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Chapter 94

4. Breaking my Limits


I raised an eyebrow. novelbin

“I wish I could. If you forgot, I don‘t have a wolf, nor is it possible when I‘m bound in silver.” I raised myshackled wrists, giving him a dirty look.

“But silver hasn‘t brought you to your knees as it should now, has it?” He remarked.

I couldn‘t let him know the truth and I simply shrugged.

“Think whatever you want.”

He didn‘t respond as he watched me calculatingly, clenching his jaw. I knew Theon, and sadly he knewme... He had been around us for so long, and he often knew what I would be up to... For the first time, Iwished he didn‘t know me as well as he did.

To my surprise, he didn‘t bother me any further, glancing to the left fleetingly before we continued on.

“Don‘t you think it‘s foolish to have me only bound by a little silver and a few suppression spells?” I askedinstead, hoping to divert the conversation from any suspicion he may have.

“No, because the moment you try to escape, I will give the signal and they will kill the Gamma females.”

My blood ran cold at his words and I frowned.

“So then, why were you surprised that I didn‘t run?” I spat angrily. “Because you didn‘t know of theconsequences, so I expected you to.” He said and I saw him glance to the left once again.

Was someone there?

“Fear not I know I won‘t get far, I know Theoden has enchanters on his side.”

I wanted to say a lot more, but I wasn‘t going to risk anyone becoming an example to teach me a lesson.

“Good.” He replied before we finally reached a large area within the walls of Westerfell. So, he was notgoing to take me out beyond these walls... That made sense, they had only secured this city...

“Zarian was a good teacher; can you not summon him?” “No. I‘m teaching you.” He said curtly. “Come atme... let‘s see what you are capable of.” “So I can attack without anyone getting killed because of myactions, correct?” I asked. “Yeah, do your worst.” Oh, I will...

He unchained me and stepped back, his eyes on me.

I jumped forward, feeling the blazing power rippling through me, but deep down something

told me to not show the true extent of my abilities, I kept it pulled back as I sent a wave of ice shards athim.

He ducked, before he lunged. In a flash, he was in front of me.

All those emotions that I felt were raging inside of me, and I wanted to hurt him... I wanted him to feelwhat I felt. I threw a punch at him, a blast of wind throwing him back. His eyes flashed as he grabbed themetal cuffs and chain, using it as a weapon as he swung it at me. I blocked with a wall of ice before Ibroke through it, kicking him straight in the stomach. The impact felt satisfying as he was thrown to theground, the snow beneath him cushioning his fall. He was up in a flash, his aura raging around him and Icould see the faint glow around him.

What was that?

“Nice kick. Let‘s see how much more you get in.” with those words, he grabbed me by the arm, flippingme over and tossing me over his shoulder. Twisting, I landed on my feet, the snow erupting in a cloud

around me, and our eyes met before we both ran at one another at the same time.

Years of fighting and trying my best was ingrained into me, but now with the speed, strength and agilitythat I now possessed, I felt far more powerful than I ever had before. At the last moment, I flipped,sending a blinding flash of lightning at him, forcing him to step back, but he didn‘t back down. To mysurprise, he raised his forearm, that amber glow weaving around him like a fire as the lightning struck thefire–like shield that encased his arm.

What the….


“No.” I lied as I back away, watching him.

He smirked as he lowered his arm.

“You don‘t know me as well as you thought.” He said as I felt a wave of energy roll off him.

“No, I don‘t know you at all.” I said quietly, the stinging pain of his betrayal returning with full force. “Let‘strain.”

I felt the dark power in the shadows and I knew it was strong magic... Was it the one behind these spellsthat helped Theoden? 1

Not another word was spoken between us as we began exchanging blow after blow...


I had held back, knowing that Theon and those who were watching from the shadows had their eyes onme.

