My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1037: Recklessness
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Chapter 1037: Recklessness

Chapter 1037: Recklessness

The questions from netizens were picked up and shared by some prominent social media personalities,

leading to a growing wave of people demanding answers from Armstrong Corp's official account.

Armstrong Corp, at this moment, faced numerous doubts and inquiries. In the eyes of outsiders, even

though Horace now held power in Armstrong Corp, the company was still associated with the

Armstrong family. Since they couldn't find anyone from the Armstrong family, it was natural to turn to

Armstrong Corp.

Around 5 PM, Horace was leaving Armstrong Corp's headquarters for a dinner engagement. His car

was waiting at the entrance when a group of reporters suddenly emerged from the crowd, holding

cameras and microphones, and bombarded him with questions: "Mr. Burris, do you have any

comments about the online situation? Are you aware of Mr. Armstrong's collaboration with unethical

media outlets to target Mr. Simpson?"

"Mr. Burris, is Mr. Armstrong's actions related to Armstrong Corp's development? Is it because Mr.

Simpson posed a threat to Armstrong Corp's projects and put the company at risk, leading you to resort

to such tactics for retaliation?"

"Mr. Burris, do you have anything to say?"

The reporters' questions were sharp and demanding, causing Horace's expression to immediately


He gave the assembled reporters a cold and penetrating look, halting his boarding of the car. His face

turned cold and indifferent, and his voice took on a lower tone as he said, "I believe you may have

misunderstood something."

The journalists and cameramen present at the scene were briefly puzzled, not quite grasping the

meaning behind Horace's words.

In the next moment, he continued in a detached tone, "This is a matter involving the Armstrong family,

and it's Mr. Armstrong's personal actions. How is it relevant to Armstrong Corp? If any of you have

objections to this matter, you can go directly to Mr. Armstrong to ask. There's no need to come to

Armstrong Corp to inquire about it. After all, all matters within Armstrong Corp are under my

responsibility. Mr. Armstrong has completely stepped back. There's no need to probe whether I am

aware of Mr. Armstrong's actions. I can tell you directly that I have no knowledge, and neither does

Armstrong Corp. This is the extent of my response today. Regarding this matter and anything

concerning Mr. Armstrong in the future, I won't be providing any further comments. I hope journalists

can understand my position."

Horace concluded his statement and instructed his secretary to take the reporters to a nearby cafe to

take a break, have a cup of coffee, and relax for a while. After all, it had been a long day, and everyone

was exhausted.

Faced with Horace's friendly attitude, everyone present was quite satisfied. They even felt a slight

fondness for Horace. After all, a kind word turns away wrath.

Horace got into his car, and his secretary, after ensuring the reporters were settled, quickly joined him.

The secretary looked at Horace in the rearview mirror with some concern and asked, "Mr. Burris, your

recent statements will likely reach Mr. Armstrong's ears very soon. If Mr. Armstrong finds out, could this

potentially cause trouble for you? Mr. Armstrong is known for being difficult to deal with, and if the

situation escalates like the previous stock matter, it might not look good. What are your thoughts?"

"If I'm willing to say it, I'm not afraid of him finding out. If I don't clarify this matter, do you think the

media will not link Armstrong Corp and us directly to him? Those accusations against Ayan and the

events he brought up have been completely dismantled due to Camille's livestream. If we don't clarify

the situation at this time, the blame on Armstrong Corp will become even greater and heavier."

Horace's expression remained calm, but between his brows, there was a slight furrow. He raised his

hand to gently massage his temple, and his face appeared genuinely troubled.

The secretary nodded in agreement with Horace's statement and asked in a low voice, "And what

about Miss Grace?"

"I'll explain to her."

"Alright, I understand." The secretary nodded and then proceeded to take Horace to the dinner event.

Soon, the rush-hour evening was in full swing. Everyone was heading home from work, and the streets

were filled with countless vehicles and pedestrians.

