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Chapter 639

Chapter 639

If a person didn’t offend her, she would also play nice. If someone did offend her, she would seek

revenge for the smallest grievance

That was Christian’s principle.

She was not a saint. Of course, she would seek revenge. Anyway, she didn’t feel guilt at all burning

down Leona’s house.

Samba was extremely shocked about that. Knowing that he even glared at her with a fierce look.

Samba was worried that he would be burned while sleeping. Anyway, his cub was a little fierce.

Samba decided to talk less and work more, trying to help his cub to earn more gold.

“… Didn’t you say that there was enough gold?”

“When will that bastard elder come back?”

Christina seemed to be grumpy. She could be easily agitated by Samba. Especially when he still sold

goods as if nothing happened.

Well, Christina was not happy about making money anymore, “Stop the business!”

s are

“How could it benefit you to treat them with free barbecue? Those Barbarians are ungrateful. No matter

how good you are to them now, will they stand up for you? If you make yourself an ass, don’t complain

if people ride


Christinascolded samba in the native language fluently for several days. She didn’t expect to learn it so

fast. Now she even didn’t need to think while speaking. Although she was thin and small, she was quite

energetic and


Sarnba stood still and accepted them all. novelbin

He thought that this cub was so great that she could scold others in such a fast way.

Christina glared at Samba who was big She was so angry that her words could not hurt him at all.

* Havem they set up a stall for five days?”

Charles were very concerned about the stalls setting flintstone He planned to ask for some information

kindly But they didn’t come out in several days

“Were they really scared by us and didunt dare to come out

But it seemed impossible. The barbarians were huge and ferocious. How could they be so easily

frightened by such small people like them?

Gary enjoyed sitting on a rocking chair, swaying and cracking melon seeds. He said slowly, “This

shows that they are very vigilant. They know they shall not mess with us.”

Unlike the time they first entered the island, at this time, most of them entered the palace. There was

enough food and drink here, and a group of servants were bought outside to serve them. After more

than ten days, they gradually realized that life here was actually very good. The air was especially

fresh. There was not so much pressure at work, and life was simple.

On the other side, Alan lay on the bed with his limps stretched and two maids were massaging him.

From time to time, he let out a low moan, “So comfortable.”

Charles rubbed his forehead and sighed. “Why do I feel that you are becoming more depraved?”

“Mr. Hopkins didn’t give us a mission, did you? We have nothing to do at all.”

“… I heard that there was a big fire at the market last night.”

Idler they were, then more gossipy they became.

“I also heard that. The maid in the palace told me that it was a grass house of the son of a local

Matriarch. Three in a row, they were all burned to ashes.”

“… The wind was so strong last night. I guess there was nothing left.”

“The funniest thing is that these barbarians worshipped fire and were very superstitious. Since there

was a fire, a group of them knelt down in fear around the house, thinking it was the anger of the gods.

Hahaha… These brainless barbarians. Though they are big, somehow they are very timid.”

Charles, Gary, and Alan, the self-proclaimed “Advanced beings”, mocked the barbarians in a very

arrogantly and

happy way.

Crystal had been resting in the palace for a few days, and she felt much better. When she came over

and heard what they were talking about, she couldn’t resist saying, “I feel that the barbarians here are

quite peaceful.”

Unlike their savage appearance, the barbarians’ temper seemed to be more restrained as if they were

afraid of something

“… They might lose their ability to be angry since they’re tortured by perverts like Raphael.”

“As far as I know, Rafael was born by the first wife of the current leader of the Strozzi family, and he

had lots of women. Though not many heirs can survive. Many of them were killed before they reached

adulthood. Rafael should be the next orthodox leader now. But somehow there were civil wars here.”

*… Lily told me in private that the elders of this island had teamed up to deal with Rafael. He, the

prince was in deep trouble, so, he was in a hurry to find the sceptre. It was sald that that was the

symbol of the kingship, and Rafael should be eager to get it.”

“Rafael asked Patrick to help him with the search. But Patrick insists on finding Christina first.”

Since they mention Christina, Crystal felt that it was a sin to live comfortably here. “Didn’t Patrick leave

some people at the cave on that slope? Were there any news?”

