My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1014: The Art Of Pretense
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Chapter 1014: The Art Of Pretense

Chapter 1014: The Art of Pretense

After dinner, it was already past eight in the evening. Camille finally told Ayan about Preston's call

during the day.

Ayan listened without any extra reaction, his expression merely becoming slightly subdued.

Camille looked at him and asked, "Why aren't you saying anything?"

His gaze met hers, and he spoke in a calm tone, "No need to pay him any attention."

Camille nodded and continued, "Yes, I ignored him and had the phone sent to him because I didn't

think it was necessary for him to go through so much trouble just to return a phone. But I don't know

what his intentions or thoughts are. What do you think?"

Camille gazed at Ayan, waiting for his response. Although this matter wasn't particularly troubling, there

was still a slight uneasiness until it was fully understood.

Ayan gently took Camille's hand, and a faint glimmer of amusement sparkled in his eyes as he said,

"Don't take him seriously. He's just seeking attention with his actions. If you feel burdened or find it

difficult to refuse, then handle it as you have in the past. There's no need for you to engage in any

disputes because of me. Whatever he says, you can listen. As for what kind of person I am, you should

know better than him."

Camille nodded, her gaze remaining fixed on Ayan. His reactions and attitude seemed to indicate that

he didn't mind her contact with Preston. Was he genuinely unconcerned, or was he simply pretending

to be magnanimous?

Camille tilted her head, looking at Ayan curiously. "You're not upset, are you?"

Ayan replied calmly, meeting Camille's gaze with his own. A slight curve appeared on his thin lips as he

said, "I'm not upset. Why do you ask?"

"Because in the past, you didn't seem to like it when I was in contact with him. Why does it seem like

you've changed your mind now?"

"I haven't changed my mind. I've never liked it. I know perfectly well what his intentions are regarding

you, and naturally, I don't like him having any contact with you. However, I can't stop you, but trying to

prevent you would only backfire. As long as you understand what's on my mind, that's all that matters.

Whether he continues to contact you is his own business."

He said this earnestly, his slender fingers gently squeezing her palm. His deep eyes remained gentle

and warm, devoid of any sharpness or coldness.

His words, along with his current demeanor, made Camille feel like he was good at pretending.novelbin

Camille couldn't help but laugh to herself and let a smile play on her lips as she looked at Ayan. She

asked, "Mr. Simpson, have you been learning the art of pretending recently?"

Ayan naturally didn't understand the meaning behind her words and simply stared at her, asking, "What

trap are you trying to set for me?"

"Me? I'm just complimenting you!"

"Complimenting me? Complimenting me for what?"

"Complimenting you for being clever," Camille said, covering her mouth as she laughed.

Ayan showed no emotional response and continued to gaze at her with his deep, unblinking eyes.

There was a clear hint of indulgence in his eyes, a gaze that could make anyone lose control if they

stared at it for too long.

The way Camille and Ayan interacted nowadays was different from before. They could sit together and

chat for hours without specific topics in mind. Although there was no particular subject, the atmosphere

never turned cold, perhaps because that was how married couples spent time together.

The night was calm, as if it were the calm before a storm, but there were no visible ripples.

The next morning, Ayan woke up and pulled Camille out of bed. He wanted to have breakfast with her.

Camille didn't have any morning grumpiness, but it was evident that she hadn't slept well, so her face

appeared expressionless with a touch of coldness. Ayan, in an attempt to appease her, personally

prepared breakfast and served it to her.

As they both ate, Ayan's phone suddenly rang, and he picked it up from the table, answering the call

with a press of the speaker button. "Hello?"

"Mr. Simpson, it's me," Kian's voice came through the phone. He spoke softly, "Mr. Simpson, the news

about Mr. Bell's divorce has already been revealed. The situation seems relatively normal for now.

However, Mr. Bell just called me, and he mentioned that he can't reach Mr. Mikkola. He's worried about

what Mr. Mikkola might be planning, so he's feeling uncertain. He wants to temporarily leave Hance

and come back after the situation cools down. As for the project, he intends to hand it over to Simpson

Group. What's your take on this?"

Ayan, who was in the midst of serving Camille some food, paused briefly upon hearing Kian's words.

After placing the food in Camille's bowl, he responded, "If he wants to leave Hance City for a while,

that's his decision. Regarding the Fola project, since Simpson Group has already handed it over,

there's no need for us to continue managing it. Let him leave it in the hands of his assistant, and

Simpson Group will provide support if necessary. There's no need for us to take full responsibility."

"Understood. I'll let Mr. Bell know. What about Mr. Mikkola? Is there a reason to be concerned if he

can't be reached now?"

"That's not something we should be worried about. Once Mr. Bell's affairs are settled, Mr. Mikkola won't

have any reason to stay in Hance anymore. Whether he stays or leaves is his own business, and it

doesn't concern us."

Ayan squinted his eyes and set down his fork. His expression became somewhat aloof, and he seemed

lost in thought.

Ayan listened to Kian's report about Mr. Bell's situation and the current online status. Then, he

suddenly spoke up, saying, "Have Jenson Evans reach out to Mr. Mikkola and probe him to see if he

has any other intentions?"

The museum project was now under Jenson Evans' complete responsibility. Even though Preston had

completely left the project and posed no threat or influence, Ayan chose to maintain some distance

from it. He entrusted the project entirely to Jenson Evans, hoping that there would be no issues.

However, he had contingency plans in case of unexpected developments.

After ending the call with Kian, Ayan continued to mull over the situation. His expression remained

pensive until Camille's voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts. She asked, "What are you thinking?"

Only then did Ayan come back to his senses. His gaze met Camille's eyes as he replied, "Nothing."

Camille asked, "Is Mr. Bell planning to leave Hance City?"

"Yes, he's probably concerned that his publicized divorce might cause him trouble. So, he wants to

leave Hance City temporarily until things settle down. After all, he has ongoing projects in Hance City,

and the recent publicity due to Mr. Mikkola's involvement wasn't favorable. He certainly doesn't want to

attract that level of attention again."

Ayan wiped his hands with a wet napkin, and a cold, detached expression settled on his handsome

face. Mr. Bell's desire to completely distance himself from Mr. Mikkola while returning to a cooperative

relationship with Simpson Group wasn't something Ayan was willing to accept.

Although Ayan was willing to assist Mr. Bell in getting Mr. Mikkola to withdraw from the project, it didn't

mean he was willing to forget about everything that had transpired as if it had never happened. Even if

certain decisions had been made under the threat of consequences, Ayan hadn't received any prior

hints or hesitation from Mr. Bell. If Ayan and Simpson Group couldn't bear the criticisms and public

scrutiny of those decisions, then Mr. Bell couldn't simply absolve himself of the consequences.

Ayan's honesty was met with Camille's nod of understanding. She said, "Your decision is fine. Do you

want me to maintain some distance with Mrs. Bell and her team, just in case? Would too much contact

or closeness with them affect Simpson Group?"

"No need. They have already divorced, and Mrs. Bell has left the project. So, there's no need for you to

keep your distance from them. If you think she's a good person to talk to, then talk more. If not, then

just maintain basic interaction."

"Alright, if it might impact Simpson Group, please let me know."


After finishing their breakfast, they headed to work together.

As Camille entered the company's gates, she heard a familiar voice saying, "I'm not going anywhere. I'll

wait for her right here."

Hearing that voice, Camille instinctively furrowed her brows.

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