Camille and Sienna were also preparing to leave the office. They took the elevator down together and

arrived at the underground parking lot. After the events of the past few days, Camille was now

somewhat apprehensive about entering the garage. She had arranged for several colleagues to leave

work together, which made her feel safer.

However, everything went smoothly, and except for a few coworkers from her own company, she didn't

encounter anyone else.

Even Sienna couldn't help but comment, "What's going on today? It feels like there are fewer people."

Yessica and the other two colleagues nodded and said, "Yeah, usually, we have to wait in line for the

elevator, but today it seems pretty smooth."

While everyone casually mentioned this, they didn't pay it much heed. It was only when Camille and

Sienna got into their car that Sienna asked, "Did the Armstrong family really have no response to your

livestream today? Is their internet down? We're in the internet age, after all. Your father might have

retired from Armstrong Corp, but he's been in the Hance City business circle for many years. Doesn't

he have a few people he's on good terms with? Wouldn't they inform him?"

Camille had considered Sienna's question because they had passed the majority of the day without

any action or response, which was unusual for Brody and Page.

However, Camille had long blocked them on her contact list, so she naturally wouldn't receive their


Camille pursed her lips and said, "They're probably too busy and have no time to bother with me."

"Who knows? Let's hope it stays that way."

The car exited the garage, and because the situation outside was unstable, Sienna decided to drive

directly back to Franklin Bay.

Staying home seemed like the safest option.

Camille returned home, but Ayan hadn't arrived yet. It had been a busy day, and the two of them hadn't

been in contact at all.

Camille went upstairs first, took a shower, changed into comfortable clothes, and then came back

downstairs. Just as she descended the stairs, Ayan returned home.

Ayan had an air of urgency about him. Camille, still standing on the staircase, watched him as he

entered. She asked, somewhat surprised, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

He met Camille's gaze and replied in a gentle voice, "Let's go back to the Simpson's mansion now."

"Now?" Camille was taken aback. She continued down the stairs until she stood in front of Ayan. She

looked up at him and asked, "Is it really so urgent? Auntie is already preparing dinner."

"Your parents have gone to the Simpson's mansion, and Grandpa knows what happened in the past

couple of days. Let's go there now, okay?"

With Ayan's words, Camille's expression froze, and she immediately asked, "Why did they go to the

Simpson's mansion?"

Ayan explained, "Probably because they couldn't see you or me, they decided to go directly to the

Simpson's mansion."

He had neglected to consider that they might head directly to the Simpson's mansion, and his

expression became even colder.

Camille didn't even bother to change her clothes. She grabbed a coat hanging on a nearby rack, put it

on, and then said to Ayan, "Then let's hurry back."

The two of them rushed out and headed straight for the Simpson's mansion.

The atmosphere in the car was tense and quiet.

Camille had a stoic expression, and her emotions seemed excessively cold. She took a deep breath,

mustered up the courage, and turned to Ayan. She spoke softly, "Ayan, I'm sorry."

Ayan instinctively furrowed his brows. His deep eyes shifted to Camille, showing a hint of curiosity. He

asked, "Why the sudden apology?"

"Because of the Armstrong family. I never thought they'd disturb Grandpa. If I had known, I definitely

wouldn't have acted so recklessly today. I would have discussed it with you first and waited for you to

take precautions before doing anything like that." Camille regretted her actions now, as she shouldn't

have bothered her grandfather. After all, the old Simpson was advanced in age, and if he couldn'tnovelbin

handle such disruptions, the consequences would be too much for her to bear.

Camille's self-blame and guilt affected Ayan's mood, and he became somewhat displeased. He

reached out and held Camille's hand, then whispered, "This has nothing to do with you. You did this to

protect me, and I'm happy that you did. It makes me feel like you're looking out for me, Cami, and that

genuinely makes me happy."

Ayan didn't hesitate to express his gratitude for Camille's actions that day. Even though it was in the

past, the images from her livestream and her protective words still vividly resonated with him. He

appreciated her immensely, even though he no longer required protection in his current position.

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