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Chapter 197

Chapter 197

The young man shook his head and said, "That should be impossible. When I first heard the news, Ialso thought it was ridiculous. But since the rumor from Bay City sounded very real, I believed it."That's why I said you are still too young," the elder said. The young man thought for a moment andsaid, "But even so, we don't have to provoke such a person. It's not good for the Hu Family: The eldersaid, "It's not us, it's them." "This..." The young man was puzzled. The elder narrowed his eyes andsaid, "Think about what has happened recently. The Guo family got destroyed, the Huang familymanaged to enter the entertainment business in Hanover City, Hubert Qian and Lunatic Chen becamefriends, and Jimmy Wei left Bay City, wandering around and may soon arrive in Hanover City. What doyou think these all mean?" The young man's body trembled and he said, "The Qian Family and LunaticChen are joining forces to enter Hanover Circle's market." The elder's eyes darkened, his voicesounding dead serious as he said, "They are not only entering Hanover City businesses, in my opinion,they want to take over Hanover City for themselves." "Are they that greedy ?" The young man didn'tbelieve it. The elder said, "Think about all the changes in Bay City in the past few months. LunaticChen suddenly appeared and suppressed the Zhang family and the Zhu family. Then, he becamefriends with Jimmy Wei. After that, the situation changed rapidly and they had conflicts with the Wanfamily. In the end, they worked together to destroy the Wan family and monopolized their power overBay City. Don't you think the current situation in Hanover City is similar to the situation in Bay Citythen?" The young man went through all the possibilities and was immediately enlightened as herealized, "It's true that it's very similar. Lunatic Chen suddenly appeared in Hanover City, destroyed theGuo family, and then joined forces with Hubert Qian. Then, just like how they dealt with the Wan family,they will attack the Hu family." The elder nodded and said, "Indeed. Therefore, the conflict between usand them was bound to happen sooner or later, it was just a matter of time. Instead of being beaten upone sidedly, it's better for us to prepare for it in advance." "However, if we go against the two clans, I'mafraid that our strength is at a disadvantage." The young man was a bit worried. The elder snorted andsaid, "The Hu family is not like the Wan family. This is Hanover City and not Bay City. Besides, we still

have two trump cards." "Two trump cards ? I know, one of them should be Uncle Zhan who is alwaysby your side, but what's the other one ?" the young man asked. Right after he said that, he looked outof the cabin and saw an elder standing outside in a polite statute. He looked as though he was veryreverent towards them, but the young man didn't dare to not show respect to him. This was because heknew that despite his looks, the elder was actually a strong martial artist who was accidentally saved byhis uncle when he was young. In order to repay the favor, the elder had been with the Hu family,helping them a lot over the years. Little was known about the martial artist who was also reluctant toreveal his background to anyone. Thus, his uncle thought of recruiting another bodyguard. After muchconsideration and trials to test their abilities, he managed to recruit another bodyguard in addition toDragon Zhang and Tiger Zhao. The elder glanced at the martial artist outside the door, and then said tothe young man," Rocky didn't want to inherit the family business and went out to join the army. Now hehas made great achievements too. The young man's face lit up and he said, "Uncle, speaking ofBrother Rocky, that troop of his isn't as ordinary as it seems. If we ask him for help, he and his troopswill definitely be our secret weapon. After all, Brother Rocky is.." The elder waved his hand as heinterrupted the young man, "Asking Rocky for help is just a backup plan. According to the currentsituation, Uncle Zhan will be enough." After that, the old man looked at the hunchbacked elder outsidethe wooden hut and asked with a smile. "That Lunatic Chen fought Aaron Wan and killed ShancusWan. Some people said that he had reached Black Level. Brother Zhan, you are a master of the YellowLevel, what do you think of Lunatic Chen?" The hunchbacked elder outside the house gently patted hisknees and stood straight when he heard this. His eyes were half open, but one could see the gleaminglight of cunningness from them. He said in a hoarse voice, "Old Master, although I have been awayfrom the martial arts world for many years, even I know that for a 20-year-old to reach Black Level, itwould require the immense teachings of both Earth and Heaven Level forces. In such a remote smalltown, I don't believe that he has really reached Black Level!" "Furthermore, even if it's true, he mightnot be able to win," the hunchbacked elder said. "Ah, Uncle Zhan, do you still have a trump card?"Jaeger Hu, the young man asked curiously. "Trump card?" The hunchbacked elder let out a laugh andstraightened himself. He gave off an oppressive aura as he said in a clear voice, "My strength is the

trump card." Jaeger Hu and the elder in the white robe were both slightly taken aback by thehunchbacked elder's terrifying aura. Then, their faces lit up with joy as they burst out laughing. "Good,good. Brother Zhan, so I see you have reached Black Level.novelbin

I guess I have worried too much. The white-robed elder clapped his hands and said with a smile.Jaeger Hu looked pleasantly surprised and exclaimed, "Uncle Zhan has already reached Black Level,that's great. Now, even if Lunatic Chen and Hubert Qian join forces, they are no match for the Hufamily." "Of course. As long as Uncle Zhan is here, anyone who comes will be killed, may it be LunaticChen or Lunatic Li or whatever his name is. The Hu Family is bound to win." The elder said with asmile full of confidence. The hunchbacked elder outside the room also smiled as his aura graduallydissipated. Once again, he stood with a hunched back and eyes half closed lazily, looking just like asenile and harmless old man. Back to Fade Chen, after a day's rest, he still slept until about nineo'clock the next day. After washing up, Fade Chen went to Scott Huang's room and knocked on thedoor. He was going to discuss some business matters with him, but he realized that Fatty Huang wasstill asleep. Fade Chen shook his head and was about to leave, but was suddenly welcomed by FattyHuang, who was dressed in shorts and looking like he had just woke up. Fade Chen glanced at hisappearance and took a peek into the room from the slits of the door. He noticed that there were a pairof legs still stretched lazily on the bed, and understood immediately. Fatty Huang must have beenenjoying himself the whole night, no wonder he hadn't woken up until now. "Brother Fade, what's thematter?" Fatty Huang rubbed his eyes, seemingly still half asleep. Fade Chen waved his hand andsaid, "It's okay. You should rest first. We'll talk about it later in the afternoon." Fatty Huang took up theadvice without hesitation, closed the door and went back to rest. A while after, Fade Chen who was stillaround heard the giggles of a woman from inside the room, which quickly turned into seductive moans."This Fatty Huang, it's only been a while since arriving in Hanover City, yet he's already hooked up witha beauty." Fade Chen shook his head and went to the restaurant for a meal. Hubert Qian was also inthe restaurant. When he saw Fade Chen coming over, he took the initiative to come up and chat withhim, talking about his own preparations and plans. After all, he was now closely cooperating with Fade

Chen to deal with the Hu family together. Fade Chen didn't care much about Hubert Qian'spreparations, leaving him to deal with it all. After all, if they were really going to have a conflict with theHu Family, Fade Chen alone was enough. He didn't need Hubert Qian's men anyway..

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