My Bossy CEO Husband

Chapter 287: Odette And Ryan
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Chapter 287: Odette And Ryan

“I'm an outsider? You think you are not an outsider?’ Luke sneered inwardly.

‘Ryan, I can see that Wendy doesn't care about you at all.Can't you tell that for yourself?’

Of course, Luke knew better than to say that to Ryan.He took the shirt and said, "Wendy, you're soconsiderate.You bought me a gift, even though you shouldn't have.I feel shy."

"Don't be," Wendy replied with a cunning smile.


Luke had a bad feeling about this.

The next moment, Wendy explained, "Well, consider this shirt as a payment because I'm going to askyou to take good care of Precious in the following days."


The smile on Luke's face froze.

‘Damn it!’ He felt as though he had just fallen into a trap.

"You see, I have to stay with the crew starting tomorrow.I can't go home until my scenes are done.I'mafraid it'll take two weeks to finish it, give or take.So, please take good care of Precious while I'maway."

‘Oh, fuck.I shouldn't have accepted the shirt"

Luke had mixed feelings.

The soft and warm shirt in his hand suddenly felt rough and thorny.He swallowed hard and asked, "Is ittoo late to return this shirt?"

Wendy's smile became wider.

"You just said that Precious is your niece and that it was your duty to take care of her, didn't you? Ididn't know you were just lying.Alas! Precious said that you're her dearest uncle.It turns out that youdon't want to take care of her.Never mind.I can't force you to do something you don't want to do.Iwonder what Precious will feel when she finds out..."

Luke's eyes suddenly lit up.He rushed towards Wendy and asked, "Wendy, is that true?"

"What do you mean?" Wendy asked in confusion.

"Did Precious really say that I'm her dearest uncle?" Wendy nodded.


With his hands on his hips, Luke suddenly burst into laughter.

"I knew it! Precious and I are always close.What anaughty girl! I get it now.She pretends that shedoesn't like me when she's just embarrassed to admit that she does.I played with her more than mybrother did.She must be closer to me in her heart."

Wendy was elated to hear that.

"Then...would you help me take care of her?"

Luke patted his chest proudly and assured, "Don't worry.I promise I'll take care of her."

'He is so easy to fool!’ Wendy succeeded in her plan.

With that, a smile appeared on her face.

"You are going to stay with the crew?" asked Ryan, who had been quiet until now.

A frown was tugging at his mouth, and he seemed to disagree.

"There are many people in the crew. And the living conditions—"

"I'm going to work, not going to a vacation," Wendy interjected.

"I'm sure I'll be fine.We'll stay in a hotel and have meals on time.Besides, the staff and actors arefriendly.I don't think anything will go wrong there."She stared at Ryan with narrowed eyes.

The environment would surely be nice and comfortable.

What was more, there was nothing to worry about the food and accommodation.

If she could have had this opportunity three years ago, she would not ask for more.

‘Forget it.This man was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.To put it bluntly, he's a prince who hasnever experienced suffering in his life.How could he understand what I feel?’

Even though Wendy had been silent for a while, Ryan could see through her thoughts.He scratched hisforehead in exasperation.He was just concerned about her, but she misunderstood him.

Never mind.As long as she's happy, I'm happy.It suddenly occurred to him that he would not be able tosee her for about two weeks.novelbin

Sadly, he was just nobody to her now.He could not stand in her way.

Unable to do anything, Ryan bit his lower lip and sulked on the sofa.

Meanwhile, Luke noticed that the atmosphere in the room was awkward and tense.

"Wendy, why did you suddenly decide to stay with the crew? By the way, I read from the entertainmentgossip section that the heroine of your play has changed.Does it have anything to do with you stayingwith them?"

"Yes," Wendy briefly replied.

She just ate two octopus balls, but her stomach already felt queasy.

Because of this, she poured herself a cup of hot water and took a sip.She instantly felt so much betterthe moment the hot water passed through her throat.

"The new heroine is with the crew now.In order to make it before the winter vacation, we have to rushthe shooting of the Story of Concubine Ivanka."

Luke might be a man, but he was gossipy.

Well, all his ex- girlfriends were in the entertainment circle, so he was familiar with the affairs in theshow business.He immediately understood what Wendy meant by that.

"By the way, who's the new heroine?"

"Oh.It's Odette Haska."

When Wendy answered his question, Luke's expression suddenly changed.

‘What's with that look? Did something happen between Luke and Odette in the past?’

At the thought of this, Wendy chuckled and asked, "Luke, is Odette one of your ex-girlfriends?"

"Wendy, what are you talking about? I may have a lot of ex-girlfriends, but I have standards.Besides, Iwill! never entangle myself with an actress of Glory Media." Luke raised his chin proudly.

"Odette is thirty-two years old.She's several years older than me! I've never had a relationship withwomen who are older than me." Wendy raised her eyebrows and eyed him with suspicion.

‘Really?’ It was not strange that he knew Odette was a star in Glory Media.But what gave him awaywas that he knew her exact age.

"Luke, do you have a secret crush on her?"

"Ahem!" Luke almost choked on his own saliva.

He pointed at his nose and asked incredulously, "Me? How could I like her? If I like someone, I'll pursueher right away."

Wendy nodded in understanding.

To her, what Luke had said made sense.

"Then why was your reaction strange when I mentioned her name?"

"Odette has nothing to do with me," Luke firmly said.

He glanced at Ryan cautiously when he spoke.

Wendy's heart skipped a beat.

'Why did he glance at Ryan just now? Could it be that Odette has something to do with Ryan?’ Shelooked at Ryan intently and observed him.

However, no emotions could be seen on his face.

‘How naive I am!’ Wendy smiled bitterly.

‘How could I forget that Ryan is an expert at hiding emotions? If he doesn't want others to see whathe's feeling, they won't see anything"

As long as she thought that Odette had something to do with Ryan, she felt like there was a lump in herthroat.She felt like she couldn't breathe.

Wendy gulped down the remaining water in her cup in annoyance.She forgot that the water had justbeen boiled, so it was hot.

The water scalded her mouth, and she immediately spat it out.

Unfortunately, the damage had been done.She felt an excruciating pain in her mouth, and it made herwince and groan in pain.

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