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Chapter 572

Chapter 572

Christina carefully folded the yellowed brown paper and went to the bathroom. She simply washed up

and changed her clothes, then she walked to the door quickly.

Just then, Patrick opened the door and came in.

He assumed that it was about time for her to get up. He didn’t want to let her sleep too long.

However, as soon as Patrick opened the door, Christina crushed on him. They both felt surprised.

Christina bumped into Patrick’s chest and immediately stepped back. She was a little awkward. Patrick,

on the other hand, stood still and looked at her seriously. He noticed that Christina got blushed more

and more frequently

“!, um…” Christina tried to ease the awkward atmosphere, but she hesitated for a long time before

saying. “You said yesterday that you will take me to see someone today. I’m not free now. I’m not


Last night, Patrick did mention that he would take her to the club to meet some people.

Patrick didn’t say anything.

Christina was still a little uncomfortable when Patrick stared at her. He didn’t like to talk but just keep

staring at others. How strange!

Christina felt nervous and clenched the old brown paper topographic map tightly. She suddenly recalled

something and said, “I, I want to see Derek.”

Patrick seemed to be very sensitive to Derek. He narrowed his eyes slightly as if he was

subconsciously on


“Do you have Derek’s contact information?”

Christina asked naturally. Compared to the strange husband in front of her, she had a better impression

of Derek. After all, they grew up together.

Patrick did not answer her question about Derek. Instead, he just said calmly, “Go downstairs for


Then, he turned around and walked downstairs himself,

Christina looked at Patrick’s back quietly. Once again, he turned around and left without waiting for her

at all.

# was hard to imagine how she get along with him before

Betty knew that Christina got up late Besides, she was injured, so no one had set any rules for her.

Patrick sent someone to inform Betty to come to Eastern Garden to have lunch with Christina.

In fact, Patrick was also very careful.

It was just that he didn’t like to explain or talk too much.

Christina had a proper lunch with Patrick who was sitting opposite her. They barely talked and just ate

in silence.

After dinner, Patrick went out.

Of course, with his personality, he would not specifically explain to Christina where he was going.

After Patrick left, Christina immediately got close to Betty and asked, “Auntie, do you have Eric’s

contact information?”

“Are you looking for Derek?”

Betty put down the spoon and looked at Christina doubtfully. No wonder Patrick looked a little strange

just now.

Betty did not forbid Christina from looking for Derek. After all, it was normal for her to be close to Derek

considering her current situation. Maybe it was good for her memory to see people with whom she was


“Derek’s number should already be in your contact list.”

“He must be also in your WhatsApp list.”

Betty took Christina’s cell phone and helped her recognize every person on her contact list.

“Who is this’ Cold Pag?” Christina browsed her WhatsApp list and stared at one of the nicknames


Betty looked a little embarrassed and guessed, “It should be Patrick.”

Christina widened her eye and said, “It really suits him.”

Betty laughed helplessly. Christina gave this nickname to Patrick in person.

Patrick just didn’t refuse her,

Christina called the number marked’ Eric’ on her phone. This should be Derek’s phone number. She

checked that she had a call history with this number before,

“Sorry! The subscriber you dialed is powered off.”

Hearing the mechanical reply, Christina felt unhappy and complained, “What’s wrong with Eric? He

sent a cat to deliver the letter to me, but he turned off his phone.”

Betty didn’t understand what Christina meant, but it was normal for Derek to turn off his phone. He

always hated

being disturbed

“Christina, if it is urgent, why don’t we go to his apartment to find him?”

“Okay.” Christina immediately agreed.

However, when they arrived at the Crescent Garden, they still didn’t find Derek.

A neighbor who lived on the same floor saw them knocking on the door, so she came out and asked

curiously, “Mr. Fisher hasn’t come back for almost a month. Are you relatives of him?”

Christina replied directly, “We are his family.”

Betty smiled and talked to the neighbor. “Hello, do you know where he has been recently?”

“I don’t know. I only know that he rarely went out, but I don’t know what he does for work. Maybe he

works on IT or something. He loves silence and barely talked to us, but he is really good-looking. He

must be very educated and talented. Maybe he is just not good at expressing himself. He is shy.”

The neighbor beautified Derek’s behavior as a solitary animal in her mind. She thought such a

handsome man must have a good character. She warmly walked to Christina and asked, “Does Mr.

Fisher have a wife or


“He doesn’t have a wife or girlfriend yet.”

On the other side of the stairs, a stylish woman with a short and fluffy Afro walked over. She was

wearing a black suit and a pair of red high heels. As she walked, her shoes clattered on the old

concrete floor.

“Are you Derek’s mother and sister?”

Christina and Betty looked at each other. Their first thought was that Derek was quite popular in this


“I’m Derek’s landlady. Hahaha, did I scare you? Derek is also often scared by me all day and felt

speechless. He’s too shy. No offense, I just like quiet boys. My three sons are all so strong and they are

not cute at all. Derek hasn’t been back for 27 days. I’m starting to worry about him too.”

“Thank you for caring about him. Besides, Derek is not shy.” Christina chatted politely with the two

enthusiastic neighbors.

Derek was not shy, He just didn’t want to talk to anyone.

Christina was a little disappointed that she couldn’t find Derek. She thought of something and asked,

“By the way, do you know if he has a pet, a black cat?”

“He caught a black cat and asked me if he could use the cat to pay for his water and electricity bills


“But Mr. Fisher emphasized that it wasn’t his cat.”

It was really confusing.

Christina and Betty soon left the Crescent Garden. They walked along the corridor. Christina asked,novelbin

“How is Derek now? Didn’t his family give him money? Does he always live in a rented house?”

Christina imagined that Derek must live a poor life and felt heartbroken. At the same time, she was

angry at Derek’s family

“It’s not what you thought.” Betty chuckled.

“Derek is very smart and capable. He made a lot of money by investing in finance. However, he

suddenly got a

strange illness. I don’t know how he is now.”

Speaking of ith, Betty was also a little worried. Although she had always said that Derek was also her

family, she had favoritism. When Derek got sick, she only asked about his situation for few times. If it

were Christina, she would definitely worry about her all the time.

Suddenly, Betty felt a little ashamed. Derek had no family with him. She should have cared more about


“Later, Derek transferred all his assets to you, including stocks, real estate, and cash. Patrick even felt

a little comfortable about it.”

Christina listened in silence and felt a little depressed. “Has Eric been living alone all these years?”


There will be a lot of mistakes and regrets in life. Derek must be very lonely

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