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Chapter 573

Chapter 573

Speaking of Derek Betty thought of another person. “Over the years, Derek’s uncle also took care of

him occasionally.”


“It was uncle Larry who kept calling you” little fat girl” when you were young and liked to tease you.”

Christina’s expression changed slightly and she quickly remembered that it was her uncle Larry, who

was short and fat with rough features and dark skin, also had a bad temper.

“Only uncle Larry and Eric seemed to be on intimate terms in the Fisher family.” It was true that uncle

Larry was very concerned about Derek, and he had taken him to the hospital several times when he

was a child.

“It seemed that uncle Larry has so many affairs with women outside. Hasn’t he married yet?”

Looking down at the list on her phone, Christina complained.

Betty really couldn’t speak ill of others, so she shook her head with smile, “I don’t know.”

Christina finally found the phone number marked “Shorty uncle.” Although she didn’t remember it

before, it was definitely his nickname for uncle Larry.

When she was a child, he loved to tease her all day long. Obviously, she was not fat, but he liked to call

her little fat girl, causing her to be called by her classmates in kindergarten for three years. She

returned a nickname for him back.

The phone was connected.

Christina was actually a little nervous and excited holding the phone. After all, he was a close relative in

the past. She had forgotten the memory of the past, but she still remembered them.

“Say whatever you want!” Larry was still as rude as she remembered.

Christina was immediately in no mood to talk about her feelings after a long separation towards him, a

smelly mound stone

“Where’s Eric? I’m looking for him.” Christina spoke directly.

It scared Larry

In a moment of panic, Larry felt guilty and immediately roared, “I don’t know!”

“You’re looking for Derek. Why did you call me? I don’t know anything!

Christina didn’t expect him to yell at her so angrily. But she didn’t think much because of uncle Larry’s

bad temper.

“Do you know what he’s been up to recently? Who is he contacting?”

“I don’t know!”

“I don’t know anything!”

Larry sounded angry…. “Don’t bother me.” He kept yelling and screaming. As he was about to hang up

the phone, the crying came.

“Is there a child crying over there?” Christina heard it through her phone. The baby seemed to be

crying miserably.

Larry was even more flustered. “Child? It’s not your child… Yes, my mistress gave birth to me. I’m not

old enough to have lots of children with a woman.”

“Christina, what did your uncle say?”.

“He said he wanted to have lots of children with a woman, as much as a football team.”

The phone call was finally cut off by Larry. He seemed to hear another woman’s voice from Christina.

“How dare she speak ill of me in front of her aunt!”

Larry immediately realized that the voice was from Betty. Thinking about what he had just said,

“Mistress’s child,” his face distorted by regret.

He had been trying to maintain a good image in front of Betty, it ruined this time.

He blamed it on Christina, his niece. She always brought troubles for him since she was a child.

The twins on the baby bed cried very hard. This annoying and piercing cry did not stop. It sounded


“What’s wrong with you?”

“Are you hungry again after drinking milk an hour ago? Or is your diaper bag drenched? Do you want to


Larry had been tortured by the two babies for several days and couldn’t sleep well.

Larry changed their diapers and clothes. He quickly made two bottles of milk powder and stuffed them

into the baby’s mouth. The little guy spat out the pacifier and pushed him hard with his chubby hands

as if he despised him.

“Didn’t Hopkins family teach you the rules? How come you kicked me in the face?”

Small cried so much. With her little body fluttering, she kicked Larry in the mouth with her little fat feet.

Larry sacrificed everything for two babies.

In the past, those people said that he was born with a ferocious appearance, like those gangster

leaders. He would rather commit himself to a life-and-death battle than take care of the children at

home. It was too scary.

“Stop crying, stop crying.”

“Do you want to sleep? Baby sleep quickly.” Larry carried the two children on his shoulder. As he

walked, he shook them. He had to coax them softly to sleep.

However, the baby cried ever more.

“These two children are a sopping mess.” Larry hugged them and continued to coax them. He was so

tired that he wanted to die.

Larry couldn’t stand it anymore. He rushed to the living room with the child in his arms and said in a

negotiated tone, “Derek, why don’t we return the child?”

Not to mention the consequences of stealing the children of Hopkins family.

Taking care of these two young masters of Hopkins family, he was already physically and mentally

exhausted and was about to die.

He wondered where they got that gene from? How could they cry so much?

Derek also seemed to be a little annoyed by the child’s crying. He frowned and looked at Larry’s

shoulders. The baby was crying so hard that her face turned red.

“Is there a mute button?” Derek said helplessly.

The one-year-old twins were crying piteously. Derek was thinking that if they had a mute button on

them, it would be quiet.

Larry looked wretched.

Larry didn’t expect Derek to help take care of the baby.

He carried the twins in his arms and continued walking, coaxing them. He couldn’t stand it any longer.

“Uncle Larry lives well. He has always been very romantic.”

After Christina hung up, she did not insist on dialing back. She remembered that there was a child

crying at uncle Larry’s side and complained something about him.

In the past, uncle Larry openly said that he would never marry. It was not a secret that he kept

mistresses. Those women could still get along very peacefully. After all, they were just for money.

“Your uncle seems to have settled down a lot in recent years.” Betty thought for a moment and said


“Has she settled down? I don’t remember. It could be that uncle Larry thinks he’s old and wants to

settle down. He gets married and has children when he meets a suitable woman…” However, Christina

was suspicious. “Uncle Larry seems to be 7 years older than you, auntie. Is he really good at that? He’s

almost 60 years old. Can he still have children?”

Betty blushed. “Mind your own business.” She didn’t want to talk to her about such a straightforward


After thinking of so many ways, she still couldn’t find Derek, so Christina had to give up for the time


At the same time, she thought of Patrick. Last night, he specifically reminded her that he wanted to takenovelbin

her to the club to get to know some people.

For Patrick, if it wasn’t something important, he wouldn’t have mentioned it on purpose.

And it was strange that Patrick was willing to take his wife out to meet someone else. She thought that

in these rich families, the wife should stay at home, while he drank outside with the lover.

“Anyway, it’s still early. I’ll go to the club and see.”

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