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Chapter 869

Chapter 869

Several referees and Du Du explained the situation to the patients.

The patients learned that the "Little Three Needles" and "Little Needle King" personally took care of thedisease, and it was also free, and many people suddenly signed up.

Soon, several referees selected 20 patients, divided into two groups, each group of 10 people, weredivided into Du Cang and Cao Huangqi.

The symptoms and severity of the patients on both sides are very similar. In terms of illnesses, thereare common colds and fevers as well as small joint diseases such as cervical spondylosis and arthritis.There are also internal diseases such as pneumonia and irregular heart disease.

It can be said that the patients on both sides cover most of the common diseases, and they can assessthe effectiveness of their treatment of different diseases.

The two sides determined the situation of their respective patients, and after the referee finally checkedagain, the comparison test began immediately.

For a time, countless reporters and cameras in front of the door came clamoring over, and the sound ofclicks and clicks kept coming. Some people even made a live webcast directly and broadcast the livevideo.

At this moment, the contest between Du Cang and Cao Huangqi also carried on fiercely.

With the sound of the start of the comparison, both parties quickly started to get up, first diagnose thepulse and determine the patient's patient. Then use the silver needle to directly acupuncture on site.

Both of them are very skilled in movements, they move the needles, and the movements are likeclouds and water, like dancing, and the other people on the scene are dazzled. Many reporters evenpraised it with a crackle.

Looking at the techniques and speed of Du Cang and Cao Huangqi, Du Lao could not help raising thecorners of his mouth slightly, showing a smile, and he felt a lot settled in his heart.

Cao Huangqi's technique is very good, light and spiritual, and he can be seen that his talent is verygood. However, he has one of the biggest problems, and that is the same problem as his grandfatherCao Liqiu.

Because of their high talent, they are not so solid in their basic exercises.

Although many movements do not seem to have much problem, but the subtlety, the more accurateuse of needles brought by solid movements, the final effect is that solid treatments are faster and moreaccurate.

Originally, Du Cang once had similar problems. But since he was hit by Chen Fei once in Longan City,he has done a lot of hard work on the basics, and he has made great progress now.

According to the effect on the spot, Du Lao is almost certain that Du Cang can win this competition.

Thinking of this, the smile on Du Lao's mouth became more and more obvious.

In this way, the two acted quickly, and the superb needlework dazzled the layman, making it impossibleto tell who was good and who was bad. On the live broadcast network, there is a group of netizens whosimply view this scene as an acrobatics and double-click 666 constantly.

In less than an hour, all ten patients on both sides had finished acupuncture treatment.

The acupuncture techniques and movements of the two are very skilled, and there are no mistakes ormistakes. So, next, the most important criterion is to see the treatment effect of patients on both sides.

For similar diseases, who has better treatment effect and faster recovery will naturally be the one whowins.

So, next, the referee came over and started to check the physical condition of these twenty patients.

Du Cang's mouth smiled, with a confident smile on his face. He also saw Cao Huangqi's problems, sohe was extremely confident.

At the moment, Cao Huangqi also smiled and seemed very confident.

The two sides glanced at each other, and they looked like no one was satisfied. They said, "Wait andsee the result!" novelbin

Du Lao followed the judges and watched them examine the patient. At the beginning, he did notparticipate.

But after looking at the condition of several patients, Du Lao's face could not help but sink, and he also

began to check the condition of the patients.

After the inspection, the referee and Du Lao came back. It was just Du Lao at the moment, his facewas very ugly, frowned, and his face was puzzled.

Du Cang seeing this, could not help but heart thump a bit, and said: "Grandpa, so the?"

Ranging from opening old Du, Cao Huangqi direct broke and said: "Ladies and gentlemen referee, nowask you to announce the results of it."

His words, the crowd scene The eyes and the reporter's lens were all aimed at several referees.

One of the old Chinese doctors from the capital, Di Lao, stood up and said loudly: "Just now, wechecked the physical conditions of 20 patients on both sides."

"Twenty patients' illnesses have all been effectively treated without any Mistakes and mistakes. It canbe said that Du Cang and Cao Huangqi, the two little doctors, are worthy of being famous doctors. Themedicine is really good. "After

these beautiful words were finished, Di Lao paused and continued:" Because all the diagnosis andtreatment are all right, so the judge's criteria, only one, that is, whose treatment is better. so thatpatients recover better and faster, then who the medicine will have an edge. "

This statement will be simple to understand, even The layman nodded their heads at the moment,which made sense.

Subsequently, Di Lao announced: "According to our examination, there are ten patients on each side.

Two of them are of similar recovery. Du Cang's patients are slightly better and recover better."

Hearing this, Du A smile appeared at the corner of Cangzui's mouth.

However, the opposite Cao Huangqi did not feel a little nervous, but became more proud.

At this time, Du Lao continued to announce: "However, the recovery of the other eight patients is allCao Huangqi's patients. It is obviously better. So, this is the test. I announced that Cao Huangqi won."

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar at the scene.

Du Cang's face changed drastically, and he said, "This is impossible, how could it be?"

Du Lao's face sank suddenly, his heart seemed to sink to the bottom.

Cao Huangqi smiled, as if there was no surprise at this result, "Brother Du, do you not want to admitthe account? Or, do you doubt the judgment of the referees."

" I-- " Du Cang was really not for a while How to answer it.

At this time, Cao Huangqi continued: "If you don't agree, I would like to trouble Di Lao to explain to youin detail. Why do I judge my patients to recover better."

Di Lao nodded and started a patient Analysis, let everyone judge from different symptoms, whichpatient recovered better.

After some analysis, many laymen can hear the truth and feel very reasonable.

Even Du Cang own, at the moment are incredibly frowned, his mouth murmured: "how could thisimpossible, his technique, will not beat me, how can -?"

Even Du Old, at the moment, his brows were closed, his face filled with inexplicable colors.

Cao Huangqi didn't care about this. He looked at it with a smile and said loudly: "The result of the testhas been fixed. Du Lao and Du Du, you should honor your bets!"

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