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Chapter 54

Chapter 54 DaisyI’m sitting in the cafeteria with Sabrina, Lola, and Caleb. The pack doesn’t know he is a vampire. Hehas masked his scent, but I think everyone knows they are mates… “I have a pimple on my back, and it’s itching…” Lola complains before looking up at her mate withpleading eyes. “Let it be,” he says while buttering her sandwich. Vampires don’t eat food, but he seems to have thisweird fascination with preparing it for Lola. There is even a collar around his neck. Are they intoBDSM? “Can’t you pop it for me?” Lola whines. “Absolutely not. Your human and werewolf problems are super adorable to me.” Lola blushes when Caleb kisses the top of her head. But while Sabrina goes all, “Aww,” I can’t help butglance at Alpha. Xavier’s breakfast table. He is sitting with Yato, who is now his new Beta. Sera sighs inside my head. “You have this longing inside of your heart, Daisy. I can feel it every day-why don’t you just throw caution to the wind and forgive Xavier for the past? If you do that, you can bewith him sooner My heart clenches at that, but would we even make a great couple? I look at Caleb and Lola. She issitting in his lap while he is holding her like she is precious. I honestly can’t see Xavier being that gentlewith me…. I can, Sera says. “He is into you and would wag his tail like an excited puppy if you asked to sit in hislap 1 flush bright and hot, embarrassed by the simple idea of letting me be all girly and vulnerable. Would Ilike it? Yes. Would I ever be brave enough to admit it? No, A sigh leaves my lips. I have things to do before I can get my happily ever after *Such as?” ‘I need to talk to Yato. He offered his position as Alpha for my sake, and I just…I feel so guilty

“Don’t worry about Yato. He knew what he was giving up. Besides, he will meet his own mate sooner orlater. I’m confident about that.” My eyes travel back to Xavier on their one, and a silent gasp leaves my lips when I find him staringright back at me with his emerald eyes. His gaze lingers on my lips before he meets my eyes with a smile that’s meant to look innocent, but Ican tell there is evil intention behind it. Typical Xavier. He probably knows he looks good with his ruffledhair and a white t-shirt that hugs his biceps and broad chest. I tear my eyes away, flustered, and try tofocus on my breakfast. Two things, Daisy, Sera declares, trying to steady my racing heartbeat. ‘One, it’s not your responsibilityto worry about Yato. He’s old enough to make his own decisions. And two, stop denying yourselfhappiness. Despite the butterflies in my stomach, I decide to ignore Sera’s advice. Shaking off the intoxicatingimage of Xavier from my mind, I turn my attention back to Lola and Caleb. I let their chattering be mydistraction. “Alpha Xavier looks so good,” Sabrina sighs dreamily. I glance at her disapprovingly, but she justshrugs, “What? It’s true.” See what you’re missing out on? Sera teases. Ignoring her smugtone, I focus on not blushing atSabrina’s comment. 1/4 Get the App. Get All of XM ||| XM

DOWNLOAD NOW 10.56 Fri, May 17 Chapter 54 “Did anyone notice that Xavier is eating with Yato without looking like he wants to tear his head off?”

Lola sounds amused. “Maybe the two of them have finally managed to put their differences aside,” Sabrina is still wearing adreamy expression on her face. I narrow my eyes, something which doesn’t go unnoticed by Caleb. A grin breaks over his lips.“Careful, Sabrina. It’s Lola’s mate you’re looking at.” Sabrina grimaces. “R-right!” She blushes and goes back to focusing on her food. I shoot Caleb a grateful smile before biting into my apple. My eyes flit back to Xavier and Yato, both ofthem engaged in an animated discussion about something. I’m so distracted by them that I don’t hear my mother’s footsteps until she is standing directly aboveme. She growls. “I’ve been looking all over for you!” “There you ou are!” I jump at her tone. “Uh, good morning?” The anger on her face grows brighter. “Good morning? That’s the first thing you say to me after lockingup my daughter in the pack dungeons?!” She says those words as if I’m not one of her daughters, too. We haven’t talked in ages. Does sheeven remember me anymore? Then again, I don’t think I ever existed for her in the first place. My heart burns with bitterness as I look at her. I didn’t do anything wrong.” I tell her firmly. “You told Alpha Xavier to lock up Lina!” Sabrina growls behind me while Lola stands up to defend me, but I lift my hand and stand up myself.It’s about time I grew a backbone and stood up to my mother. “And what was I supposed to do, mother?” I spit the term out like a curse. “Let her murder Lola?Because that’s what she was about to do to save her own mate. Lina is working for the g*dda*nnvampire queen.” My mother flinches at my venomous words, but it’s clear she’s not backing down either. “Lina is your sister! You should have defended her! She didn’t mean any harm!” novelbin

