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Chapter 55

Chapter 55 DaisyI blink up at him through my remaining tears, wiping them away hastily with the back of my hand.Xavier’s eyes are exploring mine, the normally vibrant green now darkened with concern. It’s in thatmoment I realize how much I need him. Need his support. Need his love. But I don’t want to admit it. “I…I don’t know,” I mumble. “You rejected me, Xavier, and that still burns. It doesn’t matter that you didit out of fear because you’re a hybrid. That just proves that you don’t believe in the mate bond.” He sighs above me before cupping my face in his warm, gentle hands. “The reason I picked your sisteris because only another monster deserves to be with a monster. I’m not normal, Daisy. I crave blood,and sometimes I get these urges to kill, and…then I saw you on that plane, so happy and innocent-Ididn’t want to take that away from you by forcing you to be mated to someone like me.” “But that’s just it, Xavier!” I retort, my eyes burning into his. “You don’t get to decide what’s best for me.You don’t get to choose my path!” I shake off his hands and step back in a defensive gesture. But I’m not done speaking my mind. “I was willing to love you even after 1 found out about your secret,” I continue, struggling to keep thetremor from my voice. “I was willing to accept you for who you are because…because… trail off, myheart pounding in my chest at the truth I’m having trouble saying out loud. “Because why?” Xavier prompts gently, a look of longing in his eyes. “Because I love you, I whisper, feeling the weight lift from my shoulders as those three words hangheavy in the air between UIS. For a moment, Xavier doesn’t respond. He looks at me with a mixture of surprise and something else…relief? Either way, 1 continue talking. “But all we do is argue and walk back and forth in circles. And while challenging you is something thatturns me on, I’m tired. So d*mn tired of everything. My family isn’t my own. My mate is getting married

to my sister—” “I’m calling off the wedding I snort, not believing it for a second. “Men say a lot of things that they don’t mean when confronted.” “Do you really think I’d lie about this?” Xavier gives me a pained look that rips through me. He stepsforward, reaching out to touch me, but I pull away. “I don’t know what to believe anymore. Just go, please.” I motion vaguely towards the door at the endof the corridor. For a moment, he doesn’t move, and I’m afraid that he’s actually going to leave. And yes, told him togo, but that isn’t whatI want. I’m a woman, okay? I want him to fight for me. Show me that he will be here in the long run.

But with a resigned sigh, he turns on his heel and trudges towards the door. Before exiting, he turnsback to look at me one last time. 1/3 Get the App. Get All of XM XO 111 XMDOWNLOAD NOW O < 10:56 Fri, May 17 Chapter 55 “I love you, Daisy.” His voice is barely audible, but it echoes in my heart. “And I promise, I will prove it.” 52%

And with that, he’s gone, leaving me alone in the corridor, his confession of love etched into my soul. Isink down against the wall and draw my knees up to my chest. I wanted him to leave, didn’t I? So why is it taking all of my strength not to run after him like a lovesickfool? Tears stream down my face as I fold into myself, the haunting echo of his declaration of love stillechoing in my head. Suddenly, everything feels so cold, the previously comforting stone walls nowfeeling harsh against my back. The corridor that once felt so empty is now hung with the heavy weightof our conversation. My breath hitches as I force myself to breathe in and out, but each inhale feels tainted by Xavier’sabsence. The mate bond is burning behind my chest, reminding me of what it wants. And I want the same thing. Part of me desires to chase after Xavier, to bring him back and fall into his arms once more. Butanother part, a stubborn part, that reminds me why our situation is so complex. He hurt me. He rejected me, chose my freaking sister over me. Yet he also confessed his love forme…. And I confessed mine for him. The world spins around me as my mind struggles to process everything that happened. A single sobescapes from my lips before it turns into a torrent of tears. I bury my face in my arms. Why does it feellike the world has come to an end? I don’t know how long I sit there until pack member after pack member rushes past me to get inside thecafeteria. I hear one of them ask, “What’s the commotion?” Another one answers. “Alpha Xavier wants all of us gathered to announce something important.” My heart skips a beat at the mention of his name. Struggling to my feet, I consider going inside to hearwhat Xavier has to say. Is he going to break off the wedding to my sister? It’s no secret she is screwing around with his Beta, Kit, and since Isabella is a terrible person, I wouldn’tmind seeing her entire world shatter into a billion pieces. But I doubt Alpha Xavier would break things off with her. Isabella always gets what she wants. ‘Not always, Sera says. “You should go and hear him out.”

