My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1021: Cherish
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Chapter 1021: Cherish

Chapter 1021: Cherish

Brody maintained his calm demeanor and responded, "Ayan, you and Camille are divorced. This matter

concerning Camille is now a family matter for the Armstrong family. I'm not sure how to explain this to

you. It's Camille's decision, and as her parents, we support her."

"Camille's decision?" Ayan snorted, his voice cold and questioning. "If it's Camille's decision, then

where is she?"

Brody replied, "Ayan, I can't tell you that. Whatever happened between you and Camille is something

only the two of you know. Camille doesn't want you to know where she is right now, so maybe you

shouldn't press the issue. Everyone deserves their own space. You're already divorced, and pursuing

her like this may not be appropriate. Let's not completely ruin our relationship between the two families,


Brody seemed like a father who understood and considered everything for the sake of his daughter,

quite different from his usual cold and harsh demeanor towards Camille.

Ayan, of course, didn't believe Brody's words. His gaze was as sharp and icy as a blade, making it

uncomfortable to look at him for too long.

Ayan stared at Brody without emotion and questioned, "Who told you that we divorced? Do you have

any evidence to prove that we're divorced? Let me tell you, if you don't hand over Camille right now, I

can definitely report your actions to the authorities and hold you legally responsible. She is my wife and

the mother of my child. What right do you have to interfere in her affairs?"

Ayan's questioning made Brody's face stiffen momentarily. He concealed a mysterious expression in

his eyes but stuck to his stance, saying, "I don't know what's really going on between you two, but

since Camille told me about your divorce, I believe her. We don't need to continue this conversation.

Ayan, even though you and Camille are no longer together, I am still your elder. The Simpson family

has a certain level of decorum. Your confrontational tone is hardly appropriate. Besides, if your

grandfather were to find out about this, he might not be pleased, would he?"

"Stop using my grandfather to intimidate me. You know what kind of person you are in front of him, you

don't need me to remind you," Ayan retorted sharply, showing no respect for Brody as an elder. His

tone was firm and unyielding as he continued, "I'm sitting here talking to you civilly right now out of

consideration for your father and Grace. Otherwise, I wouldn't need to treat you with any respect."

This was the first time Ayan had confronted Brody and Page with such anger, and it was the first time

he refused to treat them as elders. Even though they had mistreated Camille before, he had still shown

them basic respect and courtesy because they were Camille's parents and out of consideration for the

old Armstrong. However, their recent actions had pushed him to his limit.

Their behavior was nauseating, and they seemed to demand everything from Camille without giving

anything in return. Ayan's anger intensified as he thought about how they had treated Camille. He

regarded Brody with a piercing and unrelenting gaze, and this blunt confrontation left Brody visibly

upset. He asked with a lowered voice, "Ayan, what do you mean by all this? Just because Camille and

you are divorced, does it mean you should treat us this way?"

Ayan snorted, "How do you expect me to treat you? Stop the nonsense and hand over Camille. If you

do that, I'll consider today's events as if they never happened. Otherwise, I can't guarantee what I

might do."

"Are you trying to threaten me right now?"

"If that's how you choose to perceive it, then yes."

Ayan chuckled lightly, his expression cold and indifferent.

Brody hesitated, meeting Ayan's intense gaze. His face turned increasingly unpleasant, and he seemed

momentarily lost for words.

Page, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up, saying, "Ayan, your words are a bit too harsh,

aren't they? Your divorce with Camille is your own matter. She signed the divorce statement herself,

and it has nothing to do with us!"

"Since it has nothing to do with you, then hand over Camille. Don't make me repeat myself, hmm?"

"We don't know where Camille is, and your pressing us for answers won't change that," Page replied

indifferently, appearing unfazed by Ayan's words.

Brody also joined the conversation, saying, "Even if you're from the Simpson family and can do as you

please, you can't force others to comply, can you? If Camille doesn't want to be with you, you should

respect her decision, rather than putting pressure on her parents like this."

Ayan retorted sharply, "How do you know what Camille wants? Even if she doesn't want to, so what?

As long as I haven't agreed, she has to be with me."

"You're being quite domineering, aren't you?"

"So, do you intend to continue this pointless conversation, or are you going to hand Camille over?"

Ayan scanned both of them with indifference, and since neither of them spoke, he decided not to waste

any more time. In a cold tone, he said, "If that's the case, then I won't be polite any longer."

Ayan picked up his phone right in front of Brody and Page and dialed Kian's number. He calmly stated,

"Cancel all the projects with Armstrong Corp. Instruct our long-term media partners to release the news

directly. Let everyone know that cooperating with the Armstrong family is tantamount to opposing me."

Kian, without hesitation, responded, "Certainly, Mr. Simpson. I'll arrange it immediately."

Brody was left stunned. He looked at Ayan and asked, "Ayan, what gives you the right to do this?"

Ayan smirked with a hint of coldness in his eyes. He replied, "I have the power to do so, while you are

powerless to resist, aren't you? This is just the beginning. If you think it doesn't matter, take your time. I

want to see if the so-called Wesley family has the capability to help you deal with me."

Ayan didn't spare another glance at Brody and Page. He remained seated on the sofa, his face

shrouded in deep shadow, devoid of any additional emotions or expressions.

Brody and Page exchanged a glance, and Page's eyes searched Brody's, as if silently asking, "What

should we do now?"

Brody remained silent, his expression cool, but the intensity in his eyes conveyed a sense of gravity

and concern.

Ayan wasn't bluffing with his earlier phone call. It wasn't just to make them hand over Camille willingly.

The call was a genuine threat.

Before Brody could fully comprehend the situation, his phone rang. Brody hesitated for a moment as he

looked at the ringing phone on the coffee table. Meanwhile, Ayan's gaze held a subtle hint of

amusement as he watched Brody's reaction. Brody's face grew stiff in response.

The phone continued to ring persistently, and after a brief moment of silence, Brody finally picked it up

and answered the call. His expression soured as he listened to the voice on the other end, but he didn't

put the call on speaker immediately. Instead, he held the phone to his ear.

The voice on the other end was that of a man, but the exact words he spoke couldn't be heard clearly.

After listening for a moment, Brody's face grew even more strained. He didn't speak, but his anger was

palpable. Finally, he raised his voice to Ayan, questioning, "What are you trying to accomplish here?

Whether Camille divorces you or not is not our decision. Your relationship with her is your business.

Your actions right now are directed at the Armstrong family, and it's unfair. Even if your grandfather

were here, he wouldn't approve of this."

"Call it unfair if you want. Even if my grandfather were here, I'd still do this. Maybe he'd support me,

and even if he didn't, the Simpson Group and the Simpson family are under my control now. So, no

matter what he thinks, I can do as I please. You might not know me well, but you should know I'm quite

stubborn. Once I make up my mind, no one can change it. Do you want to test that theory?" Ayannovelbin

replied coldly.

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