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Chapter 236

Chapter 236

In such a situation, even Quin Lin was stunned. She was usually quite calm. Her delicate face flushedinstantly. She covered herself and yelled quickly, "You, you, get out now!" Fade Chen crawled out of thebathtub with his hands and feet. Either due to his slippery hands or his rising desire, he panicked andslipped, losing his balance. His palms slid on the edge of the bathtub and he fell directly backward intothe bathtub. His body came close to Quin’s delicate body and their bodies pressed against each other.Quin’s cheeks turned bright red. She bit her red lips and pushed Fade away with both hands. Shegritted her teeth and said, "You, you’d better get out of here!" "Honey. I really didn’t do it on purpose!"Fade quickly explained, and then he climbed out of the bathtub. Standing beside her, he tried to explainhimself. Quin turned her head and looked at Fade. She realized that this guy was actually standingnext to her, trying to clarify the situation. Immediately, her pretty face turned red and she quickly said,"You don’t need to explain anything. Just get out!" Fade looked down and realized that he was naked.His face immediately turned red, and he quickly turned around and rushed out of the bathroom.Walking down the stairs, Fade quickly cleaned himself and put on his clothes immediately. Then, heglanced up the stairs uneasily, and his heart was pounding fast. "You’ve gone too far today, haven’tyou?" "My wife won’t think that I’m looking for an excuse to take advantage of her on purpose, will she?" " I don’t hear any movement upstairs. Maybe my wife is really angry with me." "Such a tragicsituation, right? You’ve just returned and now your wife is angry with you?" Fade, who was considereda powerful and influential person, was currently like a little boy who had fallen in love for the first time.He was pacing uneasily in the living room, and he constantly raised his head and looked upward.Several times, he had the desire to go upstairs, but he hesitated. Time started to pass, and Fade didn’tknow how long he had waited. Suddenly, he heard the sound of a door opening upstairs. Lookingupward, he saw that the door of his wife’s room was opened, and he spotted half of her figure. Quinwas just as nervous as Fade at that moment. Growing up, she had never been close to any man,except the time when she was drunk with Fade. Moreover, she was exposed today. This situationcaused Quin, who was usually calm, to feel nervous. Her heart was beating fast. Quin hid in her room

for a long time, trying to calm herself down as much as possible. After that she let out a deep sigh, andshe came downstairs. Fade looked up and he noticed his wife’s calm and cool expression. He couldnot help but heave a sigh of relief. He secretly thought to himself, that his wife was not angry. But then,for some reason, he felt a little uncomfortable when he saw his wife’s expression. "You’re back," Quinsaid, and her tone was neutral. Fade nodded, and he explained to her what had happened yesterday."Yesterday, I bumped into Xenia, and she asked me for a favor. That’s why I’m only back today.Hearing his words, Quin raised her eyebrows slightly.

Although she did not say anything, she was slightly pleased that Fade was taking the initiative toexplain what had happened. "Alright!" Quin responded, and then she fell silent. Fade, who was usuallyproactive, didn’t know what to say at that moment. Housekeeper Wong was also not there, so theatmosphere in the room became a little awkward. The two of them just sat there without speaking toeach other. Fade scratched his head and he felt anxious. "Why did 1 make this huge mistake when Igot back? We are like strangers right now,"he thought. "No, I can’t allow this to go on, and I need to beproactive. Otherwise, we will really become estranged, "he thought. Fade pointed to the items he hadbrought back, which were in the kitchen. He said, "Honey, are you hungry ? Let me cook a meal foryou. Xenia gave me a lot of local delicacies. Ill prepare food for you." Quin glanced at the clock. ‘It’s teno’clock in the morning. What kind of meal should I have ? Breakfast or lunch ?‘ she thought to herself.Fade also looked at the time, and he felt embarrassed. He picked up the remote and said, ‘Actually, it’sstill early. Let’s watch some TV first!" Quin nodded casually. Suddenly, she seemed to remembersomething. Her cheeks became warm, and she quickly rushed to Fade and yelled, ‘No!" Fade wasshocked. He didn’t understand why his wife was so agitated. He was stunned, but he had alreadypressed the button on the remote and turned on the TV. Then, Fade saw a handsome man and abeautiful woman on the large-screen TV. Looking at their wardrobe and their makeup, it was obviousthat they were part of the most popular television drama at the time. In the past, when Fade workedregularly at the company, he often saw the young girls who were working there following these dramas.They cried and shrieked about these shows. He tried to watch a few episodes, but he found that thenovelbin

plot was too cliche. He couldn’t bring himself to follow these dramas He did not expect that afterreturning home, he would discover his wife, who was a company president, hiding in the bathtub. Also,she was watching this type of television drama and sobbing. She even watched it on a large-screen TVTV. When he thought of his wife’s pink dress and her favorite Doraemon toys, Fade suspected that hiswife had a young girl’s heart As he thought of this, Fade looked at Quin, who was blushing. He couldn’tresist chuckling, and he said, ‘Honey.it doesn’t matter that you like to watch these television dramas. Inmy heart, you will always be a young girl!‘ Quin blushed and felt rather moved by his words. But whenshe noticed the scene unfolding on the TV screen, her expression turned anxious instantly. Shereached out to grab the remote in Fade’s hand. Fade thought that his wife was shy and said with asmile, ‘Honey, it’s alright. It’s just a television drama. I’ll watch it together with you. Besides, I am awarethat you like toy dolls and other playthings." ‘No, it’s not that... Quin said rather anxiously. ‘What are youtalking about?‘ Fade said, and he was still confused. At this time, the sound of moaning could be heardfrom the TV. Fade turned his head and discovered that the male and female lead actors, who werelooking affectionately at each other just now, were hugging at this moment. They fell on the grass,which was covered with petals. Beside them was the ocean. They kissed passionately while taking offtheir clothes. They were about to make love to each other. Fade was a little stunned. Looks like his wifewas not worried that he would find out that she was watching television dramas. However, she wasafraid that he would find out that she was watching such a scene! One could not blame her for this. Shehad never fallen in love with anyone else in her life. Therefore, she could only enjoy the love scenes inthese television dramas..

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