‘It’s probably war talk… ‘Could be, but isn’t that also important?* With a sigh, I push myself off of the floor, wiping at my streaked cheeks with the back of my hand. Ican’t deny the burning curiosity in my heart. I enter the cafeteria and see Xavier standing on an elevated platform, usually reserved for parties orcelebrations. The dim light filtering from the windows behind him highlights his tall figure. A camera isfilming him, which means this is broadcast to the entire pack, even those who aren’t staying at thehotel. “As you all may know, my brother and 1 have decided to combine our packs. This means that morewerewolves might come to stay at the hotel. Some of them,” he gestures at Caleb. “Are here already.” Caleb smiles, and I laugh at the females checking him out. If they knew he was a vampire and not awerewolf, they probably wouldn’t be giving Lola the stink-eye for having scored such a handsomemate. 2/8 Get the App. Get All of XM ||| XMDOWNLOAD NOW 3/3 10-56 Fri, May Chapter 55 “I will keep being the Alpha of the Bloodmoon pack, but I won’t lead alone. My brother, Yato, the windwerewolf, will become the second Alpha of our pack. In contrast, Daisy, the light werewolf, will becomethe third Alpha of our pack.” Everyone goes silent, including myself. “Wh-what is he doing?” I ask Sera. Sera chuckles. “I don’t know, but I’m liking it. You were meant to be an Alpha, not an Omega.

My heart flutters and I look at Xavier again, intently listening to the rest of his speech, 52% “Daisy’s commands will be just as important as mine and Yato’s. We will no longer have any Gammas,but instead a council with leaders of each element that our pack members can approach for advice orproblems. So far, it’s only us three. But our next mission is to find the water werewolf, the earthwerewolf, and the psychic werewolf to create a pack strong enough to take on the vampires. The Betaposition, however, will remain. Ench Alpha is allowed to have their own Beta and will be given their ownterritory to govern.” When Xavier takes a break. Yato steps forward. “My brother and have come to an understanding thatthe old ways of rival packs and fighting with them will only serve to weaken us. The vampires aregrowing stronger with each passing day, and we can’t afford to fight with other packs. Instead, we willattempt to recruit them. But be warned, not all werewolves are on our side. Some are consideringjoining the vampires.” A stunned silence fills the room, and I can feel the fear circulating inside. We can no longer trust ourown kind. Mothers hug their children closer to their sides, the elders glance at one another with worriedfaces, and the younger ones look as if reality has slapped them awake from a deep sleep. Themagnitude of Xavier’s words settles into each heart present in the Xavier steps back, surveying the crowd with a stony face before looking back at me. His gaze holds somany u emotions that I can’t interpret them. unspoken “You TILay not trust us now,” Xavier speaks again, his voice cutting through the tense silence like aknife. “You may fear what we’re suggesting. But this is our only chance of survival, our only chance topreserve the legacy of our kind. We are wolves, not lambs for the slaughter. His emerald eyes are grim with determination, and I feel a strange sense of pride swell inside me. Yes,he hurt me. Yes, he chose my sister over me, but right now, he is portraying everything an Alphashould be: strong, decisive, and ready to make sacrifices for his pack. Xavier continues talking. “I had intended to marry Isabella, who is a strong warrior wolf so that she

could birth me a strong heir,” he admits, every word a hammer blow against my fragile heart.“However…the past few weeks have taught me that there is more to leadership than political alliancesand forced partnerships.” My breath hitches. He can’t be…is he actually doing this? “As such,” Xavier continues, his voice steady, “I am calling off the engagement.” Gasps echo aroundthe room. It feels like time has stopped, my heartbeat loud in my ears as I stare up at Xavier. “I will notforce myself into a loveless marriage for the sake of power. Isabella is herby free to be with her fatedmate, my Beta, Kit.” SEND GIFT Get the App. Get All of XM Onovelbin

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