It was the cave where they first found Christina’s notes that were engraved on the mud wall. When they

left, Patrick left 12 people guarding nearby.

“No one came back there.”

This made them very depressed. If they had walked a little faster, they might have found her. What a


“What about Lucy?”

“Haven’t you heard from Lucy for so long?”

Gary shook his head regretfully and felt weird. Lucy was so meticulous and careful. Why didn’t she

leave any clues to them? Was she really dead?

Crystal didn’t want to be so depressed, so she said actively, “I heard that the name of the barbarian

whose house caught fire last night was Leona. Do you think it could be.”

“There are too many barbarians with the same name. How could that be the one we were looking for?”

Charles thought for a moment, then suddenly figured out something and exclaimed, “Hey, who said that

it was the son of a matriarch?”

All the leaders here were female. Leona was a matriarch.

What a coincidence.

Gary and Alan immediately saw that. Just now, they were laughing at that freely. Now they all stood up

and wanted to do something.

“Let’s go find that unlucky Leona,”

“Shall we inform Mr. Hopkins first?”

Charles and Gary shook their hands in unison. “Don’t mention it yet. We’ll tell him when we’re sure.”

Lest Patrick rejoiced too soon.

Then, they rushed out of the palace…

Just then Christina was still standing outside of the palace, wondering if there was any way to sneak in

Thave a friend inside, i want to go in and find her.”

Now that she was more fluent in the native language, she could easily communicate with Samba,

especially cursing

Samba told her that the elder had some errands to attend and had not been home for a while, so he

could not get the wooden card to enter the palace.

“Samba, you use gold to change their pass to the palace. They were really frankly depraved.”

She thought that the elder was so noble and prestigious, but it was the opposite.

Samba told her seriously that she could not speak ill of the elder, or they would be punished.

Christina now was even more certain that these elders had done a lot of evil things in secret.

Not knowing when the elder would come back, Christina was so impatient with her gold. She stayed at

the entrance, looking around. Today, there were some barbarians who passed with the wooden cards.

Suddenly, she had an evil idea. She wanted to rob someone.

… Samba, let’s go to rob someone. Is that possible?”

Christina stared at the wooden card in their hands jealously.

Samba’s eyes widened in shock and he immediately muttered to her, “no, no, no, you can’t take others’


Christina felt that Samba was a noble man.

“Then what do you think we should do?”

“… The other day, I saw my friend being abused. She was covered in wounds and was dragged in by

the barbarian guards. Now I don’t know if she was still alive.”

She was unhappy and kicked the pebble beside her. Unexpectedly, she saw a dog hole under the

palace wall!

She became so excited that she ran over. Indeed, there was a big hole covered by grass…. “Samba, I,

I can get in!”

Samba also seemed surprised. He looked at the small hole under the wall and was silent for a while.

Only she could get through it, and it was as big as Samba’s arm.

Samba shook his head. He disagreed.

Because he could not get in and also he felt that it was not safe inside.

*Till just go in for a look. If anything goes wrong, I’ll come out immediately.” she wanted to try and soon

enough, she already put her head into the hole.

Samba stood outside worried. Without thinking, he immediately dragged her feet and pulled her out.

She was upset and turned around. “I’ll really be back soon.”

Samba looked at her silently.

“… I’ll be out in an hour.”

She knew that Same couldn’t react soon. While he was thinking, she had slipped into the other side of

the palace like a loach.

When Samba came to senses, he found her was in.

He immediately growled.

“Samba, don’t be so loud. I might die if someone finds out.”

Christina was just worried and she wanted to calm Samba down. While she didn’t expect that the word

“die” would make samba even more upset.

Samba was very uneasy. He picked up the stone beside him and dug hard at the edge of the hole,

trying to make A bigger so that he could follow in.

However, as samba dug, he bent down and looked into the palace. He was extremely shocked. His cub

was beng naughty again and he didn’t know where she had gone!

The palace wall was made of hard stones, and even with Samba’s strength, it was difficult to make the


Crestine didnt want to waste time she was small and had become more agile recently. She was like a

cat. shutting though this strange palace. Her heart was beating wildly when she wanted to find Luey

She desperately thout about where Lucy might be She lumed left and right and somehow she came to

a strange

A farm

where toute attacted

and she stopped

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