My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1038: Moderation
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Chapter 1038: Moderation

Chapter 1038: Moderation

His voice was like a gentle spring breeze, piercing straight to Camille's heart, making it hard for her to

calm down.

In reality, she hadn't put too much thought into her actions; she just didn't want Ayan to be harmed

unjustly. But now that Ayan had brought it up, she suddenly felt a bit embarrassed. She bit her lip, her

voice low and husky as she said, "I thought you might think I was impulsive. If I hadn't acted

impulsively, they wouldn't have found the Simpson family and disturbed Grandpa and my parents."

Camille bit her lip lightly, and her worries intensified little by little. She wondered if Talia and Fletcher

would blame her.

She had spoken to Talia on the phone earlier that morning. Talia had trusted her so completely and had

been her staunch supporter. Would Talia regret saying so much to her now?

Camille's jealousy had left her feeling insecure, and her worries were growing heavier by the moment.

Ayan seemed to have seen through her thoughts. He tightened his grip on her hand, and his voice was

low and husky as he reassured her patiently, "Cami, don't think this way, and don't feel responsible for

their actions. Every person has their independent thoughts. You can't change yourself, and you can't

control others. Their actions are their own decisions; how can they be related to you?"

He gently and patiently comforted Camille's heart with his soft-spoken words. Each word conveyed that

what Brody and Page did was their own affair and had nothing to do with her. Just as she had told

Grace, how could she forget that when it came to herself?novelbin

Camille smiled shyly and looked into Ayan's eyes. She whispered, "I know. I know it's not my fault, but I

can't help feeling guilty."

It was a perfectly normal way of thinking. After all, she carried the Armstrong surname, and it was

inevitable that the actions of the Armstrong family would affect her. Even if she could ignore it or avoid

it, any events involving the Armstrong family would still be tied to her. When it came to outsiders, she

might not care, but when it came to her closest family, she would surely shoulder some of the blame.

Camille's confession led Ayan to say, "I understand your thoughts, but I want to tell you that you are

you, and they are them. You are different from them, and they never asked for your opinion on their

actions. So, neither I nor Grandpa, nor Mom and Dad will blame you or connect you to this incident in

any way, okay?"

Camille nodded gently, and her expression softened considerably. Ayan's words were truly


They held hands all the way, and this supportive gesture filled Camille with energy, lifting the heaviness

of her heart and worries.

In about half an hour, they arrived back at the Simpson's mansion.

After parking the car and getting out, Camille noticed that the Armstrong family's vehicle was also

parked nearby. The house staff immediately approached when they saw the couple. Ayan, in an

indifferent tone, asked, "What are they discussing?"

The staff looked at Camille and replied in a hushed tone, "Mr. Armstrong and Mrs. Armstrong came

over to demand an explanation."

"Is Grandpa here?"

"Yes, they insisted on seeing the old Simpson, even though he was resting. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong

wanted to stop them, but, despite the soundproofing in the room, the old Simpson could hear the

commotion before falling asleep, so..."

Ayan narrowed his eyes slightly and, still holding Camille's hand, walked towards the house.

As soon as they entered, they heard Brody's questioning voice in the hall, "Mr. Simpson, we have

always held you in high regard. You've been a good friend to my father for many years. Although the

Armstrong family may not be as prosperous as the Simpson family, we've never used the Simpson

family's name for personal gain. We didn't want to cause any discomfort to Camille and Ayan's

relationship. Now that they are divorced, we don't owe anything to the Simpson family. We don't intend

to demand anything from you. We just want to implore you. Since they no longer have any relationship,

let Ayan let Camille go. Camille is divorced and has a child. We've finally found a good family for her,

but Ayan has disrupted everything. Isn't this a bit too much?"

Brody's words came out in a long, questioning stream, every word dripping with inquiry. To the casual

observer, it seemed like a loving father seeking an explanation for the sake of his beloved daughter.

As if Ayan were an abusive man or had a bad character, and that's why he was approaching the man's

family to protect his beloved daughter from such a man.

Even Camille felt that way, but when she looked at the man beside her, she couldn't help but suppress

a self-mocking smile. She said lightly to Ayan, "What kind of monster are you? Why can't they stand us

being together like this?"

Isn't divorce a matter for two people? Isn't a relationship a matter for two people? Although marriage

involves two families, they have their independent thoughts and decisions. Why were they acting this


They had never treated her like this in the past. Did they suddenly see her as having some value to

exploit, which was why they were showing concern like protective parents?

Camille chuckled with self-deprecation, and Brody's words had caused a hushed silence in the hall.

The atmosphere became unusually quiet, and one could almost hear the participants' breath.

And it wasn't an exaggeration.

So, when Camille and Ayan's footsteps were heard, everyone in the hall noticed. Talia was the first to

look over, and upon seeing the couple, she immediately got up, saying, "Cami, Ayan is back."

Talia came forward, gave Ayan a subtle look, then glanced at Cami. Her expression was gentle, devoid

of any displeasure or emotion, and filled with the usual warmth.

Camille pursed her lips and also looked at Talia. She opened her mouth and greeted her in a low voice.

When she looked at the old Simpson and Fletcher, she greeted them as she usually did. But when it

came to Brody and Page, there was complete silence.

Camille's differential treatment made Brody and Page's faces naturally ugly.

Brody even furrowed his brows, his voice laced with sternness as he said, "Didn't you see your mother

and me?"

Camille let go of Ayan's hand, walked past Talia to where Brody and Page were seated. She looked at

them coldly and asked, "I saw you and heard what you said. So, why are you coming to the Simpson's

mansion? Why didn't you ask me first?"

Camille's question made Brody's expression even darker. Anger and resentment swirled in his eyes

because, in front of the Simpson family, if Camille didn't save face for them, it would be utterly


Brody maintained a stern and displeased expression, and Page quickly stood up. She approached

Camille and grabbed her arm, her grip far from gentle. Page lowered her voice and warned, "We're

family. You need to watch your words."

Camille took a step back and echoed her words, "We're family, so I have to watch my words?"

Both Brody and Page wore grim expressions. They turned their gaze towards Camille. Brody's voice

was composed as he said, "Camille, if you think we're intruding by coming to the Simpson mansion,

you can leave with us right now. If it weren't for our inability to find you, we wouldn't have come here to

disturb the old Simpson."

The tension in the room was palpable, and Camille, Page, and Brody were caught in a heated


These words placed all the blame on Camille, making her break into a faint smile. Camille inquired,

"Are you here to hold me accountable for what I said in today's live broadcast?"

"Camille!" Brody and Page both yelled simultaneously. The intensity in their gaze and their demeanor

indicated that if they weren't at the Simpson family's home, they might have swallowed Camille whole.

Camille appeared accustomed to this reaction, so she didn't overreact.

Ayan, who had been silent until now, finally spoke. His voice was cold and deep as he said, "This is the

Simpson family. Outsiders have no right to create a scene. If you have something to say, say it quickly,

and if you haven't finished talking, finish it this morning. But don't make a ruckus in the Simpson

family's presence."

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