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Chapter 1665

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted Chapter 1665 [Eleven Jewell]

After settling the bill, Stella put on her mask and grabbed her coat before heading outside.

Although the cocktails she had consumed did not have a strong alcoholic taste, their alcohol contentwas not to be underestimated. Having enjoyed a number of drinks, Stella felt fine while she was sittingdown. However, when she stood up, she noticed a slight dizziness after taking a few steps.

As she navigated her way out of the pub, she inadvertently bumped into a young man holding a drink.The man’s beverage spilled all over him, and he grabbed Stella’s arm, demanding an explanation.

Stella retrieved a banknote from her wallet and handed it to the man. “Is this enough for dry cleaning?”novelbin

Stella’s hands were shaking, and the note fell to the ground. The man misinterpreted her intentions andrefused to take the money. Instead, he seized Stella’s arm and ordered an apology.

Stella struggled to free herself. “Let go!” she yelled.

However, the man persisted. “How dare you throw money at me?! Apologize, bitch!”

“I didn’t throw the money at you. It slipped from my fingers and fell!”

The man did not believe her. He attempted to pull off her mask and argued, “Take off your mask whenyou’re talking to me. Don’t you know basic respect?”

When his hand had almost reached Stella’s mask, someone swiftly intervened.

The person grabbed the man’s wrist and twisted it.

The man’s face turned pale, as he cried out in pain. The person patted him on the shoulder and smiled.“Why argue with a woman, man? She had too much to drink. She probably won’t understand what you

have to say.”

While speaking, he stuffed the money into the man’s pocket. “Your shirt looks fine. A quick wash woulddo the trick. What do you say?”

The man was hurting so much that he could not say a word. So, he reluctantly nodded in agreement.

Only then did the person release him. “Thanks, man.”

The man cursed out in distress and left with an aggrieved expression.

Spencer turned to look at Stella. She wore a frown while rubbing her wrist, which bore marks from theman who had seized her.

Spencer reached out and took her hand. At the same, Stella furrowed her brows and lifted her gaze.Stunned, she softly called out, “Keegan…”

Spencer pinched the back of her hand and asked, “What did you call me?”

Stella winced before regaining her senses. “Spencer? Why are you here?”

“Why can’t I be here?”

Stella was at a loss for words. She did not have the energy to argue with him, so she grabbed her coatand left.

Spencer caught up to her and said, “What’s with the attitude? I got you out of trouble and not even athank you?”

“Thank you,” Stella said.

Her reaction left Spencer speechless. He glared at her and said, “That sounded insincere.”

Stella ignored him and stood by the roadside while waiting for a cab.

Spencer stopped beside her and asked, “When is Keegan’s funeral?”

Stella froze upon hearing that. She threw her bag at him and said, “You’re the one who should behaving a funeral!”

Spencer tried to dodge her attack but was still hit twice. Seeing that she was about to hit him again, hequickly grabbed her hands to stop her. “That’s enough. I was just asking. Did my question warrant sucha reaction? Everyone knows that Keegan went missing in the waters. It’s been twenty days since then.

Are you actually still expecting him to come back?”

Stella stepped on his foot, causing him to yelp. Stella grabbed her bag, glared at him, and walkedaway.

Spencer was hopping in place out of pain. He quickly caught up to her and said, “You weren’t this upsetwhen we broke up. Why does Keegan get this special treatment?”

Stella ignored him. However, Spencer could not understand why Stella treated Keegan better than himwhen they were both her ex.

Thinking of how his friends had teased him before, he gritted his teeth and asked, “Did you get togetherwith me back then because Keegan and I look alike? Did you ever have feelings for me?”

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