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Chapter 50

Chapter 50 All of my emotions had vanished, leaving only anger. Betrayal was the worst thing you could do inthe Mafia, and it was enough to send you to the 7th ring of hell, according to my father.

My father said I was weak if I couldn't shoot someone who had betrayed me... but I wasn't sure if Ihad the strength to kill her.

"FUCKKKK." I screamed. I threw my phone across the room at the wall, which shattered on impact.I turned to face the wall and, without thinking, began punching it. I couldn't see anything, couldn'tfeel anything, and all I could see was red.

"Boss," one of my men said as he tried to break me out of my trance.

"What?!" I screamed at him, moving my gaze away from the wall and toward the man who had justtouched me.

"Boss, there was no sign of her at the restaurant, but based on what the men saw, we believe shefled." Seb said as he backed away from me.

"Fuck," I yelled, returning furry to my body.

"Locate her. I don't care if you have to hack the government. BUT FIND HER OUT." I yelled, and I'msure Ava could hear me no matter where she was.

Seb nodded and exited the room, leaving me to deal with my rage alone.

I took out the necklace I had given her from my other pocket.

I had never given a gift to anyone other than Dalia; she was the first person I wanted to givesomething to. I wanted to give her everything, and if she asked, I was ready to never let her go.

But she clearly didn't care because she lied.

Anger slowly returned to my body, and I hurled the necklace across the room, where it landed nextto the shattered phone.

She had no value.

Three weeks later...

"Don?" Ashley asked as she opened my office doors.

"Is it because of Ava?" I spat, not looking up from the papers in front of me because I didn't want todeal with her.

"Yes." As she walked into my office, she replied with a smug smile on her face.

"All right," I hissed.

It had been three weeks and there had been no sign of Ava.

With each passing day, there was more evidence pointing to her, but I wasn't sleeping at all. Mybody wouldn't let me sleep, so I spent every waking moment looking for her. I was numb to allemotions, and I didn't know what they were, I didn't want to find her to help me anymore... I wantedto find her so I could torture her for what she did.

Ashley approached my desk and slammed a file in front of me. I raised an eyebrow at her, debatingwhether I should just kill her now.

"I have proof that she is a backstabbing slut." She said while placing her hand on mine and runningher fingers up my arm.

"Get off my back." I growled and drew the file closer to me.

When I opened the files, she finally removed her filthy hands and gave me a scoff.

My jaw clenched and my hands balled into fists, revealing white knuckles. They were photos of Avaand Travis kissing. I began to shake as a result of my rage, and I closed my eyes to try to calmmyself, only to make matters worse by picturing them together.

I lunged at Ashley and lifted her off the ground by grabbing her neck in my hand.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" I growled, seeing only red.

"What exactly do you mean?" Ashley stutters and grabs my hands.

"She'd never cheat on me, so when and how were these photos taken?" I snarled.

"When she was living with Travis at his house. I hired someone to follow her, and she got thesephotos as a result." She struggled to breathe as she spoke.

I let go of her and she fell to the ground, gasping for air. When I looked back at the photos, therealization hit me again. Something inside of me told me she didn't fake and everything was real butvanished as soon as I looked at them again.

She didn’t care for me. So I didn’t either.

If she could just leave and kill 12 of my men when I trusted her I would do worse.

I looked down at Ashley who was still on the floor gasping for breath. "Get every assassin we haveand bring them here." I told her.

She looked up at me, knowing where I was going and smirked. She nodded and rushed off the floorand out of my office.

30 minutes later there were 10 people in my office, all of my loyal and best assassins. "I have a jobfor you all and if you can complete it I won’t kill you." I shouted, gathering everyone’s attention. Theyall stood up straighter and looked straight at me.

"I am sure all of you know who Ava is... I want her hunted and dead." I said, scanning the room. Myeyes landed on Melissa who was looking unsure about what I just said, "And if anyone betrays me Iwill not hesitate to kill them or their loved ones." I said, staring at Melissa who was glaring back atme.

I smirked as I continued the challenge she was trying to win, starring at her making sure she knewwhat I meant. I scoffed when she finally backed down and looked away.

"Good, you"re dismissed." I growled, sitting back down in my office chair.

They all nodded and quickly left the room, trying to get started on their new assignment.

I am coming for you Ava and I will release all hell on you.

Ava’s POV

I was woken up by a brut force hitting me on the face. My eyes flew open and I felt my face fly to theside and a throbbing pain on the side of my face and nose.

"Finally the bitch is awake." I heard a dark voice that I hoped I would never hear again say. I lookedaround the room panicking, the familiar walls, the familiar mattress on the floor, and finally the eyesthat belonged to the devil itself.


I brought my hand too my face too feel the damage done but Sylvester gabbed my wrist and threw ittoo the ground, I turned my head away from him not wanting to face him.

"How much have you missed me kitten." His voice laced with venom. My face whipped around,turning to look at him. I watched as his mouth turned into a smirk and a maniacal noise comes fromhim. My eyes widen and wrapped my mind about what was happening.

