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Chapter 198

Chapter 198

It was not until noon that Fatty Huang reluctantly came out of the room While chatting and having lunchwith Fade Chen, Fatty Huang received a phone call not long after and left the table in a hurry, his facelooking suspiciously pleased. When Fade Chen saw this, he couldn't help but shake his head. He knewthat Fatty Huang valued women more than his friends. However, there were not many things left forhim to do, so he just let Fatty Huang do as he wished. After all, this guy had been with many womenbefore, but it was really rare to see him obsessed with one. In a blink of an eye, evening arrived, andFade Chen was ready to have dinner. But at this time, a phone call came in. Fade Chen took out hisphone and saw that it was Fatty Huang. He immediately picked up the phone and asked," Fatty Huang,what's the matter ?" On the other side of the phone, Fatty Huang was out of breath as he gasped,"Brother Fade, I am in trouble!" As soon as he finished speaking, Fade Chen heard the sound offootsteps and things being smashed. In an instant, his expression was solemn and he hurriedly asked,"Where are you?" Fatty Huang immediately told him the location. Fade Chen was not familiar withHanover City, so he asked for one of Hubert Qian's subordinates before rushing over to the mentionedlocation Fatty Huang was at a well-known bar in Hanover City, which was one of the popular go-toplaces for youngsters and also celebrities. However, when Fade Chen arrived at the entrance of thebar, he found that the bar was in chaos. Many guests were looking in from outside the bar, pointing andchattering away at the ruckus that was going on. Even before he could walk into the bar, he heard thesound of footsteps and sounds of things being smashed. The lobby of the big bar was almost half-destroyed as though a tornado had just swept through the whole place. However, the bar owner did notdare to have the slightest complaint. He could only stand outside with a bitter face and look at the twoparties who were chasing and fighting inside. Fade Chen pushed through the crowd and rushed intothe bar. At a glance, he saw four or five young men in white robes fighting with three or four men insuits. Fade Chen knew that those men in suits were the bodyguards Hubert Qian arranged for FattyHuang, and were considered to be exceptional in skill. Yet now, these bodyguards were being beatenup one-sidedly by the men in white robes. They could barely retaliate and were just holding on at thenovelbin

moment, Hiding behind the sofa behind several bodyguards was Fatty Huang and in his arms was ayoung girl who was dressed innocently. When he saw Fade Chen coming over, he was immediatelyoverjoyed and hurriedly shouted, "Brother Fade, you're here. I'm over here." Upon hearing his calls, thepeople who were engaged fiercely in a fight all stopped to look at Fade Chen. Fade Chen steppedforward and glanced coldly at the white-robed young men, asking hostilely, "Why are you attacking myfriend?" A strong man in a white robe, who was the leader, stared down at him and questionedhaughtily, "Who are you ? "Yoshua Hu, be careful of what you’re saying. This is Mr. Chen, adistinguished guest of Big Brother Qian. Get your at here and apologize immediately." One of HubertQian’s subordinates who was assigned to Fade Chen recognized him immediately and retorted.Hearing Mr. Chen’s name, the leader of the white-robed men paused slightly, but then he sneered andsaid, "Well, I don’t know if he’s a Mr. Chen or Mr. Li. This is the Hu family’s business, outsiders betterdon’t intervene." The man emphasized on the word "Hu family" and looked at Fade Chen with eyes fullof warning and ill intent. Hubert Qian’s subordinate was furious and was about to attack. However,Fade Chen gently grabbed him, then looked at the white-robed man in front of him and said, "You’refrom the Hu family, aren’t you?" "That’s right. What do you want?" The man crossed his arms in front ofhis chest and looked at Fade Chen provocatively with a proud face. Fade Chen narrowed his eyesslightly and said, "I’ll give you a chance to explain why you attacked my friend. If the reason is not goodenough, don’t blame me for not showing mercy." As he spoke, Fade Chan gave out his menacing aurawhich managed to shock the white-robed men present. Their expressions turned nasty and their facespaled. gave out his menacing aura which However, the leader of the white-robed men snorted andimmediately said, "Why should I, Yoshua Hu, explain my business to you ? Get out of the way, or won’tshow you mercy." Seeing this, Fade Chen’s eyes narrowed slightly, then he shook his head gently andscoffed, "I gave you a chance, but you didn’t cherish it: Seeing Fade Chen’s condescending attitude,the white-robed man immediately shouted, "I, Yoshua Hu, need you to give me a chance? Who do youthink you are?" Behind him, the other white-robed men also cheered in support "You’re just a foreignerfrom another place. Don’t think that you are a somebody just because you’ve been flattered a few timesby others." " In the eyes of the Hu family, you are nothing." " Last time, Old Master’s butler must have

been beaten up by this kid. This time, we have to take revenge." While speaking, several white-robedmen moved and quietly surrounded Fade Chen Glancing at these people, Fade Chen’s figure flashedin a blur of movement as he advanced towards the enemy leader. This sudden move caught the white-robed men off guard. They were shocked and punched out of instinct. However, Fade Chen’s speedwas not easily matchable as he was as fast as lightning, zooming past the small fry and landing right infront of the leader as he punched his stomach hard. The leader of white robe men immediately spat outa mouthful of saliva and was sent out flying. He slid away seven or eight meters on the smooth floorand finally stopped when he hit the wall. Seeing this, the rest of the white-robed men were furious andrushed toward Fade Chen one by one while shouting. "Brother Yoshua!" "You dare hot Brother Yoshua.You’re looking for death." "Let’s attack him together and kill him." Fade Chen didn’t even spare aglance at the rest of the people. After a few moves, he knocked down the rest of them and they couldn’tmove at all. Finally, Fade Chen flicked his fingers and said, "Throw them out." The bar staff immediatelyrushed over and throw out the men, who were writhing in pain on the ground like maggots. Since theywere in no more danger, Fatty Huang came out of his hiding spot and said, "Brother Fade, thank youfor saving us ! If it weren’t for you, I would’ve gotten a harsh beating." The innocently dressed girlbeside him also lowered her head and walked up timidly at this moment. He put his arm around thegirl’s slender waist and said, "Say thanks to Brother Fade!" The girl looked up at Fade Chen timidly andwhispered, "Thank you, Brother Fade." Fade Chen nodded. He looked at Fatty Huang and said, "Let’sgo. Let’s find a private room. Tell me what’s going on." This time, he had a clash with the Hu familyagain. Fade Chen had some suspicions about the Hu family’s secret plans, so he wanted to know thefull story. The bar owner immediately arranged the most luxurious private room for them..

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