For the next two weeks, Theon pushed me to my limits. The training would continue in three steps andthe first part was always in the open ground at the edge of Westerfell, before we would return to thetraining barracks of the warriors. A place that now teemed with Obsidian Shadow Pack warriors.However, the moment Theon and I would enter, they would clear out. This was the only place I never felteyes upon me,

The ice castle remained covered in ice, and I heard whispers of the unrest that was passing through thekingdom. Questions of the magic that enveloped the castle arose, and although Theon didn‘t know, theice became my sense. I was slowly able to sense where everyone was. Only when I was in our old Betaquarters did this diminish. I often wondered if there was a way to break those warriors free, but I didn’tbecause, until now, Gamma Henry, Andrea, and Zoe were not accounted for. I had heard fleetingly fromRaiden and the others, saying Zarian was nowhere in sight and . they had not managed to locate him, sothey had left. They would gather whatever help they could. With the Obsidian Shadow not reallyventuring from the city, I knew they would be ok. With their departure, I lost the last remaining contact Ihad with anyone who truly cared. 1

I did reach out to a few of the pack members I recognised through the link but so far they were under fulllockdown as well.

I saw Theoden thrice, and each time my anger only rose. The first time he was beating a man and I hadfelt the bond snap, realising it was one of my men that he had killed, but Theon had dragged me awaybefore I could even speak.

The second time he had lit ablaze a small clothing store, but I had no idea why and Theon refused to tellme.

The third time he had been walking through the city of Westerfell with a crown upon his head, as if hewas king. 1

Theon remained cold, indifferent and passive. Every day he pushed me to my limits, and it was astruggle knowing I had to hold back. At times I felt like he knew that I was doing that, but he didn‘tquestion it, simply criticising my weaker points.

Every day doing as he asked became easier, and although we were enemies, he was an impressiveteacher, even though it was painful to see him daily. Every time we‘d touch, that bond tugged at my heartand I was unable to stop the pain from tearing me up inside. After the first part of our hand–to–handcombat, combined with our abilities, we would come to the indoor training areas.

That‘s where we were today, and as usual, it was eerily empty. Like usual we spent thirty minutes ofweapon training before Theon now tossed his sword to the ground. My top had several slashes and hisshirt was half hanging off him from the intense session. He now pinned my wrists to the ground,straddling me. Our hearts thundered at the proximity we were at.

Our eyes met and the moment his eyes flickered gold, I pushed him off. Moving away quickly, he backedaway, his gaze as cold as ever, yet his breathing was heavy. We were both sweating, and I wasexhausted. “Not too shabby.” He said emotionlessly, before reaching for the hem of his shirt and pulling itup and over his head, making my heart thunder. His inked skin was glistening with sweat, and everybreath he took made his muscles ripple. I forced my gaze away, frowning deeply as he tossed the shirtaside. He had lied and betrayed me. Every time I saw him it was all I could think of. I hated how the matebond pulled us together and the urge to reject him was niggling at me...

It wasn‘t like the bond mattered to him, not once had he acknowledged it. He walked to the far end of thetraining hall, returning with two bottles of water. He held one out to me before taking the lid of the otherand chugging it down.

“Now for the main training... Your abilities.”

I took a few thirsty gulps of the cold water before looking up at him icily. “‘I still think someone withelemental power will be better.” I remarked remember that hot flame–like energy that had surrounded

him whenever we sparred. “What is that ability you have?” I couldn‘t help but ask.

He seemed to hesitate as if considering whether he should answer me or not.

“It‘s none of your concern.” He remarked coldly. “Get up, how about we start with you melting the layer ofice you have coated the entire castle in?” “I like the ice.” I remarked. “And besides, I told you, I don‘tknow how.” “Well right now it‘s not about what you like, it‘s been long enough, remove the ice.” I frowned,Theon was in his father‘s pack once again and I hated the fact that all conversations between him andothers when I was around were through the link. “Ask nicely.” I almost spat. “I don‘t do nice.” He repliedwith equal venom. The moment back on the balcony when he had said ‘please‘ returned to me, and oureyes met. Do I try to get close to him, get answers and try to show him the truth? The risk of getting hurttore me up inside, but I needed to make allies from within... I needed to remove the mask from his eyes,but how do I do it without getting hurt in the process?

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