already feeling reluctant. Convincing Camille was sure to

involve her having to lower herself. However, if she didn't, Brody would continue to apply pressure.

What should she do?

This problem troubled Page all night. Since the incident had occurred, she and Brody had officially

started sleeping in separate beds. She had hardly slept a wink, and she got up very late the next

morning. Brody had already left home.

The housemaid said, "Mr. Armstrong left early this morning. He instructed us last night to prepare

pastries for him, and he took them with him."

The staff's words made Page's face turn even uglier, but she didn't say anything. She quietly had lunch

and then prepared herself before leaving.

Page's destination was clear. Since Brody had instructed her last night, she couldn't afford to

procrastinate. She had to find Camille as soon as possible.novelbin

Upon reaching Camille's company, she was familiar with the location since she had been there before.

On her way there, she had even bought some cakes and coffee. She brought these items up to the

office floor where Camille worked.

The company's employees, except for the recently hired design assistant, were all familiar faces, and

they knew about Page's poor attitude towards Camille. Consequently, they didn't have a favorable

impression of Page. Nevertheless, they greeted her politely.

"Mrs. Armstrong, are you here to see Mr. Armstrong?"

The receptionist asked gently.

Page nodded with a soft smile and inquired, "Yes, indeed. I came to see her. She's been very busy with

work lately, right? Is she still busy now? Will my visit disturb her?"

Page's attitude left the receptionist momentarily stunned. After all, a few days ago, when she came

here and had a big argument with Camille and Sienna, the scene was still fresh in everyone's memory.

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