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Chapter 49

Chapter 49 I rolled my eyes as the girl returned with the drinks, setting them down and asking if we were readyto order, but Andrew simply shooed her away. I take a sip of the red drink and swallow the bitterliquid.

Andrew looked at me and laughed when I made a face about how disgusting the wine tasted. Myheart flutters as I watch him laugh at me; he should laugh more. I felt sick and the urge to vomit allof a sudden.

"I'm going to the restroom; I'll be right back." I informed Andrew.

"Don't be too long, kitten." Andrew responded.

I rolled my eyes and proceeded to the bathroom, but before I could open the door, I felt a cloth onmy mouth and everything went black.


Andrew's POV

"God, today was nothing but stressful and irritating." I was thinking to myself.

The main base experienced an explosion in the east wing, killing 12 people and costing thousandsof dollars to repair. The explosion had to have been an inside job because it was new and no oneknew where it was except my gang, and Ava was upset with me because of Travis.



I looked down at my phone, which was flashing "Alex" across the screen.

"Mhm." I hummed, annoyed that I had told my men not to call me unless it was absolutelynecessary.

"Boss, you must come to the base; it is critical." Alex stated over the phone.

"All right, I'll be there in 20 minutes." I responded.

"It's just right. Now I have to cancel my date with Ava."

I rose from my seat and proceeded to walk to the restroom to fetch Ava. I stood by the bathroomdoor and knocked, hoping to let Ava know I'd be waiting for her at the car, but was surprised whenthe door opened.

I panicked and ran my hand through my hair. I took my phone out of my pockets and dialed Alex'snumber.

"Yes, Boss?" He inquired.

"Bring everyone down here RIGHT NOW." I yelled into my phone. I hung up and walked back to therestaurant, my chest growing heavy and my mind racing. I began walking back and forth, trying tofigure out who was trying to take her. My fists clenched as anger coursed through my veins; I wouldkill whoever had hurt her.novelbin

"She has to be fine." I was thinking to myself.

About 15 of my men walk into the restaurant a few minutes later. "Go through everyone and findher." I hissed at them, and they all nodded before starting to shake the customers down. When oneof them came out of the bathroom with something in his hand, a couple of my men went to the back,searching the staff as well.

"Boss." said the man. "What? I yelled at him.

"I discovered this on the sink." He said, holding up the black rose necklace. I snatched the necklacefrom his grasp and nearly fell to the ground while holding it.

"Did she abandon me?" I asked myself, unsure what to make of the situation.

"No, she won't." I was thinking to myself.

I felt a buzz in my pocket and reached inside to pull out my phone, which had Alex's phone numberon the front.

"For God's sake, WHAT?" I yelled into my phone.

"You need to get to the base, boss... it's about Ava." Alex stated.

"OK, I'm coming," I said, my heart almost stopping. I grumbled. I stuffed my phone back into mypocket and carefully slipped the rose necklace into the other.

"Remain here and continue your search for her." I instructed the man who had discovered thenecklace, and he nodded and walked away from me.

When the driver asked if I was sure I wanted to drive, I stormed out of the restaurant and nearlythrew him out of the car. I slid into the driver's seat and raced out of town, exceeding the speed limit.With all the thoughts racing through my mind, I barely made it into the parking lot.

"Did she go?"

"Was she kidnapped?"

"I promised to keep her safe, but I failed."

I stormed into the building and into my office, where Ashley and Alex were already waiting for me.When I saw Ashley, I almost turned red; she had no business being here. "Ava," I said as I sat in mychair, trying to control my rage.

"She was the mastermind behind today's attack." Alex said as he looked down at me. "Think verycarefully about what you're going to say," I said, pulling my gun from my waistband and pointing it athis head. I spat, trying not to kill my second in command.

"Around 3:00, Seb told me she was out of his sight for about 30 minutes." The bomb went off at3:17, which meant she was gone for the time it would have taken her to call the person who wouldset off the bomb, let the bomb go off, and then return." Alex elaborated. My grip on the guntightened, and I could feel my teeth grinding against each other.

"Ava would never just harm or kill people."

"Do you have evidence or are you just guessing?" My gun remained pointed at his head as I hissed.

"She was with her friends, and I checked their backgrounds, and one of them is an explosivesexpert... she vanished, and she was also not present at the time of the explosion." Alex responded.

"She would not do that, so Alex is lying, or she did do that and Alex is correct."

When I heard Ashley, I managed to lower my gun and begin to stomp out of the room, but I ignoredit and continued on my way. I was beyond angry and more confused than anything else to be thereright now. I was irrational, and if I had stayed, I would have killed them both. I got into my car anddrove home, almost colliding with a slew of objects. When I realized I was home, I slammed my footon the brakes.

The word "home" didn't work "It doesn't even make sense without her.

I stormed up to her room, hoping to find something that would persuade me that she wasn't lying"Don't abandon me. I looked around the room before walking over to the bathroom. I flipped througheverything, unsure of what I was looking for. I walked out and scanned the bedroom and closetonce more. I just wanted to make certain...

"What on earth am I thinking? She would never abandon me." I opened the closet doors and lookedaround.

"I have faith in her." I was thinking to myself. I shook my head and began to close the closet doorswhen I noticed a black bag. I walked over to the far corner of her closet and took out the enigmaticbag. My eyes widened and I shook as I looked through the bag, and then it hit me.

She had a bag full of clothes, her friend had left, her necklace had been left behind, everything.

She dumped me...

All of my emotions and memories began to flood back to me. I remember the first time I saw her,our first kiss, the first time I made her laugh, and the way she made me feel. She lied about herfeelings, her concern for me, and she played me.

When I realized what was going on, I felt a physical ache in my chest that was quickly masked byanger.

I don't care about her anymore.

I took out my phone and dialed Alex's number; he answered on the first ring, "Yes, Boss?"

"Find her," I said.

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