My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1012: Overthinking
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Chapter 1012: Overthinking

Chapter 1012: Overthinking

She didn't believe that Preston had something crucial to discuss with her. They had already been clear

about their relationship, at least from her perspective. As for Preston's thoughts and intentions, she

didn't care and wasn't curious.

Camille remained silent, her expression icy. Her face was devoid of any emotion as she waited.

Preston asked, "Cami, why aren't you saying anything?"

Camille's gaze remained cold, and her voice was detached as she responded, "Is there something you


Her coldness seemed to make Preston's voice slightly tense, but he still spoke softly, asking, "Cami,

have we become distant?"

Camille didn't understand why he was asking this question again. Being distant wasn't something that

could be changed with words; it was a result of his lack of honesty.

From the day Preston became her friend, he had carried secrets with him, leading to this strained


Camille had always been open and honest with him, even confessing her love for Ayan without

reservation. Looking back, she found it somewhat amusing.

Camille pursed her lips and said, "Are you doing all this just to make me call you? Well, I've called. Do

you have something important to say, or are you only interested in asking irrelevant and unimportant


Preston's emotions seemed to intensify, but his voice remained gentle as he questioned, "Cami, do you

think our relationship has become unimportant to you?"

Camille's reply was straightforward. "Whether it's important or not can't be changed by mere words.

Don't overthink it, and don't jump to conclusions based on a single word or sentence from me, okay?"novelbin

Camille's tone showed impatience, which was evident to Preston.

Her coldness was quite apparent, but Preston's demeanor didn't change much. He explained, "Cami,

I'm not making assumptions, and I'm not asking for anything. I'm just reaching out to you. I want to

apologize, and during this period of silence, I've realized a lot of things."

Preston had started to reflect on what he had done in the call. He couldn't let his selfishness affect

others, and he couldn't hold grudges based on misunderstandings. It was selfish and not right.

Though he didn't explicitly mention Ayan or the Simpson family, Camille could read between the lines.

Preston was trying to convey that he no longer held resentment towards them and hoped that Camille

would give him a chance to restore their previous friendship.

Preston spoke at length, but in the end, he asked Camille a single question, his voice sincere, "Cami,

are you willing to give me this chance?"

She pursed her lips and remained silent, taking several seconds before she spoke slowly, "Preston,

since you've gone this far with your words, I believe you must have made a decision and choice in your

heart. You asked if I'm willing to give you this chance, but truthfully, I don't think I have the authority."

"No, Cami, you do have the authority. You've always had it. We're friends, and it's been so many years.

It's just my own selfishness and jealousy that pushed us further apart. I truly regret it. Isn't life about

experiencing and growing from it?" Preston was afraid that Camille might continue to say things that

would distance herself from him, so he expressed his feelings promptly.

Camille simply smiled faintly, showing no signs of being moved or anything else. She replied, "Thank

you for being willing to say all this to me, but Preston, opportunities aren't something others give;

they're something you seize for yourself. So, you don't need to ask me. It's about your own choice. If

you've figured things out and made up your mind, I believe everything will naturally follow your


Camille's response left no room for ambiguity.

The conversation seemed to come to an end at this point. They hadn't been in contact for a long time,

and there wasn't much more to discuss. In life, topics diminished when people didn't communicate or

spend time together frequently. Only close relationships led to more conversations. That's just how life


Before hanging up, Preston extended an invitation, "Cami, do you have some free time in the next few

days? If you can, I'd like to invite you and Mr. Simpson to have a meal together."

Preston's attitude sounded sincere, and every word he spoke conveyed his earnestness. It was hard to

find anything wrong with his request.

However, Camille was somewhat surprised because this invitation included Ayan. While inviting her

alone would have been normal, mentioning Ayan made it unexpected.

Camille briefly considered the invitation and then replied softly, "Let's skip the meal. I don't even know if

he'll have the time, and I have a lot of things to handle myself, so let's not have the meal."

Camille declined, but Preston didn't give up. He said, "Okay, we'll arrange it after you both finish your

work. Cami, I just want us to have a nice meal, address some things from before, and offer my

apologies to Mr. Simpson as a gesture of goodwill. I don't have any other intentions, so I hope you

won't misunderstand."

Camille replied with a simple "Mmm" and didn't want to continue discussing anything related to her and

Ayan with Preston. She preferred not to say another word on this topic, especially in front of Preston.

Camille changed the subject, saying, "Should I have someone deliver the phone back to you? Please

provide me with an address."

Preston responded, "No need, just keep the phone. It's a hassle to send it back and forth. We can take

it out when we have dinner together another day."

Camille instinctively furrowed her brows and said in a low, serious tone, "It's not necessary. Weren't you

already in Hance? I can easily have someone drop it off."

She didn't want to hold onto Preston's phone, even though it was just a phone. It felt inappropriate, and

she had a strange feeling about it.

Camille insisted that someone deliver the phone, and Preston had no choice but to provide his

address. After Camille noted down the address, she said, "Alright, I'll have someone send it over later.

Please make sure to receive it."




After bidding farewell, Camille promptly ended the call.

In a place where Camille couldn't see, Preston's face turned dark and cold. This conversation with

Camille hadn't provided him with any useful information, and he could clearly sense her distance and


Even though he repeatedly expressed regret for what he did in the past, Camille remained cold.

Preston squinted his eyes, and his displeasure deepened. His voice carried a chill as he muttered, "It

must be Ayan influencing her."

He attributed everything he couldn't accept to Ayan.

In his heart, he silently vowed, "Ayan, just wait and see!"

This phone call left Camille feeling somewhat down. Preston's actions and responses had raised many

questions in her mind.

She silently pondered for a long while and then decided to send someone with Preston's phone to the

provided address.

Camille sighed silently and decided to discuss this matter with Ayan when he returned in the evening.

While it wasn't extremely important, Preston's call and invitation to dinner were somewhat surprising,

and Camille wanted Ayan's perspective on whether Preston had other intentions or if he genuinely

wanted to let go of the past.

As for the answer, she would leave it to Ayan to discern. She didn't want to overthink this matter; it was


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