“Didn’t mean any harm?” Sabrina cuts in, her face red with anger. “She was sneaking around in Lola’sgarden, and if Caleb hadn’t caught her, who knows what would have happened!” My mother’s face tightens, but she doesn’t respond to Sabrina. Instead, her gaze focuses on me with amix of of fury and betrayal. “I can’t believe you didn’t defend her. Even if she was in the wrong, you should have fought not to haveher locked up! You’re a shame and disgrace to your family. And no, I don’t care that you have specialabilities now. To me, you will forever be a weak and ugly Omega. I’ve hated you from the first day I sawyou!” She hisses, pointing accusingly at me. My friends gasp at the sudden hostility but remain silent. I think they are too shocked to speak. But I’m not. “I guess that settles it then?” I ask, and even though I sound calm, there is a storm brewing inside ofme. I’m close to tears, yet fighting them back. All I’ve ever wanted is my mother’s love, but I’ve finallyrealized I won’t get it. “If you hate me, then we should cut all the bridges. I mean, who cares? It’s notlike we are related by blood.” 2/4 Get the App. Get All of XM XO ||| O XMDOWNLOAD NOW 10:56 Fri, May 17 Chapter 54 Her face pales. “You know “About the fact that I was adopted? Yes. I do. And if you hate me so badly, why don’t we just drop thepretense?” I continue, my voice shaking slightly. I can see the shock on her face and hear the gasps ofmy friends behind me, but I keep pushing forward. “Lina and Isabella are not my sisters. And you are

not my mother, so why should we fight for each other? Why should I care about you or them? All you’veever done is treat me like a slave, and I’m so F*CKING done with it.” The silence that follows my outburst is deafening. Even the dining hall, filled with the noisy chatter ofthe pack a few moments ago, becomes eerily quiet. Out of the corner of my eye. I notice Xavier andYato looking in our direction. But it’s not them I’m looking at. My mother’s face is frozen in shock, her eyes wide and mouth hanging open slightly. She steps back asthough she had been physically hit. “I think it’s high time we accept reality.” I continue, my voice much calmer now. “I am not your daughter.We are not family. and we never were.” Without waiting for a response, I pivot on my heel and walk out of the dining hall, leaving behind astunned and shocked crowd. The doors to the great room swing shut behind me, effectively cutting offany reply she might have made. But even though I might have been a b*da*s to everyone else, I don’t feel like I’m the victor. My familyisn’t my own, and I have no idea who or what I am. I’m all alone, and f*ck, why am already crying? Mymother and sisters treated me like I was useless, and yet I’m so….sad! I gasp for air and stumble forward, feeling as if I might shatter, or maybe I already have. My sobs echo loudly through the empty corridor, bouncing off the stone walls and high ceiling. I’m amess of raw emotions, my heart in shreds as images of my mother’s face flash through my mind. Theshock. The hurt. Then, there was another look in her eyes. Was it…regret? Suddenly, strong arms wrap around me from behind, pulling me into a warm embrace. I couldrecognize the scent anywhere – earth and pine mixed with a hint of spice. It’s Xavier. Trying to pull away, I push my elbow against his chest, but he only tightens his hold on me. Suddenly,I’m spun around and facing his chest while he presses his face into my hair. “Let me go,” I sob into his white t-shirt, grabbing handfuls of the fabric. “No.” he murmurs back, “Not until you stop crying.”

“I don’t need your pity,” I shoot back, trying to ignore how safe and comforting his presence feels. “Daisy, please..just let me love you while your heart is tired.” His voice is gentle, the vibrations of itsoothing against my ear. Despite myself, I find the tears slowing, my choked sobs quieting to merewhimpers. But I can’t let him see me like this. Vulnerable. Weak. “No I cry. “Yes. 3/4 Get the App. Get All of XM O XMDOWNLOAD NOW 10:56 Fri, May 1700. Chapter 34 Despite his voice, I try to break free, but I can’t. Alpha Xavier is too da*n strong, and I sigh in defeat.“Fine.” I mutter. “You can hold me for five minutes. It’s as if a tense chord has been released and Xavier relaxes his hold slightly, pressing his lips to myforehead in a gentle kiss that sends shivers down my spine. “Let me help mend your heart,” he whispers into my hair. “I’m not something you can fix.” I reply with a hint of bitterness. Neither is my heart.” He goes silent for a while before lifting up my chin so that my eyes meet his. “Can I at least try?” END GIFT Get the App. Get All of XM ||| COMMENT

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