My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1010: Flaw
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Chapter 1010: Flaw

Chapter 1010: Flaw

They exchanged a smile, and Talia said, "Your Grandpa has a connection with you, and our Simpson

family has a connection with you too. Luckily, you married into our family."

Talia and Camille had a relationship that was more like mother and daughter than that of a typical

mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. They had no secrets between them and could speak their minds


Camille chatted with Talia for a while, and since lunchtime was still a bit away, Talia decided to take

Timmy to the nearby supermarket for a stroll. She wanted to pick up a few things needed for baking a

cake when they returned.

Camille stayed back at the Simpson's mansion, waiting for the old Simpson to wake up. Fletcher had

kept been away for some time. Now that he was back, he would naturally have a busy schedule in the

company in the coming days. While there were servants and Kit present, the old Simpson needed a

family member to be with him. Camille took on this responsibility willingly.

As she sat alone, her phone rang. She initially thought it might be Ayan, as he hadn't contacted her all

morning, which was unusual since he usually called her outside of meetings.

Camille picked up her phone and saw Horace's name on the screen. Her expression visibly changed,

revealing a sense of disappointment. Nevertheless, she answered the call, saying, "Hello?"

"It's me, Horace."

"Is there something you need?"

"We just finished the meeting, and that call was originally intended to confirm our collaboration with you

and let Mr. Armstrong know that it's genuine. But as soon as I answered the call, Mr. Armstrong took

the phone from me."

"Understandable, after all, he is your future father-in-law. It wouldn't be wise to make things too tense.

It's okay. I don't mind," Camille responded calmly. Brody's actions didn't affect her much as she had

grown accustomed to such situations. This wasn't the first time, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.

Horace, sensing a hint of teasing in Camille's words, offered an apology, "Regardless, it was my

oversight that caused you any discomfort. I'm truly grateful for Miss Camille's trust in me."

He was referring to Camille's willingness to transfer her shares to him.

Camille was straightforward, "I believe you can manage Armstrong Corp well. Whether it's Armstrong

Corp or her, please take good care of her."

"You're too kind, Miss Camille."

"I mean it."

"Alright, I understand. You can trust me. I'll do my best."

"That's good."

Camille and Horace exchanged these few words before the conversation naturally came to an end.novelbin

After hanging up, Camille's expression turned cold, and she let out a light sigh, her eyes filled with


She decided to put her phone on airplane mode, temporarily shutting out the world to avoid further


Meanwhile, at the Simpson Group,

Ayan had just finished a meeting and returned to his office. Kian immediately handed him some

documents that required his signature. "Mr. Simpson, these are the approval documents for the Dane

City collaboration. We need your signature, and then I'll send them out."

Ayan briefly reviewed the documents and then signed them.

Kian continued, "Mr. Simpson, Mr. Bell just called. He asked when you might have some time for a

face-to-face meeting."

"This afternoon, block out an hour for him."

"Alright, I'll reply to him shortly." Kian watched Ayan carefully and asked with caution, "Mr. Bell's

request for a meeting suggests that there may have been progress in the matter. But Mr. Mikkola is not

an easy person to deal with. Is there a possibility that he might hold Simpson Group responsible for Mr.

Bell's actions?"

Ayan squinted his eyes and replied in a composed tone, "If he has the capability, he can certainly try.

After all, he's skilled in such matters. However, for Simpson Group, we won't allow it. Once Mr. Bell

voluntarily admits to his divorce, Mr. Mikkola's leverage will be gone. He won't dare to be so audacious


Kian nodded, "Alright, I'll contact Mr. Bell now."

Ayan fell silent, lost in thought. After a few seconds, he slowly spoke again, "The rumors on the internet

only point to him, and we have evidence that proves Simpson Group's innocence. However, beyond

that, we don't have any direct evidence linking him to this matter. To get him to leave Hance for good,

we need concrete evidence."

"But finding such evidence seems challenging. He's skilled at hiding his tracks, making it hard to

uncover. If we could find it, we would have already found his flaws during our previous investigations."

"That's true. Some things are difficult to find or may never be found. So, what's our next step?" Ayan

raised an eyebrow, his deep eyes filled with a faint smile. His expression and response made Kian

understand his intentions immediately.

Kian chuckled, "If we can't find it, then we create it. That's the best flaw. Dealing with cunning and

manipulative people requires using similar tactics. As you said, 'fight fire with fire.'"

"Then get to work." Ayan was satisfied with Kian's response. Having worked with him for a long time,

Kian knew Ayan's approach and what he wanted, saving him a lot of time and effort.

After Kian left the office, Ayan continued working. He paused briefly to send a message to Camille.

However, he didn't expect a response since Camille had put her phone on airplane mode.

After waiting for almost five minutes, Ayan picked up his phone and dialed Camille's number directly.

Instead of hearing Camille's familiar voice, he received a mechanical voice prompt indicating that the

call couldn't be connected.

Frowning slightly, Ayan's deep gaze paused for a moment before a faint smile appeared on his lips. He

put his phone down without making another call. He knew Camille well enough to understand her


Returning his attention to his work, Ayan spent the morning dealing with various documents and

matters related to Simpson Group. As the clock neared noon, Kian came into his office.

Ayan stood up, and Kian quickly asked, "Mr. Simpson, Mr. Ward invited you for lunch. The secretary

called half an hour ago to confirm, and since you don't have any other commitments for lunch, I agreed.

Would you like me to arrange transportation or will you go on your own?"



"No need, I'll call him. You can go off duty now. I'll be back at the Simpson's mansion later. After Mr.

Bell arrives in the afternoon, have him wait for me in the conference room, but don't bring him directly

to the office."

Ayan stepped away from his desk and took his suit jacket from the coat rack. His expression revealed a

sense of urgency.

Kian nodded in acknowledgment of his instructions and didn't dare to inquire further. He opened the

door for Ayan and accompanied him as they left the office.

Ayan drove alone from the Simpson Group. He first went to a nearby traditional dim sum restaurant,

where he bought several of Camille's favorite dishes. After paying the bill, he returned to his car with

the items.

He maintained a relatively fast pace while driving, taking about forty minutes to return from the city

center to the Simpson's mansion.

Parking his car, a house servant immediately approached him. "Sir, may I carry these for you?"

"No need, I'll handle it myself," Ayan declined in a subdued tone. He then carried the dim sum and

walked briskly towards the house.

Inside, there was faint chatter coming from the dining room as they were just about to have a meal.

One of the house servants reminded, "Master Ayan has returned."

Camille, seated at the dining table, briefly hesitated when she caught sight of that figure out of the

corner of her eye. But she immediately composed herself and, looking at the old Simpson, asked,

"Grandpa, would you like to have some soup first?"

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