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Chapter 462

At the moment, Chen Fei's movements are not relaxed, even heavier. She stares at Song Yaling withcold eyes.

If Chen Fei didn't know the identity of the actress just now, he was just dissatisfied with her attitude andwanted to suggest Huang not to sign her. Now that we know that the actress is song Yaling, Chen Feiwill never allow Huang pangzi to sign her. Not only because of her character, but also because of songYaling's escape from the old man.

Chen Fei will never tolerate such bad things.

But Huang Wei still ignored song Yaling, but continued to ask Chen Fei, "brother Fei, what's going on?"

As for song Yaling, now she looks at Huang Wei and Chen Fei with a dignified face and says, "Mr.Huang, he --"

but it turns out that Mr. Huang passes over Song Yaling and greets Chen Fei first. It seems that therelationship between Chen Fei and general manager Huang is even closer than they imagined.

Seeing this scene, the new artists are all dumbfounded. They thought that president Huang wouldappease song Yaling for the first time, and then rebuked Chen Fei.

Chen Fei light way: "I am all right!"

Huang Wei came over quickly, even directly over Song Yaling, walked to Chen Fei and asked, "brotherFei, are you ok?"

As a result, without waiting for song Yaling to finish.

With a smile on her lips, song Yaling stood up from the sofa and walked to Huang Wei. At the sametime, she pointed to Chen Fei and said in a vicious voice, "Mr. Huang, I want you to fire this guy. He

dares to do something to me. I will --"

seeing Huang Wei with a gloomy face, several new artists can't help but shrink their necks, step backand stand in the corner.

As soon as song Yaling's voice fell, the door opened. It was Huang Wei and the staff who came inquickly.

"Here it is The corner of song Yaling's mouth suddenly showed a smile, looked at Chen Fei and said ina cold voice, "Mr. Huang is coming. Next, you will know what the consequences are for you!"

Just then, there was a rush of footsteps outside.

Of course, in Song Yaling's eyes, his calmness turned into an affectation of calmness.

Chen Feidao is still that expression, there is no mood fluctuation at all, just standing quietly in the sameplace.

For a time, a few new people could not help but secretly worried. On the one hand, I am worried aboutwhat Chen Fei is going to encounter; on the other hand, I am worried about my future in the company.After all, it is not a pleasant thing to work with song Yaling, a strong and fussy person.

It seems unlikely that song Yaling will give up such an important contract for Chen Fei.

Smell speech, a few new artist heart also murmured. Although they vaguely know that Chen Fei is notan employee of the company, but a friend of president Huang. But song Yaling is the company's

absolute trump card now, ready to spend a lot of money signing.

"Not necessarily you? Joke, I'm the face of the company signed by president Huang with 100 millionyuan. Don't you think it's me? Do you think it's possible? " Song Yaling sneered.

Facing the threat of song Yaling, Chen Fei said in a cold voice, "it's not necessarily me who can't eatand walk away."

The atmosphere inside the room is a little tense. Song Yaling squints her eyes slightly and looks atChen Fei. She says in a cold voice, "it's just a small employee. You're not qualified to fight with me. Youjust wait and see. It's the lowest to let you lose your job. Next, there are other measures. I absolutelywant to make you lose your job. "

With such a disturbance, several other new artists are standing in the same place, some of them don'tknow what to do. Is it to prepare or stay here to wait for song Yaling.

The staff have no choice but to go out and report the situation to Huang Wei.

As soon as the words came out, the staff in the room were worried. He did not expect that song Yalingshould be so willful and use the signing to coerce the company to deal with Chen Fei.

But song Yaling was lying on the sofa and didn't mean to get up at all. Holding his hands in front of hischest, he said in a voice: "you tell Mr. Huang that if you don't solve him, I won't attend the signingceremony."

Several new artists smell speech, immediately turn around to prepare for the past.

Just when the staff were in a dilemma, someone came in and said in a hurry: "Miss Song, ladies andgentlemen, the signing ceremony will begin soon. You are ready to prepare. "

The staff members were immediately embarrassed because he knew that Mr. Chen seemed to be afriend of Mr. Huang. And song Yaling is the ace star signed by president Huang. Their status is not low.It's not easy for them to offend each other!

When song Yaling heard this, she just calmed down and almost went away again. Holding out his righthand, he pointed to Chen Fei and yelled angrily, "do you see that this guy doesn't know how to repentnow. I'll make him pay, I'll make him pay. "

Chen Fei's face was cold. He didn't explain. He just said in a cold voice, "she should fight!"

Hearing the speech, the staff couldn't help looking at Chen Fei.

With a heavy cold hum, song Yaling glared at Chen Fei and said in a cold voice, "this guy is so rude tome, and he even does it to me. I want you to give me an explanation. Otherwise, I'll go and ask Mr.Huang personally about this matter to see how he manages the company's employees. ""Mr. Chen,Miss Song, what's going on? How could you fight? " Finally stopped the bodyguard, the staff quicklyasked.

Staff and a few new artists quickly persuade up, will stop the bodyguard.

Suddenly, song Yaling's other bodyguards surrounded Chen Fei.

Song Yaling suddenly coughed violently, then glared at Chen Fei with resentment on her face, and thenwaved and yelled: "he dares to fight me, beat me hard, I want him to die."

For a moment, the house was in a mess. Under the persuasion of the crowd, Chen Fei gives a coldhum, releases his right hand, and throws song Yaling on the ground.


"Stop it

"Miss Song, you -"

"Mr. Chen, what are you doing? Let gonovelbin

At this time, people outside heard the movement inside and carefully pushed the door in to check. As aresult, when I saw the situation inside the house, I was shocked and rushed in.

For a moment, Chen Fei's strength in his hand became more and more strong. Suddenly, song Yalingbegan to cough and her cheeks began to turn from red to purple.

Chen Fei glanced at Song Yaling and said, "she, I don't like it. I don't think it's appropriate for thecompany to sign her."

As soon as these words came out, song Yaling exploded and yelled, "what are you? You don't think I'msuitable for you. And I don't think you're fit for it? "

Then song Yaling looked directly at Huang Wei and said, "Mr. Huang, I'll put my words here today. Hehad to slap himself ten times, then kneel down to me and apologize. Otherwise, I won't sign thecontract. "

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