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Chapter 1608

The captain was taken aback. Then, he immediately stopped the security guard

when he saw him dialing 911. “What are you doing? It’s broad daylight, and who

would dare to kidnap someone right outside the company? It’s probably just a

small fight between a boyfriend and a girlfriend. You must’ve misunderstood it.”

“But it didn’t look like that at all, and the surveillance cameras-“

“Stop your nonsense and get back to work. Her parents will call the police if

she’s really been kidnapped. You have no business being so nosy. The meeting

today is very important, and everyone from the board will be coming today. If

you bring the police here and disrupt the meeting, do you think you can handle

the consequences?”

The security guard hesitated upon hearing that. The election was a big deal,

and there was nothing he could do to handle the consequences if he made a

mistake. He could only pray that what his captain said was right and that it was

nothing serious.

Aldor arrived at the office, made sure that all the documents were ready, and

started waiting for Keegan.

However, Keegan was nowhere to be seen even after thirty minutes. So, Aldor

took out his phone and called Keegan.

However, Keegan’s phone was turned off.

Aldor frowned. Keegan would rarely turn off his phone, especially on such an

important day.

Suddenly, Aldor felt a little restless.

He tried calling Keegan two more times, but it still would not connect. So, he

called Stella instead.

The call was connected, but it was not answered.

‘One is turned off, and the other is did not answer. This couldn’t be just a

coincidence, right?’

Aldor looked at the time and decided not to wait any longer. He rushed out of

the office.

Just when he was about to step into the elevator, his phone rang.

It was a call from the board of directors’ office. Aldor stood outside the elevator

and answered the call.

“Aldor, the board of directors has added some documents for the meeting.

Come pick them up.”

“Sure, I’ll send someone to collect it now.”

The person on the other end said, “Please collect them personally. They’re all

confidential and sealed documents. Each office’s assistants are required to

collect them in person to avoid any unwanted trouble.”

Aldor furrowed his brows, as he looked at the elevator’s door opening. “Okay,

then. I’ll be there now,” he said in a deep voice.

After hanging up the phone, Aldor took the elevator upstairs instead of going

down. Meanwhile, he dialed Vermont’s number.

Vermont had just returned from buying breakfast downstairs and was slightly

surprised to see Aldor’s call.

He answered it and said teasingly, “Aldor, are you worried that Keegan might

lose the election, and you’re looking for a new boss?”

However, Aldor did not play along with him like he always would. Instead, he

said in a deep tone, “Mr. Snyder, I can’t contact Mr. Kane.”

Vermont was taken aback. “What do you mean by that?”

Aldor then told him about what happened briefly. “Mr. Kane told me to wait for

him upstairs, but it’s been over half an hour now. He didn’t come up and even

his phone was switched off. I tried calling Mrs. Kane, but it wasn’t answered

either. I have something to do right now, and I can’t check on it. Would you

please try calling Mr. Kane? The general meeting will deny all entry fifteen

minutes after its commencement. We can’t afford to let anything happen to Mr.

Kane at this moment.”

Vermont’s expression immediately turned serious. “I’ll do that right now. Wait for

my call.”


Vermont tried calling Keegan for a few times after hanging up. Then, he quickly

went home to get his car key after

failing to reach him.

Felicity had just finished brushing her teeth, and she was puzzled when she saw

Vermont changing hurriedly. “You haven’t had breakfast yet. Are you leaving?”

she asked.

Vermont buttoned up his heart and said, “Keegan and Stella have gone


The captain was taken aback. Then, he immediately stopped the security guard

when he saw him dialing 911. “What are you doing? It’s broad daylight, and who

would dare to kidnap someone right outside the company? It’s probably just a

small fight between a boyfriend and a girlfriend. You must’ve misunderstood it.”

“But it didn’t look like that at all, and the surveillance cameras-“

“Stop your nonsense and get back to work. Her parents will call the police if

she’s really been kidnapped. You have no business being so nosy. The meeting

today is very important, and everyone from the board will be coming today. If

you bring the police here and disrupt the meeting, do you think you can handle

the consequences?”

The security guard hesitated upon hearing that. The election was a big deal,

and there was nothing he could do to handle the consequences if he made a

mistake. He could only pray that what his captain said was right and that it was

nothing serious.

Aldor arrived at the office, made sure that all the documents were ready, andnovelbin

started waiting for Keegan.

However, Keegan was nowhere to be seen even after thirty minutes. So, Aldor

took out his phone and called Keegan.

However, Keegan’s phone was turned off.

Aldor frowned. Keegan would rarely turn off his phone, especially on such an

important day.

Suddenly, Aldor felt a little restless.

He tried calling Keegan two more times, but it still would not connect. So, he

called Stella instead.

The call was connected, but it was not answered.

‘One is turned off, and the other is did not answer. This couldn’t be just a

coincidence, right?’

Aldor looked at the time and decided not to wait any longer. He rushed out of

the office.

Just when he was about to step into the elevator, his phone rang.

It was a call from the board of directors’ office. Aldor stood outside the elevator

and answered the call.

“Aldor, the board of directors has added some documents for the meeting.

Come pick them up.”

“Sure, I’ll send someone to collect it now.”

The person on the other end said, “Please collect them personally. They’re all

confidential and sealed documents. Each office’s assistants are required to

collect them in person to avoid any unwanted trouble.”

Aldor furrowed his brows, as he looked at the elevator’s door opening. “Okay,

then. I’ll be there now,” he said in a deep voice.

After hanging up the phone, Aldor took the elevator upstairs instead of going

down. Meanwhile, he dialed Vermont’s number.

Vermont had just returned from buying breakfast downstairs and was slightly

surprised to see Aldor’s call.

He answered it and said teasingly, “Aldor, are you worried that Keegan might

lose the election, and you’re looking for a new boss?”

However, Aldor did not play along with him like he always would. Instead, he

said in a deep tone, “Mr. Snyder, I can’t contact Mr. Kane.”

Vermont was taken aback. “What do you mean by that?”

Aldor then told him about what happened briefly. “Mr. Kane told me to wait for

him upstairs, but it’s been over half an hour now. He didn’t come up and even

his phone was switched off. I tried calling Mrs. Kane, but it wasn’t answered

either. I have something to do right now, and I can’t check on it. Would you

please try calling Mr. Kane? The general meeting will deny all entry fifteen

minutes after its commencement. We can’t afford to let anything happen to Mr.

Kane at this moment.”

Vermont’s expression immediately turned serious. “I’ll do that right now. Wait for

my call.”


Vermont tried calling Keegan for a few times after hanging up. Then, he quickly

went home to get his car key after

failing to reach him.

Felicity had just finished brushing her teeth, and she was puzzled when she saw

Vermont changing hurriedly. “You haven’t had breakfast yet. Are you leaving?”

she asked.

Vermont buttoned up his heart and said, “Keegan and Stella have gone


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