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Chapter 93

3. Grasping onto Hope


He‘s anger was obvious as he glared at me with complete rage. “So now you care what happens tohim?” He hissed.

“No, I don‘t. But he is still her son.” I shot back coldly. 6

“She’s dead, she doesn‘t know what‘s happening here.” His cold reply came, his chest heaving as hefought his anger. 2

“It‘s about being loyal to her and honouring your word. You know when it comes to Mom, I won‘t let itslide. You are not to touch him. No matter how much he becomes a thorn in our side, he will not betouched. Understood?”

His features began morphing as he fought himself from shifting, lunging to grab hold of me but I raisedmy arm, my own eyes flashing in warning.

“I told you; I will obey you and I am... but when it comes to an oath given to Mom… I won‘t tolerate it.”

I had mentioned Hunter, to divert the conversation for me, but I hadn‘t expected him to want him out ofthe picture.

“Then you better obey me properly, because I‘m beginning to see a change in the man that I sent on thismission... You drugging so many of Andres‘s closest as if you did not want them to lose their lives...”

I didn‘t react but I knew why I kept them alive... because Yileyna needed someone.

That bastard Raiden.... Ryan... and of course Charlene, who was like a part of her soul. Annoying.

I couldn‘t deny that I had fallen for the one woman I shouldn‘t have... but I had, and no matter what I did,I couldn‘t stop myself from worrying about her. 5

Even the poison I was giving her was such a low dose. I wanted her to break away, to get far away fromhere, but she was far too stupid and stubborn to do that.

“You confuse me, you said you need this city and the packs to accept us. By killing everyone, how wouldthat win you points? Care to explain? I thought it was a smart move to keep those who were once inpower, alive. However, if you want me to go behead Henry and the two Gamma females, I will willinglydo so.” I said, ready to walk off when Dad raised his hand.

“No.You are correct. I‘m sorry son, but we have spent a lot of time apart… You seem to have more...emotion than you did two years ago when Iyara died –” 5

“Was killed.” I corrected, remembering it was an attack by Andres... seeing her body lying there... herheart ripped from it. She had been missing her leg and her neck had a chunk bitten right out. Thestinging pain when I remembered it was still there... 6

“Yes, by Andres, however you didn‘t seem to care, only wanting revenge... I fear this woman may changeyou.” “How? I was ready to burn her? How exactly did I show compassion?” I asked, my eyes


I hated how it fucking got to me that he seemed to see right through me. I was fucking hiding how I felt,the urge to knock some sense into her dumb blonde head and drag her from here was so fuckingcompelling... and the way she reacted since everything went down, she would jerk and pull away fromme as if my touch burnt her. I guess I should have expected it, I betrayed her, was the reason herparents were dead and more... I had tried to burn her…

I threw that match knowing I had to prove to him that I didn‘t care, and I hoped that it was enough to bethe final trigger to break her seal. I had relied on the power of her love for me and broke her faith entirelyto unleash her powers. Those moments had been some of the hardest moments of my life. 3

“True... true... Perhaps I am just on edge. We may have this city, but we are not acknowledged yet... Ifthe packs rally upon us, we are in the centre–”

“And we can be cornered from all sides, but you killed Andres and there were witnesses to show you arethe new Alpha. As long as everyone learns the truth of what Andres did years ago, people will see weweren‘t in the wrong.” 2 He didn‘t reply and I frowned slightly, turning my head as I watched him. Was itjust me, or did I sense a flicker of unease from him? 2

“Of course. But still, we need to be careful. Win her over and make sure she is ours.” He commandedbefore he turned and walked away.

There was no chance for that anymore... No matter how much I may want it... I chose vengeance andjustice for my pack and family, and the price... the price was the most fucking precious thing of all;Yileyna‘s heart. 4

Deep down, a selfish question arose, but I refused to acknowledge it. This is the path that I have walkedfor over a decade, and no matter if I strayed, I was now back on it. All who caused my family and packinjustice would pay.


“Get up.” my heart thundered, and my eyes flew open to realise I had fallen asleep on the floor.

I looked around as Theon pulled me upright, his touch bringing me back to reality.

The fire I had been dreaming about was fresh on my mind. I looked around, realising it was still darkoutside, before I turned my attention to Theon who was looking at me intensely, his heart seemingly

thudding loudly. “What are you staring at?” I asked coldly, pulling free from his hold that was making mymind go blank . 1


It was something, but he looked away, standing up from where he had been crouched by my side.

“Come, I brought you food, clothes and toiletries. You can bathe, change, and then we‘ll go train.” Heturned the light on and I looked at him.

My heart skipped a beat when I realise he had just showered, his skin still glistened with water whichmeant he had come here straight after. His white T–shirt with a V–neck showed his toned defined collarbones, and when he swallowed his Adam‘s apple bopped. llyilevna.” He growled, i blinked realising I wasstaring. I turned away, grabbing the bag that was on the floor. Without another word, I walked into thebathroom.

Looking in the mirror, I stared at the grime on my face and the stains in my hair.

He said we were to train, I had a list to relay to Raiden and the other when I was out of these quarters.

I showered swiftly, organising my thoughts before I brushed my teeth and stepped out of the shower,towelling myself dry. I rummaged in the bag and realised Theon had gotten my clothes…

So he had gone down to the inn? 1

I pulled on the red lingerie before putting on the black pants, tunic, and a black corset, before I ran acomb through my wet hair and stepped out into the living area. novelbin

Theon was staring out the window but turned when I approached.

He motioned to the brown bag that sat on one of the empty boxes to the side with a jerk of his head.

