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Chapter 235

Chapter 235novelbin

The town’s relevant personnel had come even before he woke up. They had completed all the relevantprocedures early in the morning and were standing guard at the Xu family home. Behind them wereWyman Han, the village head, Department Head Liu, and Captain Wang’s family members. At thismoment, they had also come to apologize with gifts in their hands. After completing their tasks, thepeople who came to apologize then left. The farm was about to officially begin work. The speed atwhich everything was being prepared had soared immensely! Without any obstacles, the farm wasrapidly set and built up. After settling this matter, Fade Chen decided to say goodbye. Xenia and hermother were grateful for his efforts. They gifted Fade a basket of dried fish and meat, as well as somepheasants. They asked Fade to take these home for a meal. As a result, Lunatic Chen, already famousin Bay City, had now returned to the city with a lot of village delicacies. Under the security guard’ssurprised gaze, Fade returned to the villa with the baskets of meat in his arms. After putting thingsdown, Fade walked around on the first floor and found no one. Housekeeper Wong should have gonehome for a holiday, and his wife might still be working. Fade was ready take a bath and then have agood rest. After all, he had spent about half a month away from home. It was quite a long time.Anyway, there was no one at home, so Fade was extremely carefree. He stripped himself naked andwas ready to take a bath. But at this moment, a man’s shout suddenly came from upstairs. "Quin, I loveyou." Hearing this voice, Fade suddenly shivered and became nervous. When he looked upstairs, hisheart was pounding in an instant. "What’s going on? Why is there a man’s voice in the house?" "Quin?Could it be that he’s calling my wife ? He’s confessing his love to my wife." "This is bad. Could it be thata man took advantage of the time I was not around?" "It can’t be. My wife has a cold personality. Shewon’t like an ordinary man. Besides, she would never take him home." "But, maybe, maybe..." For amoment, countless ideas came to Fade’s mind, and there were different stories one after another. Atthis moment, the voice of the man came again. "Quin, please listen to me, okay?" After the man’svoice, there was a faint sound of a woman sobbing. Fade listened carefully, and soon confirmed that itwas his wife Quin Lin’s voice. "What’s going on! That man made my wife cry. Could it be that he’s

planning to hurt her?" Thinking of this, Fade became anxious. He didn’t have time to put on his clothesand went straight upstairs. Standing at the door of his wife’s room, the man’s voice came from inside,mixed with Quin’s crying voice. Suddenly, Fade’s heart was in a mess, he was very anxious. Hegrabbed the door handle and was about to kick the door down. As he exerted all his strength, he foundthat the door was not properly closed. Then, he panicked, because according to his wife’s habits, shewould never leave the door ajar. "Is there really a hooligan here to hurt her? I must tear him intopieces!" Pushing open the door, Fade rushed in with a look of anxiety and anger. He looked around theroom, but found no one there. However, the man’s voice soon sounded again. "Quinn, do youunderstand my feelings for you ?" Following the voice, Fade realized that it was coming from thebathroom. Vaguely, he could hear the sound of running water from the bathroom. He was in a frenzy!"He dragged Quin into the bathroom! He wants to do something bad!" Fade felt that his heart was goingto explode. With his glaring eyes, he rushed to the bathroom. At this moment, the man’s voice rang outonce more. "Quin, don’t reject me. I truly love you." At the same time, Quin’s crying became clearer.There were even some vague sounds of gasping, as if someone had covered her mouth. "F*ck, nomatter who you are, I’ll kill you if you dare bully my wife!" Fade was furious and busted the bathroomdoor open. He rushed in and shouted, "How dare you bully my wife! Get out of here!" But when Fade,who was boiling with anger, saw the scene in the bathroom, he was dumbfounded. Because in thebathroom, there was no other person, except Quin, lying in the bath tub. Suddenly, Fade wasdumbfounded. He looked blankly at Quin and said, "Quin, why are you alone? Where are the ruffians?Quin was startled at this moment. She looked at Fade in surprise and said, "What ruffian? How canthere be a ruffian at my home? "I heard a man bullying you just now, and you were crying." Fade wasconfused at the moment. "What!" Quin was confused. At this moment, the man’s voice rang out again."Quin, Quin, don’t leave me, I love you!" Fade looked in the direction of the sound and saw a tabletpropped up near the bathtub. A popular TV show was playing on the screen. At this time, the femalelead, Quin, had been a car accident and was knocked into a coma. The male lead was on the edge ofthe bed, narrating his feelings to the unconscious female lead. This was the man’s voice that Fade hadheard. As for the crying voice, Fade immediately understood when he saw that Quin’s eyes were red

and puffy. It turned out that this cold wife of his would also cry when watching a TV drama! As a result,Fade had vastly misunderstood. He even thought that something bad had happened and rushed in withrage. "Ahem, no, nothing. I just came back and came to see you." A rare blush appeared on Fade’sface. He felt a little embarrassed and quickly explained with an awkward smile. Quin looked at Fade upand down, and then she turned her head and said coldly, "You just came to see me like this ‘ You’re notwearing any clothes." Fade looked down and realized that he was naked. His face turned redderimmediately. He quickly grabbed at a piece of clothing to block the key parts of his body. Yet, he foundthat the piece of clothing in his hand were the underpants that his wife had taken off before her bath.His face turned redder. He quickly turned around and said, "My dear wife, take your time for your bath.I’m going out." Fade was completely confused at the moment. In a hurry, he accidentally slipped onsome soap on the ground. He flew directly towards the bath tub and fell on top of his wife, Originally,there had been a layer of foam above the water, which blocked Quin’s beautiful naked body from view.But now, Fade had fallen in and dissipated all that foam. Instantly, her breathtaking figure eruptedbefore him. They were completely naked, and they were so close to each other!.

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