"I was back with Sylvester, my worst nightmare, my demon, my darkness... but I have trained forthis. Andrew was probably looking for me; I just needed to fight my way out."

I scurried off the cement ground where I was laying and stood on my feet.

Sylvester was obviously taken back from the movement because he wasn’t ready when I took a jabat his face and kicked him in his stomach. He hunched over in pain and I looked at him, searchingfor a key on him.

I spotted the gold key around his neck that I needed to unlock the door from across the room. Iremembered Andrew’s necklace and reached for my neck but frowned when I didn’t feel the backrose pendant on my neck. I looked down and felt around my neck noticing that it was gone... theone thing Andrew gave me was gone.

I looked back at Sylvester who was still hunched over and took the opportunity to lung at him. I goton top of him and started swinging punches at his face, hoping that he would eventually pass out.His nose started to bleed and I saw blood spewing out of his mouth but I didn’t care, I continued topunch but in a sudden movement he pushed me off and got on top of me.

"You little bitch." He spat in my face. He raised his hand and slapped me across the face, he thengrabbed my jaw and forced me to look at him before he brought his hand to my neck and began tosqueeze while ramming my head into the floor, over and over.

I started to see black spots but refused to pass out, "I had to beat him." I used my legs too kick himwhere the sun didn’t shine and removed his hands of my neck, gasping for breath as I felt athrobbing pain on the back of my head.

I scrambled away from him and tried to steady myself due to the fact that my head was spinningand I could barely see anything. I took a few breathes and steadied my shaking and focused myeyes before I saw Sylvester lunging at me.

I was quick and I dodged his punch, making him punch the cold hard floor. "FUCK." Sylvesterscreamed, holding his knuckles and snapping his head towards me, his eyes murderous.

I quickly stood up but knew I was too quick when I almost fainted. Before I could open my eyes, Ifelt a sharp pain on my head and my head snapped back towards the pain. I opened my eyes andwatched as Sylvester grabbed my hair and yanked my head into a wall, making me stumble to thefloor.. again.

I heard Sylvester take a knife out of his pocket and tracing it across my upper chest and arms."Such a pretty little thing." He snarled as he applied more pressure into the knife, making it sliceopen my skin. He started leaving small, deep cuts all over my upper arms and collarbone.

I felt the blood oozing out of each cut and could feel each sharp pain when he would leave anothercut on me.

My body was becoming to weak to fight and I could feel my life drain out of me.

"I was going to die."

I sighed and wanted to let myself be engulfed by the darkness, my only regret is not being withAndrew when I died. I closed my eyes but felt a indescribable pain coming from my stomach, I shotmy eyes open and watched as Sylvester kicked my stomach, making me curl up.

"You’re lucky he let me take you for free." Sylvester hissed, kicking my stomach for the last time andspitting at me. He then got on top of me and continuously took jabs at my face, I could feel the

blood forming in my mouth and I was more than sure that my nose was broken, he finally stoppedand chocked me again until my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

He let go when I was just starting to see black spots, I greedily gasped for air but felt anexcruciating pain when I breathed in, probably because I had a few broken ribs.

He then grabbed my almost lifeless body by the hair and dragged me across the floor to a corner inthe room, he lifted my hand up and I felt a cold clasp around my wrist. I looked up and watched ashe chained me up like an animal, my ankles and wrists attached too chains that were attached tothe wall.

He looked up at me before punching me once more in the face, so hard that my right eye wouldn’topen. "I am far from done with you." He snarled, getting up and leaving me chained up and barleybreathing.

I closed my eyes and tried to die... I wanted to die. I was so tired, and I had experienced everythingI wanted. I had my happiness, I had my perfect moments and I had Andrew. I felt a tear fall downmy cheek as I remembered all the memories I had with Andrew, the first kiss, the first time I sawhim smile, and the time I knew I fell for him. I just hoped Andrew would forgive me for letting myselfdie, I didn’t want to leave him but I couldn’t fight anymore.

I had been fighting Sylvester for 6 years, 3 of them physically but then the other 3 mentally andmentally was so much harder. I had to learn how to get past my trauma and how to keep themonsters at bay but alas he was here and I was the one chained up. I couldn’t do it anymore and Ihoped that in another life I would find Andrew again and we could be happy, just us.

I thought about everything I loved about Andrew, his smile, how protective he is, his loyalty, his lovefor his sister, how strong he was to fight all of his demons, how selfless he was, and finally how heaccepted me. He didn’t look at me as dirty, he was willing to help me fight my demons, he wasgentle with me, and he helped me grow into a stronger person.novelbin

"I am sorry Andrew, I am weak right now, I am leaving you but you’re going to be okay. You haveyour mom who loves you more then you know and you have Dalia who needs you with her everyfiber, she needs you too protect her." Was the last thing I thought before I was engulfed withdarkness?

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