“Eat, then we‘ll go.” I wanted to deny him, but I was ravenous. I sat down on the icy floor, intrigued as towhy it was not melting, was it the intense cold outside? It must be... I opened the bag and took out awrapped toasty and bit into it. Chicken from Madam Marigold‘s, did that mean everyone was allowed toget back to work? “Is the city carrying on as normal?” I asked coldly. “They have been given thecommand to, aside from the warriors who are imprisoned, the city will carry on under a new Alpha.”Some Alpha Theoden was.

“Then... why not simply remove everyone from the Silver Storm pack from the city? Let them relocate?”

“After Andres forced the Obsidian Shadow Pack into hiding? Why should we be merciful?” He repliedcoldly, not even looking at me. “So by acting just like him, how are you any better? Let them go.” 1

He turned to me, crossing his arms as his eyes bore into mine. “Stand by my side, and we can combinethe packs under one law, one pack” There was a time, long ago, where perhaps a younger Yileyna wouldhave become giddy at the thought of running a pack by Theon‘s side. A dream of a happily ever after, butthere was no happily ever after in reality.

“I‘m afraid it‘s too late for that... because this isn‘t about you and I. It‘s about your betrayal,

and the one who is using you as his puppet.” I turned away, only for him to grab me by the arm, yankingme back around. His eyes flashed as he glared at me. “I am not a puppet.”

“Aren‘t you?” I replied coldly, ignoring the delicious currents that rippled through me. He clenched his jawand I pulled free. “And... don‘t touch me without my consent.” Our eyes met, his anger rising before hebrushed past, picking up some chains of silver that I had not noticed before and shackling me beforeopening the door.

“Let‘s go.” He hissed, his voice dripping murderously, but it didn‘t affect me.

The moment I stepped out into the hall, I felt the link open. I closed myself off, focusing on Raiden,Charlene, Gamma Grayson and Ryan.


‘Yileyna!‘Gamma Grayson‘s voice came. ‘Yileyna! Oh, my goddess!‘ I almost smiled at Charlene‘s voice,trying to hide the emotions from my face as I kept my gaze on the ground and followed Theon. , ‘Hey...?Ryan‘s voice. ‘Yileyna, you vanished yesterday.‘

‘I‘m ok, I was kept in a secluded room that cuts off my mind link. They don‘t realise silver isn‘t working onme. I don‘t have long, from what I know Gamma Henry, Andrea and Zoe are safe, but they are held andbound by silver.‘

Thank the gods. Grayson murmured. ‘Charlene filled us in on how you are the heart, I knew of thatprophecy, well parts of it. Yileyna you can do this, you are the heart and this is your duty.‘ ‘Well goodluck, while you‘re at it, kick your ex–boyfriend‘s fucking dick. Hard.‘ Ryan growled, clearly not happy withthe turn of events. 3

Charlene and Raiden chuckled, and I suppressed my smile.

‘I‘ll try, if I get the chance. They want to train me to use my powers, I‘m going to try to pretend that I‘mgiving in but we need to gather our allies... Gamma Grayson, will you be able to go to our most trustedallies? Also, I know it‘s risky, but is there a chance any of you can get in touch with Zarian?‘

‘Your wish is my command, Alpha, I will reach out to them. We will travel carefully. As for Zarian... we cantry, can he be trusted?‘ ‘I think he can. It‘s worth a try... I will try to ask Theon if I can get in touch withhim, but I‘m not sure they will allow me.’

‘Fear not, we will try our best. After turning to our allies, what do you wish to do?

First, I need to know the numbers. I will be honest, Andres was not a good king, but Theoden gives me adarker vibe... He seems far more dangerous… Tell our allies about the heart of Kaeladia, I want them toknow of the prophecy that has been hidden for so long. If they know

there‘s hope, they will willingly help us. Or our true allies will at least.‘ ‘Yileyna... if we leave from here... itmeans we won‘t get to mind link...’ Raiden’s concerned voice came.

My stomach sank but there was no other choice...

‘I know. But I‘ll be ok. Just... stay safe.’ 1

A silence fell before Ryan spoke once more. ‘Well we‘ll try to get in touch with the Fae first, get in touchwith you either way, and then move on to finding our allies.‘ ‘Perfect... Raiden, from this day forth you aremy Beta... Ryan and Gamma Grayson, you are both Gamma‘s.‘ 1

‘You need to stop saying Gamma.‘ Grayson‘s voice came. We were already leaving the palace grounds,walking through the snow, but every step I took I realised the snow was spreading away, letting my feettouch the stone ground beneath.

‘I can‘t change old habits. Charlene... My queen, you will always be my queen, stay safe ok?‘

‘I will, my Angel, you take care too, you are in the lion‘s den right now.‘.

‘I‘ll manage.‘ I replied before I blocked everyone off, hoping I was focusing only on Charlene.‘ Who canhear me?‘

‘I can.’ Charlene replied. ‘Yileyna, no one else can.’

‘Good… I wasn‘t sure if I was doing this right, it comes pretty easily, doesn‘t it?‘

‘Yeah, it does. ‘Tell him the truth, Charlene… Gamma Grayson is a good man... and although it mighttrouble him a little... he deserves to know and you deserve to talk about this.‘ Silence followed as Theon

watched me, frowning. I simply ignored him, following emotionlessly.

‘I... I‘ll think about it. Thank you, Yileyna.‘ She replied quietly.

Take care. Theon‘s watching.’

We ended the link, and Theon‘s gaze bore into me.

“For a moment there it was almost like you were mind linking.” His calm sinister words made my heartskip a beat, as our eyes met... 2

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