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Chapter 463

As soon as the words came out, all the people at the scene were quiet, even the breath wasbreathless, and they could hardly hear it.

Almost everyone's eyes are now focused on Huang Wei, Chen Fei and song Yaling.

Song Yaling holds her arms and looks at Chen Fei with a confident and proud sneer, waiting for HuangWei's reply.

Weitian Entertainment's response was timely and forceful, with solid evidence. All of a sudden, itcaused a storm on the Internet. Some netizens immediately transferred their guns to song Yaling, andbegan to bombard song Yaling for playing too big a brand, praising Wei Tian's strong entertainment.

In the end, Huang Wei said that it was because song Yaling's personal conduct was not in line with thecompany's temperament that she cancelled the contract. As for Chen Fei's identity, it was covered up.

Huang Wei is a member of the entertainment industry. He has been familiar with the means of hype fora long time, and immediately made relevant responses. Directly explained the whole story of the matterclearly, and then directly showed the company's internal surveillance video, played song Yaling's bigname, and released the scenes of other artists and staff.

Seeing such reports, song Yaling's fans and netizens who didn't know the truth immediately scoldedand attacked Weitian entertainment.

He portrayed himself as a victim who was oppressed and bullied by the top management of thecompany. He accused the top management of Weitian entertainment of attacking her, and evenrevealed that the top management of Weitian entertainment wanted to sneak rules on her, but sherefused, so this led to the failure of the final contract.

Amid all the speculation, less than two hours after Song Yaling left, she immediately accepted therelevant interview. In the interview, she explained the signing incident.


Some people said that because song Yaling played a big role, she was directly driven away by thecompany's top management.

At the last moment, song Yaling was poached by another big entertainment company.

Some people say that Weitian entertainment is short of funds and has no money to pay the 100 millionyuan high price contract payment promised before.

Weitian entertainment, which had a strong momentum, finally held such an opening ceremony, whichnaturally caused a lot of discussion in the industry. In particular, the signing of song Yaling, which wasalmost settled, was suddenly cancelled, which made people in the industry speculate and various ideascame out one after another.

Because of song Yaling's incident, the original signing ceremony and the corresponding process wereshortened, and Chen Fei's speech on stage was cancelled. Finally, the opening ceremony of Weitianentertainment ended in a hurry.

Huang Wei nodded, and then he took the remaining six newlyweds out to attend the signing ceremony.

Chen Fei shook his head and said faintly: "one little man, don't worry about it. There are still peoplewaiting outside. Go and get ready

Huang Wei didn't mean to stay at all. Instead, he looked at Chen Fei and said, "brother Fei! Shall Isend someone to deal with song Yaling? "

"A small garbage company, relying on a few new garbage, I see how long you can last, hum!" SongYaling scolded, then called the bodyguard and strode away.

Chen Yaling called her bodyguard, but she didn't dare to go down again

However, Huang Wei said in a cold voice: "now you still want 100 million yuan? It's good that I don't killyou. If you still want money, get out of here! "

"You, you promised me before, give me 100 million yuan of contract fee, and then --" Song Yaling isreluctant to give up 100 million yuan of contract fee, at the moment is not willing to let go, at least wantto get some liquidated damages.

Huang Wei snorted coldly and said, "breach of contract? What's your joke? Our company hasn't signeda contract with you at all. What kind of breach is that? "

Song Yaling was awakened by the sound, her face changed, and then she looked angry and gloomy."Huang Wei, you invited me to sign the contract. You're driving me out now. That's a breach of contract."

Seeing this, Huang Wei gave a cold hum to song Yaling and said, "now, get out of here with yourpeople!"

For a time, all of them were stunned and stood in the same place.

They think that Chen Fei is Huang Wei's friend, even a relative. Unexpectedly, Chen Fei's status iseven higher than Huang Wei's. At this moment, they finally understand why Chen Fei is not afraid ofsong Yaling.

This remark, not only song Yaling, the other staff were all surprised.

Huang Wei said in a deep voice: "Feige is the second largest shareholder of the company, your boss.At the same time, Feige is still my boss. Feige's words are the imperial edict for me. "

"Feige? He, who is he? " Song Yaling was surprised at Huang Wei's address.

Huang Wei gave a cold hum and said in a cold voice, "why? Just because of your attitude towardsFeige, my slap is light. "

At the moment, song Yaling was angry and puzzled, and said to Huang Wei, "you, why did you hit me?"

In the hearts of all the people at the moment.novelbin


"Well, how does this end? People outside are still waiting for the signing ceremony? ""How did Mr.Huang fight song Yaling? Is Huang's relationship with Chen Fei better than we think? "

"Well, what's going on?"

The other people in the room were all stunned by this scene, one by one with round eyes and bigmouths.

Song Yaling was stunned, covered her cheek, and looked at Huang Wei with an incredible expressionon her face, "Mr. Huang, how do you --"

but before Song Yaling's words were finished, Huang Wei stepped forward to shake his hand andslapped song Yaling in the face.

Seeing this, song Yaling was even more proud of her smile and said to Huang Wei, "Mr. Huang, don'trecruit such employees in your company in the future. I --"

Huang Wei's face is as heavy as water now, with a look of anger on his face. After a little silence, helooks at Chen Fei and then comes to song Yaling.

Chen Fei's face is indifferent, and his expression is still indifferent. He doesn't care about song Yaling'sexpression at all.

In a word, this farce has been going back and forth, ups and downs, and caused a lot of disturbance onthe Internet. For the newly established Weitian entertainment, it is not a bad thing. At least thecompany's popularity has improved a lot.

Of course, the strength of Weitian entertainment is still too weak without song Yaling, who is nearly apopular star. So, next, Huang Wei actively screened and contacted other suitable artists to see if hecould sign up and fill in the position of this pillar.

Huang Wei is busy with the company's affairs, and Chen Fei is not easy to disturb, so after he leaves,he leaves Weitian entertainment.

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