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Chapter 870

Chapter 870

Hearing this, Du Lao and Du Cang woke up from their doubts, their faces changed suddenly, and theyquickly gloomed, glancing at each other without saying a word.

Cao Huangqi saw this, smiling, and said with a smile: "Old Du, brother Du, what do you mean? Don'tyou two, don't you want to admit it?"

Du Cang looked stiff and wanted to refute, but said no at the moment Words come.

Du Lao looked very gloomy, silent, his expression constantly changing.

In the end, he looked at Cao Huangqi and said, "We will admit defeat in this competition. I can alsoremove the plaque of the" Medical Needle King "at Du Medical Center, but I can't give you theacupuncture diagram of the Tongren. I can change it. Other conditions, as long as my old bone can doit, I will never refuse it. "

" Grandpa, I-- "Du Cang couldn't bear to look at it and couldn't help but get a voice.

Du Lao shook his head and said to Du Cang: "Cang'er, needless to say. Since we lost, our Du familywill pay the price."

This look of the two was shot by the reporters. In the live broadcast, it caused a stir and discussion.

Some people praised Du Lao dare to take the responsibility. After all, in this society, all the people whoowe debts are uncles. Du Lao dare to admit that it is already pretty good.

However, some people said that Mr. Du did n’t talk about credit. He clearly agreed to the Tongrenacupuncture chart, but now he wants to change it to something else.

For a time, there was a lot of noise on the Internet.

At this time, Cao Huangqi shook his head and said to Du Lao: "Lao Du, I admire your behavior.However, IMHO, Du Lao, you can do it, and my Cao family can do it. So, you are right As far as myCao family is concerned, it is not very useful. "

"You--" Du Cang heard Cao Huangqi so insulting his grandfather, suddenly angry, almost rushed out,but eventually was pulled by Du Lao.

Cao Huangqi continued: "So, with regard to the gambling of this written test, my Cao family doesn'twant to change it to something else, we need a bronze figure of acupuncture. Of course, looking at DuDu, you used to be with my grandfather, ' The plaque of the world's needle king's, I can keep it for youDu's family. "

Du Lao was silent for a while, there was not much expression on his face, but in the trembling musclesand flashing eyes, it was very old Du Du at this moment Calm mood.

Du Cang couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Grandpa, I'm comparing this competition. I will take careof all the things. I don't care what the Cao family wants to do to me. It's just Grandpa your bronze figureof acupuncture You ca n’t give it to you— ”Before he finished, Mr. Du

sighed and shook his head. He

said, “ Master, I ’m incompetent, I ’ m sorry for you. ” After that, Mr. Du looked coldly at Cao Huangqiand said: "

Tongren acupuncture diagram, I can give it to you Cao's family." Wen Yan, Cao Huangqi wasoverjoyed, with a clear smile on his face, and came over, "Then come out!"

Du Lao originally wanted to say something, But in the end sighed, said nothing, turned around andentered the house, ready to get the Tongren acupuncture chart.

Upon seeing this, everyone in the Du Medical Hall was downcast, and his face was gloomy. CaoHuangqi was very proud and seemed very proud. The reporters behind were even more excited andsnapped.

After all, for them. No matter who wins or loses, the names of Du Sanzhen and King Nan'an areenough for them to make headlines.

At this moment, a cold voice rang out, "Old Du, please wait."

Du Old heard the voice of Chen Fei and could not help turning his head, saying: "Doctor Xiao Chen,what are you doing? ? "

Chen Feidao: "Old Du, I have some interesting discoveries just now, and I want to show it to you now.So, I would like to ask you to make a decision after reading my show."

"Little discovery?" Old Du is puzzled.

Du Cang was excited, and leaned directly next to Chen Fei, saying: "Brother Fei, did you findsomething, you have a way to save the Tongren acupuncture chart, right?"

Chen Fei didn't say much, Just made a reassuring look at Du Cang, and then came out.

On Cao Huangqi's side, when he saw good things being interrupted, he immediately frowned, andthere was a hint of anger on his face. Then, he looked at Chen Fei, frowning his cheeks, and turnedinto anger. He glared at Chen Fei and gritted his teeth: "It's you!" novelbin

He remembered what happened on the plane the previous two days. It was because of this guy.Finally, he was held down by the air police. After finally getting off the plane, he was taken to the policestation to ask about education.

"It's me. If there are only things on the plane, I thought you were just a little bit cumbersome, but I didn'texpect you to be so shameless besides the crap." Chen Feidao.

Cao Huangqi heard his words and couldn't help but look stiff, a flash of panic flashed in his eyes. Afterall, he was worried about Chen Fei telling himself about the scandal on the plane, so he immediatelybegan to talk about the topic and said, "You are talking nonsense. I don't care what your origin is. Nowit's a comparison between my Cao family and Du family. It has nothing to do with you. "

" Your competition, it really has nothing to do with me. "Chen Fei smiled faintly.

"Then you—" Cao Huangqi interjected.

Chen Fei interrupted him directly and said, "I haven't

finished talking. What are you doing so anxiously, are you guilty?" During the speech, Chen Feiglanced at Cao Huangqi.

Cao Huangqi glanced at Chen Fei's eyes, and suddenly felt a pucker in his heart, giving birth to aninexplicable ominous feeling, and his heart was uneasy.

"I have any guilty conscience." Cao Huangqi looked confident.

"Are you sure you won?" Chen Fei looked at Cao Huangqi with a strange smile.

Cao Huangqi gave a sigh in his heart and said, "As a result of the competition, so many expert refereeson the scene decided that I won, and even Du Lao himself admitted that I won. What do you mean bythis?"

Chen Fei came out and looked at the reporters The camera shook his head and said: "On the surface,you did win. But in fact, you lost Cao Huangqi in this competition." The

words suddenly caused an uproar.

Cao Huangqi even sneered and said, "Oh, you said that I lost, I lost, who do you think you are? Or, areyou going to

be fooled and scornful ?" Not only Cao Huangqi, including Di Lao Several of the referees, after listeningto Chen Fei's words, his face suddenly sank and his expression was ugly. Looking at Chen Fei's eyes,it was gloomy.

After all, Chen Fei said that Cao Huangqi lost, is it not that their judges' judgments are wrong. Forthose who are quite prestigious, this is absolutely intolerable.

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