My Bossy CEO Husband

Chapter 286: Outsider
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Chapter 286: Outsider

Wendy finished her work at about five o'clock in the afternoon.

As soon as she got off work, she went straight to Ensfield.

The villa had been empty for quite a while now.

The vegetables in the garden were stone-hard from the frost, and their leaves had become dry andyellow already.

Ever so slowly, Wendy opened the door.

The living room was covered with a thin layer of dust.

Wendy went upstairs and started packing.She did not buy many clothes since she returned, so shehardly had autumn clothes.She searched for a long time in hopes of finding more, only to find a few.

With that, she put them all in the suitcase.She decided to go to the shopping mall after packing up.

There she bought two more coats for herself.

However, she could not control herself from spending more on things she liked.

The new autumn dresses were so beautiful, and children’s clothes even more so.

Raymond was not particular about clothes.He was just a boy, after all.His clothes were basic andsimple.

But now that she knew Precious was her daughter, Wendy eyed the girls’ clothes that were cute andpretty.

‘This dress looks nice.This will definitely suit my sweetheart well.For sure, Precious will look beautifulon this embroidered denim coat.

And that dress! Wendy had not bought anything for Precious since she knew the girl was her daughter.

As she gazed at these beautiful clothes, she felt compelled to buy them for Precious.

There was not much money left in her bank account.

Even so, she still bought two autumn dresses, a skirt, and a pair of underpants for Precious.

By the time Wendy paid the bill, her hands were full of shopping bags.She could not help but sighdeeply when she was at the counter, paying for the clothes.

"Raising a daughter sure gives me a= sense of accomplishment," she murmured to herself.

Wendy imagined how Precious would look like wearing the clothes she bought.She could not be moreexcited at the thought of it.

When she swiped her card, she happened to see a black card in her wallet.She was taken aback at thesight of it.

This was the card that Ryan had given her after she had just moved into Ensfield.

He entrusted Wendy with it, saying that he knew nothing about shopping.

If she saw clothes that suited Precious, she could use the card to buy them.

In truth, she had only used it once.

She ought to return it to Ryan last time, but forgot about it until now.

"Miss, it's done," the saleslady informed.

"Thank you," Wendy replied with a smile.

It was already dark when Wendy walked out of the mall.She took out her phone and checked the time.

To her surprise, it was already half past nine in the evening.She had been shopping for more than twohours.

It was only then that Wendy realized she had not had dinner yet.

Fortunately, there was a food market by the entrance of the shopping mall.

There she bought two octopus balls for dinner.

Then, she hailed a taxi and went to the hospital.She arrived at the hospital thirty minutes later.

Not wanting to disturb the patient inside, Wendy gently pushed the door.It opened slowly and quietly.

She was surprised to see that the light in the ward was still on.She lifted her gaze and saw that Ryanwas typing nimbly on his laptop.

He looked so serious.

Beside him was Luke.He was holding his phone and seemed to be playing an intense mobile game.Hiseyebrows were furrowed, and his leg was shaking in agitation.

Meanwhile, Precious was sitting on the bed.She was leaning against the headboard and was already inher pajamas.She was holding a book of fairy tales and reading it with a tangled expression.

Whenever she encountered an unfamiliar word, she would call Luke for help.

The atmosphere was comforting.

As the three heard the sound of the door, they turned their heads and looked in its direction at once.

The instant Precious saw Wendy, the little girl cast her book aside and rushed towards her with openarms.

"Mommy, I want a hug!"

The little girl threw herself into Wendy's arms.She looked so adorable that Wendy's heart warmed.

"It's almost ten o'clock.Why aren't you sleeping yet?" she asked while holding the little girl in a tightembrace.

Precious rubbed her eyes and answered, "I couldn't sleep without you."

Wendy frowned in disapproval.

"Don't do that again, okay? Promise me you'll go to bed early next time." Precious nodded obediently inresponse.It was only then that Luke put his phone down.His eyes widened in shock when he saw thepaper bags.

"Wow! Why did you buy so many stuff?"

From the sofa, he rushed towards Wendy and craned his neck to peer inside the bags.

"These are all children's clothes.Did you buy them for Ray and Precious?"

It was not until then that Precious noticed the paper bags on the bedside table.

"Mommy, did you buy something for me?" she asked in surprise.

Wendy nodded and took out the shoes and clothes she had bought for the little girl.

"Wow! Mommy, are these for me?" Precious asked again with a huge smile.

"Yes." Excitement was written all over the little girl's face.

Precious was Oliver family's little princess.She only had the best things and never lacked anything,much tess clothes.

However, these clothes in front of her were different.novelbin

These were bought by Wendy.

With the paper bags on each arm, Precious rushed to the bathroom and shouted excitedly, "Mommy,Mommy, I'm going to put them on!"


In Wendy's eyes, the little girl's smile was infectious, making her smile as well.

As long as her child liked something, she would not hesitate to spend money on it.

"Oh, right!" Wendy took out a paper bag and handed it to Luke.

"Here you are!" Luke was taken aback.

He subconsciously glanced at his brother.

"You bought something for me?"

‘Did she mistake me for Ryan?’ He was hesitant to accept it.

"It's for you.Thank you for taking care of Precious these past few days," Wendy said sincerely.

Now that Luke was sure it was for him, he excitedly accepted the paper bag and opened it.

"It's very kind of you to do this.But, you know, it's my duty to take care of Precious.She's myniece.There's no need for you to buy me gifts.We're close, anyway."

The paper bag was now open, and he found a pink shirt inside.

"Wow! It's a shirt.I'm so touched.Aside from my mother, you're the first woman who has ever bought meclothes." Luke sniffed exaggeratedly to show how grateful he was.

"But...why did you choose pink?" He took out the shirt and laid it on his body.

"Isn't it too tacky?"

"No.Not at all! It's perfect for you.Your skin is fair, and you'll look good in it," Wendy explained with asmile.

‘Wow! Wendy says I look good"

Luke was beaming with happiness.

Just as he was about to express his delight, he felt a gust of cold wind at the back of his neck.Heturned around and saw that his brother had already turned off his computer and was glaring at him withnarrowed eyes.

Luke forced a smile and asked, "Wendy, do you have anything for my brother?"

Wendy looked at him in confusion.

"He's Precious’ father.It's only right for him to take care of her."

She was implying that it was Ryan's duty to take care of his daughter.Why would she reward him forsomething he was supposed to do in the first place?


Luke was at a loss for words, and his scalp tingled in anxiousness.

‘Oh no.It can't be.How could she buy me a gift but not my brother?’ He swallowed hard and, slowly,turned around to look at his brother.

‘Oh my God! He looks so terrifying.I can't even look at him! Shit! Shit! Shit! Wendy, are you reallygrateful to me, or are you trying to get me killed on purpose? With this in mind, Luke cleared his throatand fawningly said, "Ryan, I just realized that this shirt looks better on you.We're both of the samesizes.How about I give this to you instead?"

Ryan looked away and answered, "Just keep it."


‘Seriously? How could he calm down all of a sudden?’ Luke knew his brother like he knew the back ofhis hand.

He must say, it was unlike Ryan to be like this.He could not help but be perplexed by his brother'sbehavior.

While Luke was in a deep thought, he heard Ryan say, "You're an outsider.It's only natural to buy you agift and thank you for your help."

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