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Chapter 595

Chapter 595

Christina looked at the broken wooden door with struggling in her heart.

She was trapped in a dark cave with a sika deer, two small yellow cattle, and a white fox. The scary-

looking savage was blocked here with a broken wooden door, which really insulted her intelligence.

She turned around and silently looked at her “Companions.” Christina believed she was a superior

creature. How could she be mentioned on the same level with these animals?

Since the savage only regarded her as an ordinary’ animal’, she could take the opportunity to escape.

Her left foot was probably broken from the fall. She supported herself against the rough cave wall and

propped herself up hard, trying to take a step without the support of a walking stick, but a dull pain

entered her bones.

Christina’s face was pale. Although she could not understand the savage’s muttering, she had a bad

feeling that she and the animals would be sold or eaten.

She couldn’t just sit back and wait for death.

Bearing the pain, she walked towards the entrance of the cave and pushed the big door open with both

hands. Then her thin body got out.

Finding the animals in the cave looking at her, Christina suddenly felt a little embarrassed. It was as if

she was too selfish to escape herself and ignore their lives.

“…You’re so pretentious. Look what is important now!” She muttered to herself.

If she released these animals now, the noise would be even louder. The savages would definitely

notice it soon, and she would be done for.

“Guys, I’m sorry.”

Christina clasped her hands and bowed to them, not daring to look straight into their pure eyes and

quickly ran


Her left foot hurt so much that she walked slowly.

The slope was uneven, which was very difficult to walk. She deliberately chose the direction behind the

cave for fear of bumping into the savage.

Although it was just a small hill, Christina was already panting and sweating profusely after she came

down. The fracture of her left foot made her grit her teeth in pain, so she could only limp her feet.

The sun above her gradually tilted to the west, which was not very big and bright. She looked around in

confusion. The sunset was in the west, while the dense forest she had come to before was in the east.

Christina actually wanted to go back to the beach the most. She was still thinking that there might be

other survivors. If Lucy and the others were alive, she would get companions.

However, the savage had spent nearly half a day carrying her back. So it would take at least a day for

her to walk through the forest. The sun was gradually setting down. In the forest, She might not survive


The more Christina thought about it, the more depressed she became.

Landing alone on this strange and dangerous island, although she had a strong psychological quality in

usual, she was confused and helpless.

“What should I do?”

She looked at the vast plains around her. Many rocks of various sizes are scattered on the black soil

plains. There was not much vegetation, which was just small plants of wild grass. Contrasted with the

dense jungle in the forest area, it was really another kind of scenery.

Christina guessed that the geology of this plain was different from that of the forest.

Most of the plains here were bare. What was more strange was whether the large rocks scattered here

were man-made or washed over by the heavy rain. How could there be such a big rock?

Moreover, the quality of this kind of rock was also very unusual. Christina observed that the rocks here

were in high density.

Christina walked aimlessly. The only thought in her mind was to escape from the savage. So now she

didn’t have the mood to think about these questions.

She was small and could hide behind the rocks, which could be a good cover.

In this way, Christina leaned against the big rocks one by one and moved away from the hill behind her

step by


The time on her phone showed that she had been walking for nearly two hours. Her feet were so sore

that she could hardly walk. She was back against a stone and panting.

Looking back, the hillside again could no longer be seen, which at least meant that she had

successfully escaped from the savage’s areas. Joy welled up in her heart.

At the same time, she decided to turn off her phone temporarily, which was still 22% of the battery.

There was no cell phone signal here, so Christina did not dare to waste electricity. She turned off her

phone, hoping that one day there would be a communication signal somewhere for her to ask for help.

The sun sank slowly. The last rays of light fell on the plains, and the golden sun’s rays shone on the


The surrounding environment was quiet and harmonious. If she hadn’t been in such a mess at this

time, she might have exclaimed that the natural environment and air here were so good.

However, she only wanted to go back to the modern city now.

“… Why did I come to this desolate and awful place?”

Christina mocked at herself and really wanted to cry. She smiled bitterly, which was uglier than to cry.

She couldn’t see any future with a heavy heart.

In this kind of place, even if she died, no one would set up a grave for her. She was just an unknown

corpse. Maybe she even would be eaten by other wild animals and left nothing.

Christina’s left foot was broken and hurt badly. She had no water or food and couldn’t walk a step.

Thinking would be going to die anyway, Christina didn’t want to have any try.

She sat on the dirty soil, back against the big warm rock, lowering her head and looking listless.

“Will he come to me?” She thought of Patrick.

Christina didn’t have much memory of Patrick. But she remembered that time in the club, she

overheard Lucy and the others mentioning some desolate islands… Would Patrick come? novelbin

Unconsciously, this became her greatest belief in living.

“If I can hold on until he sends someone over, can I leave this island alive…” Suddenly, a wave of

sadness welled up in her heart, and the corners of her eyes were wet.

He would come.

He should have come to find me.

Christina was not sure about it, and just as she was thinking about the future sadly, a huge figure

suddenly appeared in front of her.

She was stunned.

The savage came over?

But on closer inspection, it didn’t seem to be the savage before. This one was obviously shorter and


But even so, Christina still had no strength to resist such a savage.

Her feet were too painful to stand up and her hands were trembling as she supported the rock on her

back. She kept trying to prop herself up to move a few steps hard…Suddenly, the savage stepped

forward and lifted Christina up with his strong arm.

Christina screamed in fear.

The savage was holding her injured left leg. She was carried upside down in midair and looked at as


He leaned over his head and sniffed. As he got closer, Christina could see the face of the savage, who

had sharp and yellow teeth as well as fierce eyes protruding from the face. She held her breath and

was scared stiff.

Just as Christina thought she would be bitten to death, suddenly, another huge figure ran at an

extremely fast speed and rushed over like a beast.

The savage who was carrying Christina was suddenly knocked down. And Christina also fell, landing

her button the ground first. She quickly climbed in a panic, getting away from the two giant savages.

The two savages were engaged in a hand-to-hand fight against each other with punches.

Christina was frightened.

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