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Chapter 596

Chapter 596

The two savages were grappling with each other, swinging punches on the body.

It made Christina’s flesh creep to watch it.

Soon, the battle had a clear winner. The stronger savage won. The weaker one was trampled, while thenovelbin

stronger one was shouting with a ferocious face. It seemed that he was declaring his victory.

The loser was lying on the ground with the wounds bled seriously. He lay down like a beaten animal,

not daring to move. At the same time, he let out a low and helpless hoarse, as if he was begging for


Christina could not understand what they were talking about. Perhaps, they were fighting against each

other for prey like the primitive people. .

And she was the “prey” in their eyes.

The winner continued to roar at him, as his big feet stepped on his face violently. Christina was so

frightened she couldn’t think at all. Witnessing the scene in front of her, her eyes uncontrollably

widened, as the head of the loser was almost squished.

The fierce battle thoroughly destroyed the soul of Christina.

Finally, the winner came over. He picked her up with one hand and carried her on his shoulder. This

time, Christina did not shout at all. She was astonished and exhausted.

Frightened by that scene,Christina knew better that it was easy for this strong savage to kill her. Even if

he was going to do anything to her now, she would cooperate obediently. Her mind was in a mess and

crammed with countless negative thoughts.

At the worst, she could kill herself.

Maybe he found her escaping from the cave, so he came out to look for her.

What would he punish her before going back?

Christina didn’t want to think anymore. She had been completely pessimistic and lost the urge to

survive. The savage carried her all the way. It took Christina two hours to trudge. But the savage only

needed ten minutes to cross it, which made Christina much more desperate. Qiao bao’ er walked for

two hours. The savage easily returned to the hillside in about 10 minutes, which made Christina even

more desperate,

During this process, Christina was exteremly obedient. The savage seemed to have some intelligence.

He deliberately shook her body hard to make sure that she was alive.

Christina felt more uncomfortable when shook by him. Her face got paler and her body had lost


Surprisingly, the savage did not take her back in the original cave.

Instead, he put her on the flat which was about 50 meters away from the cave, where firewood was

already set up and used to toast meat. A tantalizing aroma of roast meat fills the air.

The savage threw her down on a place near the fire, hurting Christina’s buttock again.

But she didn’t feel the pain. Maybe it was because the pain of her left leg had made him numb. Or it

was because the aroma of roasted meat had cheated her brain. She was really hungry now, and those

little tomatoes couldn’t fill her stomach at all.

Getting closer, Christina found that there were the two hares and a fat mouse in the fire.

The hares and the mouse were brutally thrown into the fire and burned to death with their entire bodies.

Until the fur and skin was burned to ashes, the meat inside gradually emitted its aroma.

Such a simple way of cooking was very suitable for this savage’s way of living.

Christina didn’t feel surprised about that. In the past, she had thought that savages ate raw food,

including fur and blood.

The savage seemed to feel that his cook was finished. His huge body was like Hagrid in Harry Potter.

He sat in front of the fire, which made the fire looked very small. Christina felt that the two hares and

rats could satisfy him at all.

At this moment, Christinar was very worried about her situation. Would she really be roasted as his


Although she knew very well that there was no way to escape, her instinct to survive still surpassed all

the other thoughts. She used her right foot to move step by step. She tried hard to keep away from him.

However, the savage couldn’t have bothered paying attention to her small movements.

Christina stepped back and looked at him warily. At this moment, he grabbed the greasy meat in the

fire with his big hands, then opened his sharp black teeth to eat it. First, he spat out the black char on

the outside, revealing the fresh meat.

Christina saw the meat, she couldn’t help swallowing. Of course, she was a coward. She didn’t dare to

snatch the food of this savage. In the eyes of this primitive creature, nothing was more hateful than

snatching food.

The sun had already set, and the dim yellow sky began to darken.

The night wind gradually became a little chilly, as if the night was going to swallow the continent.

Christina looked at the changes in the environment around her and felt very uneasy.

When the wild man ate two hares, he suddenly turned to look at her.

Christina froze and did not dare to move.

The savage stood up. She was in a panic, because she didn’t know what he was going to do.

It was at this moment that Christina kicked a small thing with her right foot. She glanced at it casually

and her brain got blank for a second, “Lighter?”

How could there be a lighter on this wild island where the primitive people lived?

And it was printed with “Made in China”.

The savage also seemed to notice Christina’s sight. He picked up the lighter and threw it in front of her,

mumbling in a series of stranges words.

Christina was so nervous that she couldn’t understand what he was saying. But when he threw the

lighter to her, she was not timid. She boldly picked it up and pressed the lighter to set a small fire.

There was a flash of surprise in the dark eyes of the huge savage. Before he took any action, Christina

immediately squatted down and grabbed a half-burned firewood. Then she lit the firewood again. She

waved the torch and protected herself.

According to the laws of nature, all animals are afraid of fire.

This savage was no exception. He looked frightened and took a big step back subconsciously.

ut soon, he crumpled his face and bared his teeth in a vicious snarl, like making a warning.

Christina was flustered. She didn’t want to provoke the savage, but she didn’t want to be killed. No

matter how hard she struggled, it would be in vain.

The harder she struggled, the more painful and she would suffer.

Thinking of this, she lost her all of her courage to resist, like a deflated ball.

She held the lighter in her left hand and the burning torch in her right hand. Now that night had fallen,

the torch in her hand was as bright as a faint star, which looked like the slight hope in the darkness.

Instead of yelling at her, the savage picked up a ball of black thing from the fire and threw it to


Christina looked at him vigilantly, then lowered the torch in her hand and found that the black thing was

the roasted mouse,

Christina got frozen. She looked at the huge savage again. His face was covered by his beard, and his

eyes, which fixed on her, were sharp, beast-like.

“… You want me to eat it?”

Christina tried her best to calm herself down. She was trying to communicated with him, but also talking

to herself

Even if she starved to death, she would not eat rats!

However, when there was a huge savage who was more than 2.5 meters tall standing in front of her

with fierce eyes. Even if he asked her to eat shit, she could only obey.

Christina had the most disgusting dinner of her life… But, anyway, it filled her stomach.

Then she was locked up again. It was still the cave and the original “Companions.” She failed to

escape and had a mouse dinner. All of these buried her in mixed feeling. She tried to comfort herself: It

was better to eat a mouse than to die.

Miss Dickens, who was in a bad mood, even threw her temper to her “Companion.” She fiercely

beckoned the two tame little yellow cattle out of the cave and occupied the cave. After doing this, she

sat down on the hay.


Now, she was so poor that she began to vie the cage with rattles.

However, after finding the lighter, Christina grew a glimmer of hope in her heart. How could a savage

have a lighter? Was there any modern civilization on this island?

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