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Chapter 1666

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Chapter 1666 [Eleven Jewell]

Stella, who was irritated by the questions, turned around and dismissively said, “So what if I did? Whyare you following me? Do you want to be Keegan’s stand-in?”

“Why would I want that? I’m not crazy,” Spencer instinctively retorted.

“Then, why are you following me?”novelbin

Spencer did not know what to say.

“I-I’m just enjoying the spectacle.” He came up with a plausible excuse. “You dumped me back then,and now you’re the one getting dumped. I’d say it’s karma.”

Stella’s anger surged when she heard that. Spencer noticed the change in her facial expression, andhe felt a sense of satisfaction.

“Hey, if you genuinely miss Keegan, you can beg me. I’ll pretend to be him reluctantly.”

Stella remained silent, and her face was tense.

“Alright, no need to beg. Just apologize to me and say you shouldn’t have dumped me back then.”

Stella stared at the puddle of water on the road in front of her. She gestured him over and said, “Comehere.”

Thinking that she was giving in, Spencer adjusted his clothes and walked over.

“I wouldn’t have gotten mad at you if you had a better attitude earl-fuck!”

Before Spencer could finish his sentence, Stella pushed him to the curb, and a passing car splashedwater from the puddle directly onto his face.

His once pristine white outfit now resembled a soaked rag.

Spencer was about to yell at Stella when he turned around to see her laughing.

He was momentarily stunned, and the displeasure he felt had instantly faded away.

He started to chuckle. “It’s been so many years, and yet you’re still so childish.”

Stella’s smile dropped immediately.

Spencer stood in front of her again and asked, “Why did you break up with me back then?”

Stella glanced at him and said, “Your father talked to me.”

Spencer did not expect that.

“He had a lot to say. But long story short, he wanted me to leave you. He told me you were goingabroad and that I wasn’t good enough for you. It made sense, so I broke up with you.”

Spencer was initially surprised to hear that, but he slowly accepted it. It was something his authoritarianfather would do. Penn would not have just talked to Stella; he might have even approached her family.

Spencer wanted to ask why Stella did not tell him about this, but then he realized that it was a pointlessquestion. At that time, he relied on his family’s support for his livelihood. He had no choice but to followhis father’s wishes.

He understood that there were only two likely outcomes for a relationship that was not viewedpositively-either one of them breaks up with the other willingly, or they were forced to break up due to

external factors. Stella had made the choice for him.

Spencer fell silent for a moment. Then, he asked, “What will you do now that Keegan is dead?”

Stella felt uncomfortable when she heard that. “He’s not dead! He’s just…


Spencer did not argue with her about it. “Alright, but what will you do if he never shows up again?”

Stella remained quiet.

Spencer looked at her lowered eyelashes and acknowledged that his discontent with the situation wasmixed with some self-interest.

He cleared his throat and asked, “Do you want to be in a relationship with me?”

Stella stared at him as if he was crazy.

Spencer then said, “Didn’t you say he’s missing? Don’t you want to force him to come out? He’dprobably get jealous if he knew that we were together. If he’s hiding somewhere, maybe he’ll come outon his own.”

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