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Chapter 640

Chapter 640

Christina thought it was ridiculous. In order to get into the palace, she tried her best to make money

and wanted to get a wooden pass. Now, she made it through a dog hole in the palace wall.

Because the dog hole was very small and covered by grass, probably no one would have known it.

Such a small hole was meaningless to the barbarians. Samba could not even push his head through it.

“… I’ll be out in about an hour.”

Christina said to Samba after she went into the palace, separated from him only by a wall.

Samba was very anxious. He took a stone and desperately dug into the wall in order to make the hole

bigger, so he could go in and find her.

Samba didn’t know how long ‘an hour’ would be. He had been digging the wall for a long time. The

stone bricks of the palace were very hard. His thick palms were worn and bleeding, but he was making

little progress.

Samba lay on the ground, looking at the hole in the wall in a daze.

The sun was about to set, but Christina had not yet come out.

In his opinion, they should be heading home together when the sun set.

Why hasn’t Christina come out yet?

Samba had been lying outside the wall watching for a long time, not daring to blink for he was afraid to

miss Christina.

The sun was gradually setting. The sky began to darken, and the temperature also dropped. The view

was dim. Nothing could be seen clearly from the hole anymore.

Covered in mud, Samba got up and sat against the palace wall in a daze. He looked around in the dark


After Christina went in, she jsut disappeared.

As one of the hominids, the more he looked at the hole, the more he felt that it could eat people.

Suddenly, he fetreated for his tear

But when he thought of Christina who was still inside, he was overcome with grief. He shouted at the

hole and kept pounding the wall

The birds in the nearty trees were frightened by his roar and New into the sky in disorder

After a while of venting, Samba became even more depressed. He was sure that Christina had died


Samba ran to the main entrance of the palace desperately and glared at it. The drawbridge of the

palace had already been raised. The palace had a rule that the drawbridge would be raised at night

and no one was allowed to enter or leave the palace.

Samba was very unwilling to stay outside. Christina was inside. He must go in and find her!

Samba now was full of strength. He wanted to run over and jump up the bridge all by himself. Under

the bridge was the bottomless moat. He did not care that if he didn’t make it, he would die.

The foolish suicide of Samba was suddenly stopped by the sudden appearance of many torches

around him, and the noise from far to near


A large group of ferocious barbarian guards, with spears and torches in their hands, soon surrounded


Looking at so many bright torches in the dark, Samba’s reactions were very slow, as if he could not tell

whether it was true or not.


“… Catch him!” An angry voice shouted.

Samba was astonished by the shout and immediately turned to look. He could understand these words,

which were once said by Christina.


“… Take him in. We want him to die!”

The scowl on Charles’s face deepened. He and Gary, with guns in their hands, looked at Samba with

disgust and hatred, wishing that they could shoot him to death.

Samba did not know what had happened. The palace’s barbarian guards rushed over and pinned him

to the ground, tieing him with thick ropes. He almost instinctively resisted and shouted.

But Samba was outnumbered. When the barbarian guards saw him resist, they beat him until he was

black and blue and was spitting blood out.

The drawbridge slowly fell down, and the barbarian guards violently dragged Samba into the palace.

Samba was dizzy and weak. He clambered awkwardly to his feet. Originally, he still struggled to resist,

but when he saw these people taking him into the palace, he immediately stopped. He followed the

guards and staggered into the palace.

Gary was furious. He ran to Charles and said, “I’ll tell Mr. Hopkins about it first.”


Samba was kicked hard, and with a bang, the iron door behind him was locked. He was trapped in a

huge iron cage, waiting for the trial of death.

At this moment, Christina was also locked up.

“… Why did you do this!”

Christina still felt incredulous. She entered the palace through the hole in order to find Lucy, but she

saw Derek in a luxurious and spacious room. She was overjoyed for she had never expected that

someone would really risk it to look for her. But Derek was here. He must have come for her.

Then, she ran over happily to meet him, but Derek turned to look at her in shock and knocked her


When Christina woke up, she found that she was locked in an iron cage. She did not understand. Did

she make a mistake?

But she had known Derek since childhood. She would never forget his slender figure.


Christina clutched the iron cage tightly with both hands and shook it fiercely. The chains clanked.

Derek was standing at the door, five meters away from her. It was already night. The room was dark,

with the moon outside the window shining faintly. He turned to look at her. His fair skin, handsome face

and blue eyes were all familiar to her, but there was a hint of coldness in his smile.

Without saying a word, he walked out of the room.

Christina was stunned.

She was sure that he was Derek, but he was nothing like Derek.

“What’s going on?”

This room was quiet, dark and unlit. There was only the dim moonlight outside the window. Christina

looked at the cage and the modern tables and chairs in the room. She was a little confused.

It seemed that she could not tell whether she had lived with Samba before, or perhaps, whether what

she saw now was true or not.

She was alone on a deserted island. Then she met Samba. She wanted to enter the palace. She was

excited to see Derek again. But he locked her in this cage.

Christina couldn’t figure it out and her mind was in a daze.

She forgot that she had told Samba that she would be back in an hour.

… At the same time, Samba had been beaten up ever since Charles found him. He was punched and

kicked by a few barbarian guards, which made him even unable to stand up.

Samba angrily shouted at the barbarian guards and asked why he was caught and why he was beaten.

Samba wanted to fight back, but he could not defeat them. He was hurt all over and was as irritable as

a beast at bay. But he still remembered that he was looking for Christina

The barbarian guards completely ignored Samba’s roar and punched him as subhuman, as if they were

venting their anger.

Samba was badly beaten, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. He lay on the ground,

panting heavily as if he was about to pass out.

It was not until a few particularly good-looking ‘little people’ came in that the barbarian guards stopped.


A tall, thin figure came in. Someone was reading his name. novelbin

When Samba heard the sound, he gasped and wiped the blood from the corner of his eyes, trying to

see the person in front of him clearly

These ‘little people looked a little like Christina.

“… So you caught my little sister?”

Raphael, dressed in the most luxurious clothes in the palace, stood in front of Samba, looked at him

like a stray dog, and asked very plainly.

Samba became alert. He tried to get up silently. His dark eyes were fixed on all the “little people” in the


Charles, Gary, Crabbie, and Patrick were also in the room.

Charles’s eyes were a little red. He clenched the gun tightly and kept urging the female translator Lily.

“Lily, ask him what he did to Christina. Is she… Is she really dead?”

Charles’s tone was sad and angry. This was what they had heard this afternoon.

He hoped that it was fake news. If the barbarian hadn’t killed her, he could let him go. Otherwise…

Charles held the gun and glared at Samba with gritted teeth.

“Did you kill her?” Raphael spoke first in Chinese and turned to look at Lily. “Ask this barbarian what

happened. I want to know everything.”

Lily nodded at Raphael, then carefully stepped forward and spoke in the native language of the


“Samba, the woman you caught is in the palace now. Do you want to find her?”

When Samba heard this, he became excited immediately.

He roared and made a gesture, saying that Christina was missing. She burrowed into a hole. He

wanted to find


Everyone saw that Samba was very excited. After a while, Lily turned around and looked at Patrick.

“He said that he caught her in the forest at first. He took her back to the cave, and raped her.”

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