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Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Stella switched off the hair dryer. She combed her long, half-dried hair as she joked, “You shouldn’thave learned screenwriting. Becoming a performer fits you best.” Felicity carefully touched the bag.She clenched her teeth as she said, “I’m sleeping with it tonight. I want to dream of becoming a wealthywoman!” “Feel free to do that. But, before you sleep, help me to take a few good pictures of it.” Felicityturned her head, “Why do you want to take photos of it? Do you want to post it on social media andanger those rich women?” “No.” Stella sat down. “I want to sell it.” “What?” “I’m getting the paperworkdone with Keegan tomorrow. I want to buy a house after I divorce him. It’d be best if the house is nearthe Rotona Pinnacle Hospital, fully furnished, and move-in ready. So that way, it’s easy for me to lookafter my mother. I went house hunting in that area before this. Those that matched my expectedrequirements are quite expensive. I’ll be left with very little money after buying a house. And today, theperson in charge from the Honor of the Deities told me that I didn’t pass the audition. So, I’ll be short ofmoney after the divorce. It’s better for me to just sell this bag and get some cash.” “You didn’t pass theaudition?” Felicity could not believe it. “Didn’t they say that you got the job before this? Just that thecontract wasn’t ready yet, right? And, they wanted you to go over and sign the contract two days later.What happened?” “I asked them why did they suddenly say that I wasn’t suitable for the job. Theanswer that they gave me was that their boss didn’t quite like my voice. Maybe because I sound toomature.” “Bullshit! It must be some prick pulling the strings! Or else, why would they suddenly changetheir decision? Do you know who are they signing the contract with? I’ll beat the shit out of theperson!” “Forget about it. I didn’t sign the contract. And, I don’t have a sound recording of the verbalagreement. Just think of it as me being unlucky.” Felicity was still aggrieved. After ranting about theperson who “pulled the strings”, she then complained about Keegan. “You’re too soft-hearted. I’m goingto find evidence of him cheating on you. Even if it can’t make him lose everything, I want you to be ableto get his assets!” “It doesn’t matter how the assets get divided.” Stella lowered her eyes. “I don’t careabout it anymore.” The words that Keegan had said today and how he just left her by the roadcompletely made her think realistically. Now, she just wanted to quickly divorce him and end thisnovelbin

relationship completely. Felicity did not know how to comfort her. She just hugged her tightly and said,“I know a lot of rich, handsome men. I’ll pick the best one for you and infuriate that jerk, Keegan!” Stellalaughed, “First, I want to make money. After that, I’ll go and pick someone that I like. I don’t want to bethe one who’s being chosen anymore.” The next morning, Stella woke up very late. She felt a littledrowsy when she got up in the morning. It might be because she was caught in the rain yesterday. Sheonly remembered that today was the day she was getting divorced after staring in the mirror for a longtime. She then started to get dressed up. She was very rushed when she got her marriage license withKeegan in the past. She remembered it was a week before she graduate from her oral examination.She stayed up all night to edit her thesis. She only went to bed in the morning. After sleeping for onlytwo hours, Keegan’s phone call woke her up. Before that day, Keegan only met her three times. Hisphone call caught her off guard. She was not prepared for it. Her roommate who was half-asleepcomplained about the phone call. She then ran to the washroom to answer it. “Are you free?” In fact,Keegan’s voice was extremely cold. However, at that time, Stella was obsessed with him. So, she feltthat his voice was very beautiful. She then whispered, “I’m free.” “I’ll come and pick you up.” Herheartbeat was pounding very fast. She stuttered, “W-Where are we going?” It seemed like Keegan wasdriving. She heard the engine sounds. Then, he said, “To get the marriage license.” She was actuallylightheaded that whole day. She obediently wore a white blouse as he said that. She did not even puton makeup when she followed him to get the marriage license. That was because she was afraid thathe would back out while he was waiting for her. They just casually went to get their marriage license.Their photo was lackadaisically taken too. Keegan did not even smile on the marriage certificate. OnlyStella was happy like a fool. ‘We casually started our marriage. But, I can’t just unconcernedly endit.’ She pursed her lips in front of the mirror. The vermilion color on her lips made her lookdazzling. ‘Getting divorced properly can help put a full stop to this relationship that didn’t work out.’ Attwo-thirty in the afternoon, Stella was on her way to the Civil Affairs Bureau. But, suddenly, shereceived a call from the Rotona Pinnacle Hospital saying that her mother had a cardiac arrest! She wasextremely worried. She immediately turned around and went to the hospital. Her mother was still beingrescued in the emergency room when she arrived at the hospital. The medical staff handed her a

critically ill notice. Her hand trembled as she signed it. She had signed many critically ill letters over thepast years. Every time she signed it, she was like a person who was drowning; she could not breathe.She did not know when would be the last time that she would sign it. After she signed the notice, shefelt faint. She only thought about calling Albert after a long while. “Dad, mom isn’t doing so well. Cometo the hospital.” She was very calm but her voice was shaking. It was a little noisy where Albert was.“I’m having a very important meeting. I can’t leave right now.” Stella clenched her fist tightly. “Thedoctor said it’s likely that she might not make it. This might be the last time we’d be seeing her.” “Thedoctor had been saying that for six years. But, you refused to let her go! Do you think her current stateis considered living?” Stella’s eyes were red. “So, what are you trying to say?” Albert brushed her off,“I’ll call you after I’m done with my work.” Before Stella could speak again, he immediately ended thecall after he said that. She squatted on the floor. She suddenly felt disenchanted. She turned her headto look at the operating room and cried unexpectedly. The phone in her hand rang. It was fromKeegan. She suddenly seemed like she was grasping at straws. She grabbed her phone and pressedthe accept button, “Keegan, my mom… She might pass away soon.” “Stella, are you toying with me?Aren’t we supposed to start the divorce proceedings? Where are you?”

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